Hi Stephen,
Good GAWD don't tell Pete....I just spent $125 at a Borders bookstore that is going out of business. Everything was 60-80% off!! It's terrible though, because my built-in bookcase in our wall leading upstairs, is already FULL. Here's a photo of it...I tell you, I am a book addict. Seriously. In an age where most people have electronic books now, on a Kindle or some other type of book-reader thing, I'm still one of those old, stodgy, gotta-have-a-hard-cover-in-my-hand type of chick. I still love going to musty smelling old libraries. I could spend an entire DAY perusing a bookstore. It's really quite a fetish.
These are most of the books that I told you about...the ones that I wanted to pile up all together and set them on fire after 9/11 took my whole world into chaos. I think I'm close to 300 so far. I know, if I were really going to be a major fetishist for books, (or an interior designer), then I would have these all separated by COLOR of the spines, and/or alphabetized...but alas, I'm not THAT anal retentive!
Pete has all of his DVDs and CDs...(which total WAY more than my 300 books)...all in alphabetical order. He even packed them that way when we moved. Hell, I can't even find my stupid laptop computer!! I know it's somewhere in a box in the garage....but I'm just not as organized as he is. I kinda like the "lived-in" look moreso than a "museum-style, don't-touch-anything" type of person. These books are for touching, devouring, learning from, etc., not just for display.
Yeah, so I went a little crazy in that damned bookstore, actually...spent my whole allowance on it....all because some chick on Freecycle (a web site I am also addicted to), asked people to give her "men's magazines" for her brother who is in the Air Force in Afghanistan. I said to my mom, "I have to go buy some men's magazines." So, that's what I did. Hey, 80% off is awesome, I can't pass that up!! I am the QUEEN of frugality, you know. Thrift-store DIVA. Yep. In fact, one of my brilliant million dollar ideas is to have my own t.v. show on HGTV entitled, "Thrift Store Diva," where I redecorate somebody's room with all kinds of cool stuff from thrift stores....and ONLY thrift stores. I'd have a $500 budget or something paltry like that, and just go wild making a room look awesome with thrift store stuff! Now, that is really a cool idea, you have to admit it. (ADMIT IT!!) hehehehe
Another brilliant million dollar idea is this....(get ready to go get yourself a patent my friend).....a Ziploc bag with a built in HANDLE on the top. Yes, why bother with a brown PAPER bag to put the Ziploc sandwich inside, when you can just SEE the damned sandwich and CARRY IT around, all in one?! Brilliance, sheer brilliance I tell you. I'm smarter than I look. Now go get a patent like a good little boy.
Ah well...what can I say, my brain goes about 150 miles an hour all the time. Sometimes I can't shut it off at night, and my most creative ideas come at me around midnight or later. I've got another one, that would be the ultimate in awesomeness....are you ready? (Fasten your seatbelt lover, we're goin' for a wild ride)...mmm hmmm....
The Diabetic Emporium. Like a Barnes and Noble, only with medical staff on-site to test blood sugar levels, give lectures, book signings, with a cafe that serves only sugar-free foods and desserts, and coffee's...diabetic cookbooks with EMERIL teaching people how to cook sugar-free stuff...hands-on types of workshops, to learn more about nutrition for diabetes, how to BEAT diabetes, how to manage, maintain or lose weight to rid yourself of diabetes, etc......all under one roof.
Now, I know for a fact that every pharmaceutical company on this planet would squash me like a bug. So, that's why I haven't pursued the idea. BUT....if we could convince them that they could have the CANCER EMPORIUM, well, maybe---just MAYBE----they would allow it to happen. But if 5 million people in this country spend $20 bucks on a book in that wonderful Emporium, I'd be filthy stinking rich beyond all belief. Go patent that idea too. You have my blessing. I give it to you on a silver platter, it's yours. I really don't want it. Seriously. I'll sign any waiver you like. Hell, I don't even want to deal with the Journey-opoly game either, it's all yours. I'm the thinker, you can be the do-er. Deal??
Now, with sheer brilliance like mine, how can you go wrong, if I offer to do your web site?! FREE OF CHARGE even?!! Think it over. Let me know if you'd like me to rock your world....cause I most assuredly WOULD. *wink*
Okay, well, I must now go deflate my enlarged ego, and start reading some of these damned books.
Bye for now.
Love, Rebecca
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