Mmmm sexy...

Mmmm sexy...
The man is a gorgeous sexy BEAST!! I just want to eat him up!!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

More fun with life is so weird.

Hi Steve,

Yes, as you know by now my sweet sexy troubadour d'jour, I am a weird chick.  In fact, weird stuff just sorta happens to me all the time.  Like today, the third day of the comic book convention in town, Pete and I met a few celebrities that we had NOT planned on meeting.  We saw them sitting there all 3 days, didn't blink an eye about it.  But today, I'm kinda glad we did go see them.

Pete got to meet Cassandra Peterson, also known as ELVIRA....(she's really nice).....we chatted with her for awhile. I recently saw a show about a New York shop that sells bizarre stuff, (can't remember the name of it, I think it's OBSCURA), where she bought a NECKLACE made of human TEETH. So I asked her if that was just for the show, or if she really still had it, and/or wore it, and she said YES, she still has it, she loves it, but it's very fragile because the teeth are very old.  EWWWWWW!!!!

This is Dirk Benedict, from the A-Team and Battlestar Galactica (the original)....he was cool!  But, he had a longer line of people to chat with so we didn't get to chat for very long. We did tell him that she should totally get an "A-Team-Opoly" game going....he loved that idea!!  So, stay tuned, it might just happen! (Though he did say that "Universal is really hard to get permissions from to do stuff like that)."

And here I am, getting cozy with Richard Hatch, also from Battlestar Galactica.  Personally, I liked him A LOT BETTER!!!  He told us a cool story.  I asked him, "Funniest story you can think of about Lorne Greene?"  and he laughs and says, "I give a Christmas party every year, and one time, there was this long line of cars and people, all down our driveway and a few blocks down the street---I didn't know any of those people---but apparently they were neighbors and people in the town nearby who had heard that Lorne would be attending at my house, so they were all there to get his autograph---and he was signing them!! They didn't give a rat's ass about me, I didn't sign ONE autograph the whole night!!"  I thought that was pretty cool.  I always loved Lorne Greene....not so much in Bonanza, really---I mean he was great, but I didn't really get into westerns too much when I was younger, though I ADORED Barbara Stanwick---but in Battlestar Galactica, he was totally awesome.

Of course, as you can see----I didn't plan on doing all this!!  Today I had NO MAKE-UP on, and I looked like CRAP because this new blouse is apparently a disgusting bloated BALLOON on me----my hair was terrible, (didn't wash it today)......I mean, wow, I look awful.  But, what the hell.  I'll be donating this blouse to the Goodwill, I can promise you that.

So, now you've seen me lookin' like my Wal-Mart self, doing the laundry day at home, schlubbin' like a slob when I'm doing house-wifely crap. WOOO, what a thrill.  (rolling my eyeballs).  But hey, this is me, take it or leave it.  Can't do much about it, so WHUT-EVAH.  At least I redeemed myself a LITTLE, by wearing my new chain mail necklace and earrings.  I love chain mail!!!  But, that's about as "badass" as I got today.  Sigh.  Losin' my mojo in my old age, methinks.

Well anyway, just wanted to share these with ya, I think maybe I've met more damned famous people than YOU have, ya BUM!!! hehehehehehehe  GRIN!!  Get out there and start schmoozin', buddy, we frumpy housewives out here in Perry-land really wanna see your sexy butt more often.

Bye for now, you gorgeous hunk of man.  I'm looking forward to the day when I can cozy up in a photo with YOU.  *(MANIFESTING....MANIFESTING....MANIFESTING)!!!!

A girl can dream.

Love, Rebecca

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