Hi Stephen,
I don't know how YOU spent YOUR Wednesday, but wow, what a day it's been for me, and the whole world. I mean, we lost Steve Jobs---he was only 56---the same age as my grandpa when he died. That's just too damned young. But he fought pancreatic cancer for more than 5 years, and that one is hard to beat. We knew when he stepped down that things were not looking good, but it still comes as a bit of a shock. Pete says the next few months at Apple will be interesting.
And we lost ANOTHER political idiot---haleluyah for THAT----good ole SARAH "the biggest idiot on the planet" Palin, has announced that she will NOT run for President! And, she got a BOOB JOB too!! I guess she realizes that she shouldn't even bother with anything political, she should just relegate herself to the oblivion that she deserves, and just become eye candy with big boobs instead. YAY!!
In MY little world, I woke up to a hallway full of piss....Florence leaves a trail from her bedroom to the bathroom sometimes. It's really quite annoying. I'd like to rub her nose in it. I buy her BULK PACKAGES of friggin' DEPENDS for cripes' sake, what more can I DO for that woman?? All day long she has driven me bat-shit crazy, and I almost packed a suitcase to run away. Seriously. She kept bugging the hell out of me to take her to a salon to get her hair permed...so after listening to her whine about it for 2 weeks, I finally managed to get an appointment for today.
I had to rent a rug scrubber yesterday because her stupid ass CAT keeps puking everywhere on her carpet in her bedroom---she feeds Obie way too much, and he doesn't have a "stop I'm full" button in his stomach apparently, so he just eats and eats and eats....and then pukes everywhere. So I told her I was going to be the one feeding her cats from now on, and I took the food and water out of her room and put them in the kitchen where the dog's have their food and water. She then has a FIT when I'm upstairs trying to lay down and de-stress for the evening, and I can hear every word on the baby monitor, of her whimpering to Pete that "I took away her cat's food and water, and now they will be thirsty and hungry all night long..." so he put the dishes BACK into her room, and I was so goddamned ANGRY about that, I wanted to claw his eyeballs right out of his head. So much for presenting a united front. He'll always take her side over everything, no matter WHAT I say or do, and I'm supposed to be his "number 1" priority as his WIFE. But he's such a momma's boy, it's pathetic. It makes me cringe. It annoys me.
So the appointment is made, the rugs are scrubbed, and I decide that I have to return the rug scrubber while she's getting her hair done....so I try to take it out the door to the car, and the damned thing LEAKS all over the place---I had thought I'd used up all the water, but apparently I didn't----so I had a huge wet MESS all over the kitchen floor, and I was so damned pissed off---we were running late by the time I got it sopped up and out the stupid door to the car.....
So then she finally gets there, to the salon, and get this----she tells the stylist that "she can't lean back" to the sink to have her hair washed. SHE CAN FRIGGIN' LEAN BACK IN HER BED JUST FINE!!! SHE CAN LEAN OVER IN HER CHAIR HALF ASLEEP WITH NO PROBLEMS! SHE CAN HAVE PHYSICAL THERAPY TWICE A WEEK TOUCHING HER TOES AND BENDING AND LEANING ALL OVER THE DAMNED PLACE!!
So the stylist calls me, after I drove clear across town once I dropped her off---and I was finally looking forward to a couple hours of peace and quiet, only to be told that she can't give her a perm due to the psoriasis in her hair, and she can't wash her hair because she can't lean back all the way to the sink. BULLSHIT. The old BAT is a genius at SABOTAGE. She didn't want to be left there without an audience---she wants us to SIT there and WATCH her get pampered like some kind of narcissistic brat, rather than have me go off on my own and leave her there. So she SABOTAGED it, and I don't CARE what the hell PETE thinks, that is the God's honest TRUTH about his mother. She sabotages all the fucking time, and it drives me absolutely insane.
So I got a whole HALF HOUR of peace and quiet, driving BACK from across town (I had gone to a thrift store), with a big fat FIVE MINUTES of looking around in it. GRRRRRRRR. I was so damned MAD when I got there, I told her that I agreed with the stylist, we can't EVER get her hair permed again...and it's all because she has psoriasis. Nothing I can do about it. So sorry.
All done with THAT. So she then bought lunch afterwards, and I took her home for her daily nap. I got about, oh, I'd say MAYBE 2 hours of peace and quiet at that point, where I mopped the kitchen floor, AND the hallway piss smell.....grrrrr.....and then I made a few utensil holders for Thanksgiving....(a felt pocket, with ribbon glued on and a fancy Thanksgiving sticker. No big whoop).
......but as I'm sitting there, trying to de-stress by making these things, then my mom says "we have no silverwear that's clean..." so I go to fill the damned dishwasher, and BOOM, I've got a friggin' MESS all over the kitchen FLOOR that I just MOPPED!!!! A pipe apparently came apart underneath our kitchen sink---it has done it once before, too, and Pete thought he had slapped a band-aid on it enough to make it last....well guess what, it didn't. Now it's broken, and I can't use the goddamned sink OR dishwasher!!
So, now I have not only a friggin' wet mess AGAIN on the kitchen floor after mopping the damned thing, but NOW I also have a load of sopping wet TOWELS to wash and dry!! GRRRRRRR!!!!
BOTTOM LINE: I am NOT cut out for this housewifery crap. I am NOT a caregiver. I am NOT a nursemaid. I'm just not. I've known that for over 40 years of my life. But nobody seems to hear me when I tell them that, and nobody cares anyway, nobody listens. All I've become is a fucking house slave, and I HATE IT. I hate it with a red-hot-fiery-passion-unbridled. This life is DEFINITELY NOT the life I had envisioned for myself. Not once. I am not happy.
I am not happy.
So that was MY day. Yippy skippy.
And now Pete is finally home at 10:20 p.m., after his rehearsal for his play. And I'm exhausted.
Stay single, Stevie baby. Don't get married, ever. It's really NOT fun. Just stay single. Seriously.
I haven't heard anything back from Lora, regarding the mylife.com stuff, but hey, she probably just doesn't give a rat's ass anyway. I can't say I blame her though. She probably just doesn't have the time or energy to deal with it. I just got upset because wow, that's a lot of personal stuff that really shouldn't be on the internet for anybody to find out, ya know? I thought I was helping. My bad. Guess I really shouldn't give a shit as much as I do.
As a matter of fact, I haven't heard from Kevin Chalfant either, when I asked for the correct address to mail a sympathy card for his sister Melva. So I have this card to express how much I am saddened by her loss because I loved her so much, which was "returned to sender," with an apparently wrong address on it (which is the ONLY address I've ever had for her in 15 years of our friendship)....and I don't know why the hell he's ignoring my request for the correct address to re-mail it. Apparently I have been black-balled from the family, but I don't know why. Maybe it's because I wasn't there for Melva enough. Sorry....I had a wedding to plan, a 90 year old bat to take care of, a house to move into and unpack and get settled.....I was rather busy....ya know? I wish I could have been there for her more than I was, but I just didn't have the ability to do it all.
I'm really feeling shitty tonight. Life just sucks. I am depressed.
Time for me to go to bed. I hope your day went better than mine did. Thanks for letting me vent.
Love, Rebecca
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