Well, we slogged through Florence's 90th birthday despite the constant rain all day...we took her to PNC Park for the Pirates baseball game against the Houston Astros....we won, 3 to 1....so they must REALLY suck. Here are some photos of the game...
This is Florence, Pete and my mom, sitting in the stands...it was sprinkling the whole time we were out there, so we didn't stay outside for very long. (I was cold and didn't think to bring a jacket). My mom has never been to a real stadium baseball game before, and she's 62...so she had a fun time! Florence was at a game last year with us too, but she doesn't remember it. She had a fun time too!
And here I am, on the other side of Florence...
Here was our view of home plate...not a bad turnout, despite being rained on the whole time!
And here is the bigger picture of where we were sitting...with the skyline of Pittsburgh in the background...it's really a nice city, when you look at it from afar...clean, too.
Florence with the Pittsburgh Pirates mascot, the Parrot! We were inside having some chicken wings!
(But don't tell the bird we were eating wings...)
So all in all, Florence had a great time and was super tired out afterwards.
To switch gears, here is a photo of my favorite ladies at the Museum.
These are Holocaust Survivors, that I worked with side by side for 6 years, and they
were like family to me.
Left to Right: Manya Friedman, (seated), Erica Ekstadt, and Nesse Godin
I miss them all terribly. But they still keep in contact with me from time to time. Manya sends me hand written cards and notes, while Nesse sometimes sends me emails. Erica hasn't written in a long while. I should probably send them all a nice card soon, just to say hello. I love these ladies!! You can Google Nesse Godin to read about her life story, she's everywhere, very well known in the Holocaust "industry" or "realm" I guess is a better term...though it really has turned into an industry....don't get me started on THAT subject, I'd definitely talk your ear off about it. (Go read Tim Cole's book "Selling the Holocaust" and then we'll have a knock-down-drag-out-discussion). These people are NOT products for sale. Anne Frank should NOT become a musical play on Broadway, either.
And, these are 2 new books that I am now reading...(I tend to read more than one book at a time)...
This one is about the Kindertransport from the UK to various other countries, to save the children during the Holocaust. I don't think this story has ever been fully told before. So far I am mesmerized by it.
And this one is right up my alley...can't wait to sink my teeth into it. THIS is what I want to do with my life, it's my purpose, my passion, and my "higher calling" if you will.
Okay, well, there you have it. My weird life.
Hope you had a nice Labor Day weekend!!
OH!! I almost forgot...on Facebook this morning, the "Classic Rock" page sent me a message, "We asked, you voted, and it's no surprise, "Don't Stop Believin'" is your most favorite Journey song of all time!" (Like, DUHHH)...but okay, that's cool. Nice to know!!
I think a lot of people can relate to that song, and try to keep hope up for their fellow human beings, not just for finding love....I think having a belief in your neighbor, and your loved ones, is vital. So, my guess is, a lot of people hear those words, and think, "Yeah, I hope so-and-so doesn't let me down."
So they want to keep believing in that person.
I believe in YOU, Mr. Sexy Tragic Tenacious TRIUMPHANT Troubadour....
Love, Rebecca
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