I hope you have enjoyed a nice, relaxing weekend doing whatever you love to do, with whomever you love to do it with! *wink*
I had a fun time with Pete last night....well all day yesterday, actually....and man did I NEED THAT. Friday was not fun at all, because Florence had one of her really, really nasty days of combative bipolar that got me so upset and angry, I actually YELLED at her for 15 minutes straight, telling her off. I've had it with that woman, she might be 90, she might have Alzheimers, but she KNOWS the difference between wrong and right, and when she insults my MOTHER, well, that's when I start kicking ass. I don't care HOW old she is, how "frail," if she is nasty to my mom, then she'll get nasty from ME right back.
I was so upset, though, that I started crying, which royally pisses me off...I hate that...sometimes being a GIRL is a handicap. I mean, when I'm ANGRY, I just wanna be ANGRY, ya know? Not blubbery and crying like an idiot. She got me so worked up, arguing and yelling back at me---she has NEVER done that before. Not once in the nearly 3 years I've been taking care of her. One of the last stages of Alzheimers, though, is combativeness, argumentative-aggression, and then she will forget who we are. So, I think this might be the start of the end for Florence. If it's THAT BAD, every day, however, I will probably go insane. I just cannot handle it. I'll be calling around for a nurse to come in and take care of her from now on, God knows she can afford it.
The thing that kills me is, she doesn't even REMEMBER this whole episode at all. But boy I told her off GOOD...said all kinds of mean stuff that I never spoke out loud before to anybody...but things like she's been coddled too much by everybody in her life, and I'm not going to coddle her anymore...I gave her the "do unto others" speech, and told her if she insults my mother or treats her mean ever again, she would have ME to deal with, and I can be pretty damned nasty when provoked. I told her she would be DEAD if it weren't for Pete and I taking her out of the nursing home and taking care of her. I told her that the only choice she has, is to behave herself while living in MY HOUSE, or she can go right back to that goddamned nursing home, and I would drive her there myself. Ooooooh, I was a bitch on wheels. But, it had to be said. She was quiet the rest of the day. I went upstairs to chill out awhile, then I went back downstairs again to see that she hadn't moved from her chair...she was just sitting there staring at nothing...and I gave her a hug, and told her that every relationship has bumps in the road, and we just had a big one, but that it will be okay, everything will be fine, and not to worry because I still loved her.
She seemed very relieved and gave me a hug back and said she was sorry. I said I was sorry too.
So that evening, Pete took me out to a whiskey festival, and HALELUYAH for that, because dammit, after an emotional roller coaster day with his mother, I REALLY needed some booze. Now, since my dad is an alcoholic, I am not a drinker. (Plus I am diabetic, so drinking is really NOT a good idea). So, it is quite rare of me to do that....but after a hellacious day with that woman, I really just needed to chug some alcohol. I've never had whiskey before----it's true---so my first taste of it slid down my throat, and suddenly I spontaneously combusted---I felt like I was on fire. Not exactly my idea of fun. Burned my innards, and I couldn't breathe or talk for several minutes!! Good Lord that stuff is harsh. "Two of those and I'm zonked on the floor, out cold," I told Pete. (Yeah yeah yeah, shaddap, I'm a cheap date)!!
But, they had other stuff to drink, which was good...I mean, really, I am one of those "give me a wine cooler" type of light-weights. But I had at least 5 or 6 shots of really good stuff.....I don't even remember what the hell I drank....but it was yummy (one whiskey tasted like orange creamsicle....one tasted like root beer....etc. I mean, if you hand me a mudslide, (Kaluha), holy YUM, I can drink those all night long, they taste like chocolate milk, and I love 'em. I like Amaretto sours too, but they get too sweet after drinking a couple. I'm not very "up" on alcoholic beverages, so I haven't tried much else.
