Mmmm sexy...

Mmmm sexy...
The man is a gorgeous sexy BEAST!! I just want to eat him up!!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

The 12/12/12 Hurricane Sandy Concert....

Hi Steve,

Ya know, I think it was a really dumb move on Neal Schon's part to NOT be a part of the 12/12/12 Hurricane Sandy concert in Madison Square Garden last night.  I don't know if they were invited to appear or not, but if HE was the one who could make it happen, it was a dumb move NOT to.  They would have had SO MANY people call in to donate money, ya know?  But yeah, I guess none of the performers actually got PAID TO BE THERE, so Neal probably wasn't interested.  Kinda sad really.

But wow, Eddie Vetter with Pink Floyd!! That was very cool.  And Bon Jovi rocked the house, he's a sexy beast.  The Who was awesome, as always.  Lots of great talent.  Ya don't even have to like the Rolling Stones to know that they are still amazing too.  So many talented performers all in one place, all at one time, kinda like "We Are The World."  I think we need lots more of these types of concerts.

Now, Pete brought up a great point when I said Neal was an idiot for not being a part of this...he said, "Imagine if Steve Perry had been a part of it..." and I said, "I would have BEEN there, and probably slept with at LEAST 10 people to get, make that 5, I'd be too tired....ok, THREE, but THREE is all I'm gonna do."  hehehehehehehehe  (But just between you and me, I could do 10).


Anyway, just wanted to throw that out there for what it's worth.  For all I know, Journey wasn't even invited to asked to be a part of it, and Neal may have WANTED to be.  But, my speculation is that he may have turned them down for lack of a paycheck.  I know, I know, I should really be nice and give him the benefit of the doubt, but I think you and I both know how he is, so I may not be TOO far off the mark in my theory.

Well, soooo, I don't know if you caught the concert or not, but we recorded it and watched some of it tonight.  What a cool idea, too, to have celebrities taking the pledge calls!!  How cool is that?!  Ya know, if Jerry Lewis didn't have such a monstrous EGO problem, he could have done that too and had BAZILLIONS of dollars for his Muscular Dystrophy organization.  I mean, Dean Martin, come ON!!! That would have been worth some green to hear him slur "helloooo" in between drinks and smokes!!  Hell, I was just a kid, but I would have dumped my entire piggy bank for that.

Sooooo by now you have figured out----you smart man you-----that I did NOT go to Michigan this weekend.  We decided at noon today, so we're just going to skip it and send the gifts through the mail.  We'll go another time when we can stay longer than 2 days.

I haven't yet sat down to put together anything for my web site, but I'm formulating ideas in my head.  I'm also a little afraid of the whole idea of speaking at a conference, to be honest, so I am apprehensive about giving this woman some ideas...I am a bit rusty in the Holocaust Education department, y'know. I haven't done it in over 12 years.  My GOD where did 12 years go....?!  Holy crap it feels like yesterday.  Geez.  I really feel like a has-been.  All washed up.  My life will never be as cool as it was then.  It's all just downhill from there.

I miss being cool.

Well, I'm off to bed, but I hope you have a great weekend, and the 2 chicks I met in Virginia Beach (Kathy and Kim) absolutely LOVED the Journey poster that I sent to them for Christmas.  It was a surprise, but I found them at the comic book convention, and decided to get one for each of them too. They were GEEKED!!  I got excited phone calls, they were all giggly and silly and would have chuckled I think. (They are both older than me, by the way...and I don't get all giggly and silly and screamy over you).

I just have a BLOG that I write to you on nearly EVERY DAY.  Other than that, all I can say is,

MEH!!!  hehehehe  You know I love ya, and I want to wrap myself up in that long gorgeous hair of yours, and just hide in a cocoon of lust for about, ohhhhh, say, 50 years or so.  That's all I want.  I don't ask for much.  That would be my ideal fantasy Christmas present!!!  WOOOOO!!

Bye for now.

Love, Rebecca

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