Mmmm sexy...

Mmmm sexy...
The man is a gorgeous sexy BEAST!! I just want to eat him up!!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Can't sleep....Oklahoma heavy on my mind.....and of course, CAMP....oy!!

Hiya Steve,

What's shakin', bacon?  (don't ask, I'm going on 5 hours sleep).  Just too excited about camp to sleep. Also had a nightmare about a tornado.  Woke up at 4:30, had an Atkins shake----I've lost 30 pounds so far by the way----feeling great!!  And then I lie awake until 6:30 and finally got up.  So here I am.

Oklahoma is devastated.

I saw the footage of the 2-mile long diameter, going 200 miles an hour, for 20 minutes....and all those poor kids in that school didn't even have a shelter to go to.  I think Kansas and Oklahoma get the most tornadoes in this country, don't they?  Why then, don't they have schools prepared for things like that?!  It's a shame, and they should all be held accountable for the parents of the dead kids.  Sue the state and the school for negligence.  It's unacceptable.  If your kid isn't even safe in a SCHOOL, (i.e. Newtown), where the hell can they EVER be safe really?

Glad I didn't have any kids, man, that's just too scary to think about.  My heart goes out to all of those people who lost their loved ones and their homes.  I can't believe their stupid ass Republican leader has the cahones to demand budget cuts BEFORE requesting any federal assistance to help those people.  It's like he's holding them all hostage, to play games with the President.  Pathetic.  Isn't a sequester that the Republicans caused ENOUGH already??  This politically charged blatant racism is disgusting.  It's getting uglier and uglier by the day in this political atmosphere.  I hate it.

I hope you've donated some money and/or blood or something, to help out.  We did.  At some point, it just might be our turn to go through something horrible like that, and I would like to think other people would reach out to help us too if we ever needed it.  So, karma, the golden rule, and all that jazz.

All day yesterday, I packed and condensed things into boxes, and labeled everything that we're taking with us to camp. I know it sounds extreme, but we're packing our minivan AND renting a 5' x 8' utility trailer too!  What the HECK can we possibly need all that STUFF for?  Well, lemme tell ya....

First, there are 2 banners that we had specifically made through Vista Print, that will greet everyone at the entrance as they pull in to register and get their name badges.  Then we'll have add-on's to the badges that stick to the bottom that say, "I make camp FUN!" (it's an inside joke, we've been criticized as being the "too much fun camp," and not enough seriousness or spirituality about BDSM).  Stupid, huh?!  So we all poke fun at it as often as we can.

It's kinda like that douchebag from Abercrombie and Fitch, saying that fat people aren't "cool" or "pretty" enough to wear his clothing.  But HE looks like death warmed over! (HE HAD A FACE LIFT by the way...just sayin').....AND he's not thin either!  So WTF?!!   And now, of course, as your favorite rabble rouser on the East Coast, my idea is to go to every thrift store, (start a group of people to do this, not just me), buy everything we can find that says Abercrombie and Fitch on it, (it's a tax deduction), then sew in extra fabric, and give the items to FAT PEOPLE EVERYWHERE, and have them all converge on every A&F store, as a protest!!  Some guy actually started doing this, and giving the clothing to homeless people!!  I LOVE THAT!!  

DISCLAIMER:  Yes, Steve, I know he has a right to choose his market strategy, yes, I also realize that nobody is forced to shop there,  and sure, it's free enterprise and all that.....but at the same time, it's a douchebag move to SAY it in such a way to exclude people and make them feel badly about themselves.  When the "don't ask don't tell" thing went away from the military about being gay, I said, YAYY!! But when this dude took that "don't ask don't tell" thing away from his business practice? Not so yayyy.  Rather offended by that. Maybe my priorities don't match up with a lot of other people, but so what??  That's just how I roll.  I may have lost 30 pounds so far, but I still feel like a chubby chick., after we set up the banners, the name tag stickers, and deliver all the things we've got for decorating the Oasis area-----such as, fake flowers, styrofoam to stick them in, 6 palm trees that I made with bamboo, mesh wrap, tape and a bush on top, which will then be tied to the tent poles....we'll hang curtains around all the tents that are linked together, we'll add rugs and furniture, and cushions and pillows.....then we'll unpack our cabin stuff....suitcases, fetish wear, shoes, toiletries, clothes, etc., and then we have a casino night that I made a game for....(will add a photo of it later).

