Hi Stephen,
I just read through most of the recent Q&A questions, and I just wanted you to know that I always find those interviews very interesting. I know my questions were not even CLOSE to the subject matter, though, but it was my first time ever asking you anything, and I had no idea that I had made such a goof. Oh well, live and learn. No big whoop. I'll do better next time, I promise.
I got an email back from Lora about Neal's recent escapades....she said he's been that way "since the beginning of time." LOL Well, I've always said that he's a walking glandular disease, so it really is NOT much a surprise. But, as a band leader of one of the most loved bands in the world, with the most loved LOVE SONGS and ROMANTICISM EVER, I can tell you for a FACT that he's just completely alienated EVERY FEMALE IN THE AUDIENCE by his actions. I wouldn't be surprised if women in the audience stop tossing him their panties, and start tossing tomatoes at him instead.
He really should learn how to LEAD BY EXAMPLE. That's in any Leadership 101 class as the number one RULE of leadership. You can't lead a love-song band by being a dirty damned dawg. But, Neal is apparently still stuck in "old school rock and roll star" habits that are no longer "cool," like sleeping with every chick he sees. That just isn't how rock stars do things anymore, y'know? (Yeah, I'm an expert)! Shaddap you. You know what I mean. It's just stupid mistakes on his part that are unnecessary, but apparently both he AND the blonde bimbo on the reality t.v. show are both attention whores, and thrive on ANY press they can get....good or bad....kinda like Sarah Palin. (SNIFF)!
(I wrote that to Lora too)!
Well, anyway, that's all the attention he'll get from ME. I am distancing myself from the whole mess.
Yesterday I spent 6 hours at the ER with my mom, and with Florence on my arm. Can't leave her alone at home anymore. So, my mom injured her knee somehow, and tore a ligament and also has a cyst on the back of her knee. It is very painful, and has been that way for 10 days---she's a martyr, "Oh it's nothing I'll be fine, nevermind about ME" type person, which drives me friggin' batty. I finally said, "Screw it mom, I'm in the drivers' seat, you are a captive audience in the back seat, so I'm taking you to ER and that's that."
So tomorrow I have to lug Florence to her appointment for her cast to be checked, and then Thursday I take my mom to a new doctor just to sign up as a patient, and then on Monday of next week, my mom goes in for her knee again. I'm so sick and tired of doctors and hospitals, I could just puke.
Today, however, is MY DAY. I'm taking off. I'm leaving. Don't know where the hell I'm going yet, but I'm getting the HELL away from these two women, ALL DAY. Night before last, Florence was wide awake at 3:30 in the morning, with all the lights on in the whole house, and I found her sitting in her chair, trying to dial the phone, and writing a note.....she was apparently calling THE POLICE, to ask them to come "take her home." Yeah, she was calling the COPS to get a RIDE. Unbelievable.
So I was up with her for an hour, then stewing about it and fuming in bed as I tried to fall asleep again, for another half hour or so, wanting to kick Pete out of the bed so HE can spend HIS night dealing with his stupid damned mother instead of ME. I never get enough sleep. So last night, I told him ADIOS AMIGO, and went upstairs after dinner to crash for the night. I needed that. I slept for more than 12 hours, and it was heavenly. Rare, but heavenly.
Well, I hope you have a great day, and thank you for the wonderful answers (some are so vague I want to smack you upside your head though), and for taking the time to give a damn about your fans out here in la-la-land. We love you. And ya know what, you answered that one of your favorite songs was GOOD MORNING GIRL.......well, that's always been MY favorite, along with Sweet and Simple....and every time Peter (my ex-boyfriend in DC) greeted me on the chat room every day, he would say "Good morning Girl," and it always made me swoon. So, it gives me warm fuzzies even now, for both reasons.
Oh, and by the way, Pete just bought a brand new turntable to listen to vinyl albums with, (he has an older one) but THIS one has the ability to record from vinyl to CD....so we'll have fun with that!! He said he can't wait to hear all the "snap crackle and pops" from the album again.
Bye for now. I'm off to my chiropractor appointment. Yippy skippy.
Love, Rebecca
Ever wanted to talk to your favorite famous person, even if he or she is unavailable/unapproachable in real life, or dead and gone, or just not even possible to have a real conversation with? Who doesn't?! Well, so do I. So, I am going to chit-chat with the Main Man, my favorite singer in the entire world, Steve Perry, on this blog, just for the hell of it!! I'm a writer after all, so that's the kind of thing I like doing. Keeps me outta jail. *WINK*
Mmmm sexy...

The man is a gorgeous sexy BEAST!! I just want to eat him up!!
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