Pete took me out to Ohio again yesterday for an all-day getaway----I do love that man----he's good to me. In fact, he spoiled me ROTTEN, by taking me to this awesome BDSM flea market and I tried on 2 different types of corsets, and he couldn't decide which one he liked me in most, so he got me BOTH!! I LOVE CORSETS SOOOOO MUCH!!! I looked so GORGEOUS in them, I mean, it was breathtaking...(not trying to be conceited)....but I really really loved how I looked in them. And when I start losing some weight, I'll look even MORE hot!!! hehehehe God bless corsets. They are awesome.
The flea market was also a play party later in the evening, but in the middle of the day, while the vendors were there selling stuff, we also attended a few classes that were rather interesting. One was all about how to be safe while doing knife play. The other was about "Dominants learning to accept Service from Submissives." Some Dom's feel like "they are the almighty superman of the universe and can do everything themselves..." and they find it difficult to allow a submissive to do things FOR them. But, we subbie's NEED TO BE NEEDED, and we NEED to do things FOR THEM. So, it was very intriguing to listen to various people discuss their relationships and how they overcame some of those obstacles. Communication, of course, is the #1 top priority. If you ain't got THAT, you ain't got SHIT. And that pretty much goes along with anything.
It took me a long time, for instance, to figure out that Pete wasn't trying to criticize my cooking when he came over and actually TOOK OVER doing it---he was trying to TEACH ME---(because I am NOT Donna Reed, the greatest gourmet cook of the world)----but he didn't VERBALIZE that to me, and so whenever he would do that, I felt rejected, like nothing I did was right, and I got very frustrated by it. After some time of him doing this, I finally got upset and told him that it bothered me. He now lets ME cook, but gives me constructive criticism, or asks me if he can help, or show me something, and we now have a harmonious kitchen relationship.
Ah well, anyway....we had a nice time, enjoyed ourselves, and I had some naughty fun in the dungeon later in the night. GAWD I LOVE THE DUNGEON. In fact, I belong in a dungeon, and should just live there 24/7. We are now members of this place in Ohio, so we'll be going back there again soon. It's only a 2 hour drive, so it's not too bad. Well worth it. The guy who asked me to walk on him the last time we were there, was there again this time---and he actually offered to let us crash at his place anytime we come to Ohio for the dungeon events, if we need to....especially if the weather is bad in winter. I thought that was very nice of him, so we may take him up on that sometime. BDSM people are so nice!!
In other news....
I was cleaning out some boxes of stuff in our guest room yesterday, when I found this scrapbook page that I made many years ago....(I think I was 27 years old at the time that photo was taken)...I had just moved to DC...but it shows how much you mean to me, as one of two favorite humans that I adore...of course, Anne Frank is the other favorite human that I have adored since I was very young...
Then I found this page...
My friends at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM) decorated my locker while I was out for a week, and when I got back, these photos were all over it...
Dammit....not sure why this one came out sideways...but what they did was take face-pictures of YOU, and tape them to other bodies...like this one...mooning the other members of Journey! hehehehe
GRRRRR...this one is sideways too....sorry about that....
And finally....this one really cracked me up...
Ah well, thought you might get a chuckle out of those.
I'm sure I am not the ONLY person who can say this, but I have been teased, berated, criticized and condemned for liking the music of Journey, (and you), by many people over the years. My dad used to say, "Why do you like such a long-haired GIRLY sounding singer? He must be GAY!" (Needless to say, I don't like my dad much). I mean, he liked SLIM FUGGIN' WHITMAN and BOXCAR FUGGIN' WILLY for Christ's sake!! WTF?! But this locker decoration thing was just hilarious....I can take a joke. I really miss those people!! They were great!!
Well, we didn't get home from Ohio last night until 2:30 a.m., and I'm tired today....despite having coffee, and diet pepsi....I'm just pooped. But ooooooh LAWD I had a good time...Pete used these awesome CLAW fingertip pointed things, all over my red spanked butt....and I nearly went through the roof!! Seriously, our friend Lisa (who came with us), had to hold my legs down---I nearly LEVITATED!!! Ooooooooooh I'm lovin' that stuff. I'm such a bad bad girl...hehehehehehehehe
Hope you had a nice weekend too...
Bye for now.
Love, Rebecca
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