And for the tea party, I have made fancy mini hats for anyone who doesn't have one, (a lot of newbies will be at camp this year, and they might want one), and I have made 18 little gifts for everyone to take home....(a mini lip gloss, mini fingernail polish and a mirror).  I've also made 8 fake flower centerpieces for the Oasis (with coffee cans, skull duct tape wrapped around them, and a skull flag on a dowel in the center of each bouquet of flowers), then I've made 8 glass centerpieces for our formal dinner, I've got a wedding gift for our friends in our cabin who just got engaged, I've got a birthday gift for a friend who is turning 40, and I got thank you gifts for Frazier, Susan (aka "Mom," she's the one who came up with the whole idea of camp), and for some other staff members.  I've also got a bag of goodies for the Littles to play with!!  Plus I made a large box that has a treasure chest full of candy that will sit on top of it, with a poem, and I'll add a photo of that later too.

I love spoiling people with little gifts like that.  Makes me happy to see THEM happy!

Then of course, we have to bring rugs for the floor near our bed that's in our cabin, plus bedding, bathroom towels and toiletries, yoga mats, dungeon toys, warmer clothes just in case, rain ponchos and umbrellas, plastic bins to put our things in beside our bed, small plastic drawer carts for the bathroom supplies, and a massage table, and oh yeah, a Naked Woman's Party that I am providing snacks and plates, cups, booze slush to drink, a boom box for tunes, and little mini pirate hats for all the attendees.

Whew.  Lots of plastic tubs!!  Oh, and we have adirondack chairs, (6), and 6 plastic regular outdoor chairs, 4 plastic tables, a wicker loveseat and wicker chair set, to bring along.  We are NOT bringing home most of this stuff, though!!  Once it's there, it stays there.  I'd like my house to be back to normal without so much STUFF everywhere.

Well, I'm off to the wild blue yonder.  Gotta finish packing.  Tomorrow it's eyebrow wax day, painting my toenails and fingernails, and shaving my legs!  Then I'll TRY to sleep Thursday night if possible.

I'll do my best to write while I'm gone...and if I can, I'll try to sneak a few pictures too!!  Oh, and last year, after camp ended, there was a tornado that hit and knocked down some trees, and ruined one of the cabins.  We even had 2 tornado warnings, it was scary, so Oklahoma is heavy on my mind.

OH!! I nearly forgot.....I also found out that my friend Kim in VA Beach is having some health issues lately, so I decided to cheer her up, and make her a mini hat---and I've made one for her friend Kathy too----I thought you might get a smile out of it, so here's the picture:

WAIT!!!!  Dang it, I hope they don't read'll spoil the surprise.  ATTENTION KIM AND KATHRYN!!!  If you're reading this.....PLEASE DON'T SCROLL DOWN!!!  DON'T LOOK AT THE PHOTO DOWN THERE!!  Just close the window, and walk away...close your eyes!!! AUGH!!

(just inserting a blank area so they won't scroll down too far)......

Okay, now that they aren't looking, (I hope), I guess I'll take the chance...

Yep, it's just music note fabric wrapped around with a magnetic picture frame on the front that has your face in it, some bling, some lace, and some feathers---and TAH DAHHHH!!  They turned out pretty nice, if you ask me.  Now I'm going to make my own!  Those silver hearts are lockets that they can put other photos of you inside if they want to.  Or, they can remove the magnet and the lockets and use them for other things, and still wear the hat.  Oh, and the round silver thing on a stick at the top of each hat is where I'm going to type up a pretty card that says, "I love Steve Perry!" on it.  (They can remove those too if they want to).  I think they'll both get a whoop or two out of it.  I might even hear their screams when they open their mailboxes, although they'd have to be pretty loud to drown out everybody else's screams around me at camp!! hehehehe  SNERK!! Mmmuuuuhahahahahahaha!!!

Yeah well, I don't know where or when they're ever going to wear these hats EITHER, thankyouverymuch, (I heard your brain say that just now, ya schnook)....but MAYBE, if a certain SOMEBODY named Steve Perry would ever make a freakin' COME BACK, we could all wear them at the concerts in your honor!!  (HINT HINT).  

.....I DO try to be subtle.  GRIN!!

Bye for now you sexy beast of a man.  I love ya. HUGS!! And don't miss me too much!! WHEEE!!


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