Mmmm sexy...

Mmmm sexy...
The man is a gorgeous sexy BEAST!! I just want to eat him up!!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Wow....I found my scrapbook!

Hi Steve,

What's shakin', bacon?!  I wandered out to our garage yesterday, in search of a special album to put in a frame from my huge tub of Journey Junk, and I found my scrapbook.  I haven't looked through it in many years, so I decided to do that, and then I thought to myself, "Nobody is around to share it with me, who thinks it's as awesome as I do...bummer."  But then I remembered the gaggle of silly women on the Facebook pages who adore you, and I thought, "Ok, what the heck, I'll share it with them."

So I uploaded some photos and wrote comments, and WOW, they all went nuts.  In fact, they are STILL going nuts today.  I am rather taken aback by that, actually.  I mean, I really figured they would all just click on "like" and move on, but apparently it has sparked a huge party of memories and parties and concerts, etc., and lit up the place like a barrel of fireworks!  Kinda fun, actually.  I felt that familiar spark of excitement again, you know the one I'm talkin' about, right?  The one where you're reliving an awesome moment in time, and it's like you're still there, it's all still so vivid, like it happened only yesterday?  But this time, (unlike when it actually happened), I had some friends to share it with.

Here is the one photo that I have been really wanting to get restored, the greenish hue is from the cheap disposable camera that I had at the time.  But, here I am, like I have told you before, standing with the FTLOSM band boys....(except Todd).  This was taken after the show on opening night, in Milwaukee, where I had gone out to buy the t-shirt I'm wearing, and as I returned to my seat, I saw this good lookin' schmo walking towards me, and then I saw a pass around his neck---that's when I suddenly blurted out, "Excuse me Sir, but I will give you the biggest, wettest, sloppiest KISS of your LIFE if you get me backstage to meet Steve Perry."  I had no CLUE who he was, but he grinned from ear to ear.

It turned out, that guy was your body guard (Rome).  He told me to meet him by the curtains when the song "Faithfully" was being performed, and he would see what he could do.  However, you were unable to come down for a meet and greet, he said, because you were meeting with some people from Sony.  I don't know if that was true or not, but he gave me an autographed photo of you that says, "To Becky, Love Steve Perry" on it.  So I had all these other guys sign it too, and it's one of my favorite pieces of memorabilia to this day.  This photo is also among my favorites.

This one was taken at a show in Michigan a few weeks later...I was front row, center, thanks to the ticket and backstage pass that Moyes saved for me at the will-call window.  

The women on the Facebook pages all went ballistic over it.  Again, I'm bummed because of the crappy quality from the disposable camera.  But, I love the smile on your face.  I was close enough to touch you, my friend, and after this show, I actually gave you a hug backstage.

That hug has made me fly higher than a kite for YEARS.  Still does.  Why?!  Because I got to touch your HAIR, that gorgeous, soft, silky jet-black HAIR of yours, and my friend, do you have ANY IDEA how many rotten, stupid, vanilla lovers I had in my lifetime since that moment, that I had to actually fantasize about YOUR HAIR strewn all over my THIGHS, just to get through it?!  

More than I care to remember.  I can still feel your hair, if I close my eyes and remember.

You really have no clue how much that hug means to me, even now.

Oh boy, those Facebook Females went wild over this one because of your sexy smile, they're all wondering what you were laughing about, but when I put this NEXT photo on the Facebook......

....all hell broke loose.

Your knees, it seems, have sparked a massive, gigantic, lust-filled scream that MUST have been heard all over the world.  Were your ears burning?!  Because these women were on FIRE.

Being the dork that I am, I joked that, "Yeah, the poor slob couldn't afford to buy himself a new pair of jeans." Somebody took it literally and defended you, stating that you were just making a fashion statement that was considered "grunge" in the 1990's. (LAME).  Where is the sense of humor?!

I simply responded by saying, "The man could wear a potato sack and STILL look sexy," to which EVERYBODY AGREED.

Ah yes, we've been having fun looking through my scrapbook together, the gaggle of women and me.  And ya know, it's the FIRST TIME EVER that I have shared it with people who actually appreciate it. Everybody else is like, "Yeah, okay, boring..." or "wow that's old," or "geez that's lame."

But not THESE women.  These chickies were all ablaze----absolutely on fire for it.

You, dear Sir, are a match that we all like to scrape against us, just to feel that sizzle.

Side note, just between you and's that black leather BELT around your waist that turns ME on. You truly looked like a badass in this photo, definitely, but that belt was sexy as hell.  I love leather.  Just the thought of you taking that belt OFF, and playfully snapping it on my ass, well, let's just say that MY jeans were a little bit moist after the show...just sayin'.  I know, I know, I'm a hot mess.

But I'm not the only one.  In fact, I am one of a bajillion freaky weird women apparently.

Ok, well, on that note, I'm gonna scoot to the chiropractor.  Have a great Wednesday Stephen, and know that you are LOVED more than you can even imagine.

I have lots more stuff to share with ya from my scrapbook though.  Stay tuned!

Love you lots...xoxo


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