Yeah every time I log in to write on this blog, I notice the number of people reading it keeps going up. You're all creepy weirdo's, aren't you?! I just know it. Ah well, I guess an audience is an audience. Did you all go check out that Rammstein video?! Holy CRAP my jaw hit the floor, and I laughed and laughed and laughed....unbelievable. I've never EVER seen such audacity before...just friggin' awesome. I love that Till guy, he's a hot mess!! (Lead singer). He's apparently obsessed with his penis.
Hi Stephen,
Thought you might get a giggle out of that one. I've got about, oh, a trillion bazillion of those meme things, I really need to get them off my phone and archive them or something. Facebook is awesome with those things, there's a dude I get them from all the time who just cracks me up every day with 'em. In fact, some of them I re-post myself, and some I send to George Takei. I just love him!! He's a friggin' HOOT! I also get updates from Will Wheaton...tonight he wrote that it's a "science fact: playing yakkety sax on my kazoo alone in my office is hilarious!" (The guy has WAYYY too much time on his hands).
Anyway, I hope your hump day has been humorous too.
Soooooooo.....have you decided to come out of retirement yet?! Ahem. I will step away from the screen while you try to smack me upside the head for that. I don't mean to nag, hon, I really don't. Just love ya.
Ahhhh yes, so far on my diet I have lost nearly 20 pounds, and still counting. My doctor was very happy to learn of this, and is encouraging me to cut some of my prescription medications in half, to ween myself off of them. Haleluyah! I'm lookin' forward to that. I'm too young to be friggin' OLD like that, ya know?! Time to get my mojo back. It's been hidden far too long. My inner Diva Goddess wants to come out and play once again!! WOOO HOOOO!
I've been taking Biotin, every day, and wow, it really DOES make your hair grow faster! I've got another inch of hair goin' on, in just one month....which, for most people is normal I'm sure, but for ME, with the baby fine, very thin hair, well, it's a miracle. I've had my hair mostly short in my 30's and 40's, but I think it's time to go long again, like I did in my 20's. I'm going to the hair salon on Friday, to get it colored and highlighted so I'll be lookin' spiffy for camp!
Yeah, cyberlox. They are cool. I like 'em. I bought 'em. Gonna wear 'em at camp. Because at camp, you can wear ANYTHING or NOTHING AT ALL!! So, what the hell. I'll have pink and black cyberlox hair, at least for one day.....might be too hot outside to wear them for very long though. But, I kinda dig 'em. I know, I know, I'm too frumpy lookin' to wear this shit, but ya know what?! BITE MY BUTT, Mister Singer Man, I'm gonna wear 'em anyway. If you don't like it, don't LOOK at 'em.
So nyah.
Well, I guess I've really got nothing much to say tonight, except, I love ya, and I miss ya, and I hope life is treating you well. You're a sexy mofo, and I'm happy to be writin' to ya, even if it's just gibberish.
Bye for now. Oh, and even though I don't drink, here's a funny one for ya....
(Present company excluded of don't have to STFU). In fact, I'd love it if you SANG more....*SMOOCH*!!
Love, Rebecca
Ever wanted to talk to your favorite famous person, even if he or she is unavailable/unapproachable in real life, or dead and gone, or just not even possible to have a real conversation with? Who doesn't?! Well, so do I. So, I am going to chit-chat with the Main Man, my favorite singer in the entire world, Steve Perry, on this blog, just for the hell of it!! I'm a writer after all, so that's the kind of thing I like doing. Keeps me outta jail. *WINK*
Mmmm sexy...

The man is a gorgeous sexy BEAST!! I just want to eat him up!!
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