Mmmm sexy...

Mmmm sexy...
The man is a gorgeous sexy BEAST!! I just want to eat him up!!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Can't sleep...

Good morning Stephen,

It's 6:55 a.m. here, and I can't sleep anymore...I've been up since 5:30...the nasty, noisy thunderstorm woke me up, but then I enjoyed listening to the rain for awhile.  I have always liked the sound of rain, and the ocean.  So then, of course, my brain starts kickin' into high gear, about everything I need to do today, and stuff I still need to finish for the Journey-opoly game, and all sorts of things that I couldn't seem to shut off.

So, I figured, I might as well get up and start doing some stuff.  I've deleted lots of old emails, I've gathered quite a few really nice images on the internet of things I'd like to put on the cover of the board game, and I even stumbled on a web site that had a drum head, signed by Aynsley Dunbar, Gregg Rollie, Ross & Neal, for only $30 bucks!!  It was 90% $23.50 plus shipping.  I couldn't pass that up!!  Very cool.

Anyway, I also wrote an email to Lora, and attached a photo of the game to it, and I wrote to my old Journey penpal, Roy, whom I've written to since the age of 18---he lives in England, though, so I have never met him----but he loves YOU more than I do!!  He's been a huge fan of yours for decades too!

Yesterday I had my hair colored and added a few highlights, and I got it trimmed a little.  It turned out very nice, and I like it a lot.  So much so, that I'm going back on Saturday before the concert to have the same girl style it again---I can never get it to look as good as they do in the salon---and I want to look SPIFFY!! There will be dozens of skinny 20-something women roaming about the concert stadium, looking all sexy and with gorgeous hair, perky boobies and even though I'm twice their age, I still want to bring out what's left of the hottie in me, at least for a day!!

Ya know, I do have a reality check about things----I mean, in my last entry, I told you that it would be awesome if you could show up at the concert and let's freak everybody out, etc., but then I started wondering if there might be some legal reason why you're not ALLOWED to show up like that at one of their would be kinda like, hmmmm, stupid-ass Sarah "attention whore" Palin showing up on a bus at the Iowa straw poll, ya know?  What a total hag, I cannot stand that woman.

Would they consider YOU an attention whore if you showed up at one of their concerts? What if you wore a baseball cap, sunglasses, and didn't tell anybody you were there?? What could they do about it?!

I'm getting off the subject here, but I can't stand Michelle Bachman know, my friends and I on Facebook have a theory about her husband Marcus actually being GAY, but trying NOT to be by covering up the secret for so long. Can you imagine, going through life, pretending to be somebody you're NOT???  That would truly and totally suck.  What a stupid thing to do.  What a waste of time.  Nobody gives a crap where you put your willy anymore, as long as it isn't against the law. We believe that THEY believe they can "overcome" this "handicap" of his, by prayer, and foster kids----none of whom she actually RAISED from birth, like she claims to----(yes, she lied)---and so they have this "bearded" relationship farce of a marriage, and that may be why she never answers questions about gay stuff when the press asks her.  That has GOT to be why she's so crazy-eyed and fake-smiley all the time, she's really just trying to get through the day without discussing her family secret about her hubby.

Who knows.  It is just our theory.  I wish I could actually get some evidence to PROVE it and knock her down a few pegs before the election.

So anyway, BACK to the subject at hand....your NOT showing up to meet me at the concert----I tossed around some other fleeting thoughts about it, but eventually decided, "Nahhhh, he can go wherever he wants to, they can't stop him from that."  Then I figured, when you actually DON'T show up, it would be all MY fault because, like a ninny, I told you the Eastern Standard Time that I'm going to be there....not YOUR 3-hour time difference.  So, that's REALLY why you probably won't be there, silly me....and okay, I guess I can live with that.....except now that I've TOLD YOU, well, it's kinda moot. I mean, now you can just do a little math, and say to yourself, "Gee, I am glad she mentioned that, I would have been 3 hours too late getting there..." so, yeah....ahem.

BIG GRIN!!  NOW what's your excuse, HUH?! HUH?! HUH?!

Yep, that's what I thought!!  You don't HAVE ONE!! (insert sloppy wet razzberry here).

Well, I guess I should get up and get busy. Pete will be getting up soon. I'll need a damned nap later, but it was worth it, getting to sit here for awhile just shooting the shit with YOU, my main man.  I love ya.

Do you realize, (you probably do), that there are literally HUNDREDS of Journey-related web sites and blogs, and stuff-for-sale web sites, all about YOU and the boys?  I mean, I have stumbled on several of them, some are in foreign languages even...I was impressed to see that...though I couldn't read any of it. You really should be proud of your life, and the paths you've chosen, Stephen.  You've reached a level of LEGEND while you're still alive and kicking, and that is RARE.  You still and always will, rock my world. BIG KISS!

Love, Rebecca

1 comment:

  1. PS. Ya know what somebody ought to invent? A company that hires thugs and mean guys who tackle the tabloids and yellow-journalists out there who want to divulge every personal secret of a celebrity after they die. I don't care about Amy Winehouse's tattooed pimple on her butt, y'know? That's none of my business. I hope you have taken precautions to prevent that about yourself, because frankly, after you die, I don't WANT TO KNOW any of your personal secrets, and I would go BALLISTIC if people started spreading lies and rumors about you. I respect you too much. Michele Bachman's life, however, is fair game!
