It's Saturday night, 12:38 a.m., and I'm wide awake. Pete is still downstairs watching t.v., but I came up to go to bed. But before I get my jammies on, I wanted to write to you and share some photos.
This is our house, and I decided to decorate the front retaining wall area with some Halloween stuff. You can see Sassy, my dog, on the left. It gave me a half hour of distraction, so what the heck.
I love Halloween. It's my favorite holiday. I just love the creativity of it. You can be anything or anybody you want to be, and let all of your inhibitions go away for awhile. Very cool.
For instance, one year I went to a party and some dude was walking around in a royal blue turtle neck, with a rubber chicken wrapped in an extension cord around his, like everybody else, all night long, I just kept trying to figure out what the costume was--until somebody finally yelled, "CHICKEN CORD ON BLUE!" Very creative indeed. I mean, everybody's seen the little cereal boxes glued on to a shirt that has blood stains and fake knives sticking out of them, as a "cereal killer," right?? But that "chicken cord on blue" was a new one to me.
I have dressed up most every year since I was a kid, for some reason or another. Here is a costume that Pete and I won an award for, a few years ago, at a party....I made this costume myself...I was a "chick." I glued together some yellow felt material around me, as a "dress," and then I glued a white feather boa onto a yellow raincoat, spray painted the white boa yellow, I hot glued together some orange velvet stockings and I bought some of those "cartoon hands," like Mickey Mouse has, spray painted THEM orange, and put them on my feet! I also had a "beak" on an eye mask. Yes, this photo also has me wearing a collar...I don't think I need to explain that to you, do I?? Well, if I do, you really don't get out much, do ya??! Ya poor schmuck. I'm happy to say that I have lost weight since this photo was taken, thankfully, but it was really a fun costume project. I even found a chicken HAT, at a thrift store, and I was ecstatic.
And this was Pete's costume...
HA!! A "chick magnet!" Yeah, he loved that one. We won best costume prize that night.
So, no matter how "old" you might be, Halloween can still be fun.
Anyway, I do plan to add more stuff to this little diorama in front of our house, little by little, but for now, it's good enough. I'll have to go dig out some plastic tubs of decorations and find other things that I've had packed away since the move. As you might imagine, that will be a rather daunting task, to say the least. But, it is a welcome diversion from the stressful time I've been having lately, at least.
Tonight Pete and I were watching yet another "BATMAN" episode (the original series)....we've actually met Adam West, and sat in the Bat Mobile with him, for a photo! So, we watch the show to get the giggles at how silly it really was. BUT, at the same time, it's fascinating to see all the huge movie stars and celebrities that were on the shows---tonight, I was amazed to see OTTO PREMINGER as the "Evil Freeze" guy, and holy CRAP!! I nearly fell off the couch!! He was one hell of an awesome Nazi in so many old movies----STALAG 17 is one of my all-time favorites, and he played the German warden of the POW camp.
(SIDE NOTE: I also love the movie The Great Escape (I don't think Preminger was in that one), but GAWD I LOVED STEVE MCQUEEN SO MUCH!! He was the coolest of cool, the baddest ass of the baddest, and sexy beyond all belief. I would have gone ape-shit crazy if I had ever met him in person. And that's odd for me to say, because I never was one who liked blonde haired guys. But cripes, he just OOZED sex-appeal, I mean, come ON---Thomas Crowne Affair!! Need I say more?!! Yowza!!
But seeing Mr. Nazi-egomaniac-director from Austria-who-played-Nazi's-a-lot, as a silly, pasty white "frozen" ice guy was really quite a hoot. Not only THAT, but Ida Lupino was on the same show---at least, I am almost positive it was her, but we looked, and her name didn't appear in the credits. She played a nosey newspaper reporter, and I was blown away---I mean, IDA freakin' LUPINO!! Dude!! She rocked!! She was one of the FIRST female directors EVER, and she did so many awesome things---I mean, mostly on t.v., but awesome just the same---you can NOT tell me that Alfred friggin' Hitchcock wasn't awesome!! (Yeah, I love old movies and old t.v. programs. I have told you I was born in the wrong decade, right?) Well, it's true.
Ah well, anyway, I really don't have much to say tonight, I was just chillin' out and getting sleepy. Today Pete and I got away from the 2 mom's for awhile, and did some shopping at the Costco, then we sent money to my "African son," Ben...(that's his nickname)...but I've been a pen-pal of Ben's since he was 13 years day he just wrote a letter to the Museum where I worked, and I ended up taking it home. Now he calls me his "American mom," and when I first knew him, he barely knew any English, and had no hopes at all of finishing school because his family was so poor that he had to go to work to help them. However, I did everything I could to help. I went to the African Embassy in DC to find out more about Ghana, (where he lives), and to find out about his part of the village, and to learn things about that country....(I am mostly geographically challenged).....and then I also started sending him money....and back then, (12 years ago I believe), our money was actually WORTH more than it is now, when transferred to cidi's in Africa. I took up collections from coworkers at the Museum on holidays, and scraped together as much as I could out of my own meager wages, on many occasions. I still send him money through Money Gram every couple of months. I'm proud to say he finished high school, and then went on to college, and is now continuing in grad school to earn a teaching degree. That's my son!!
Anyway, so that was my day today. Nothing too stressful, I am happy to report.
I hope your day was great, and I hope you enjoyed whatever you decided to spend the day doing.
Have you answered those Q&A questions yet?! I haven't seen any updates lately....but I confess, I really haven't been seeking them out either....I just don't have a lot of time for that stuff nowadays, as I used to. So, my apologies if I'm a few steps behind the crowd with all this Journey-Steve-Perry stuff....cut me some slack, Jack, I take care of an old woman every day!! I'll always love ya, though, no matter what.
Bye for now.
Love, Rebecca
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