Mmmm sexy...

Mmmm sexy...
The man is a gorgeous sexy BEAST!! I just want to eat him up!!

Monday, October 24, 2011

And you thought I was only joking...

Hello Stephen,

Remember how I mentioned last week that I woke up with "Don King hair?"  Well, if you thought I was only joking, YOU WOULD BE WRONG!!!  Yeah babyyyy, how'd ya like to wake up to THIS every morning?!! WOOOOO!!!  You love me, I know you love me, so just admit it, and let's move on!!

Here's a big smooch just for you...

Ah well, so maybe I am not Miss Red Dress, the gorgeous chick you were seen with awhile back at a movie premier...but, at least I can laugh at myself!!  Actually, when I clean up, I look pretty damned sexy. You wouldn't know it from this picture though!!  I just wanted to give you a chuckle.  If I gave you a heart attack instead, I am so very sorry, and I will make it up to you, I promise.

There.....that's's a nicer photo of me, with that look in my eye...."Come HERE you sexy boy-toy you.  Muuuuhahahahaha!!" (Yes, I'm talkin' to YOU, and yes, that is my collar around my neck, in case you were wondering).  I only wear it in public when we go to dungeons for play parties or to Camp Crucible every summer. (Or, if we go to the MAYHEM festival)! Rock on, daddy-o!!

Ah well, soooooo, the concert with Jon Anderson and Rick Wakeman was pretty damned cool, actually. We sat in the second row from the stage, right behind Jon Anderson's wife.  (A gorgeous blonde).  Rick Wakeman reminded me of the Planet of the Ape guy, Cornelius, the blonde one...hehehe....well, he has blonde hair rather long and thin, like the ape guy did, and he was wearing a long coat over a buttoned shirt.  But when he smiles, he is suddenly 40 years younger!  When he's not smiling, he looks like he's a grouchy old man, a mean guy that you would NOT want to mess with.  His performance was amazing, but he seemed somewhat "Yanni-esque" to me, and when I told Pete that...he cringed.  LOL (Heyyyyy, my mom and I used to LOVE Yanni, so don't get me wrong, I really did like his music in the 80's).  Of course, I used to love Air Supply too, until my friend Barbara dragged me to their concert.  WOW!! They totally SUCKED!  After that, I burned every cassette of theirs that I had.

Both men were very interesting to watch though...I learned a lot about them...Jon Anderson, for instance, seems to be all "new agey" with his talk of "Mother Earth" and "hugging a tree," and the spiritual connection we all share, yada yada yada...he seems like a very sensitive type of guy, in tune with his inner child, and all that jazz.  He was trying so hard to be DEEP and PHILOSOPHICAL, (and this was only their 2nd night on their tour together, so they were bantering back and forth the whole time), but every time he would try to explain where the idea for the next song came from, or how it was written, or why he wanted to write it, being all serious and stuff, Rick would interrupt him with some raunchy story about sex, or a joke, or something really light and funny!

Rick said at one point, regarding his many ex-wives, "My 2nd wife once asked me if I believed in reincarnation. I told her yes. She asked me what I thought it was all about, and I said that it's when you die and can come back as something else, something completely a pig...she asked if I thought she should come back as a pig, and I said, "You obviously weren't listening to me."

Another one was, "Women in England get divorced for the silliest reasons. My third wife, for example, told the judge she wanted a divorce because I wouldn't hold the car door open for her....but I panicked and swam to the surface, what could I do?!"

Another one was, "My dad came home and opened my bedroom door. Problem was, he caught me doing something I shouldn't have been myself...and he said, "Son, if you keep doing that, you're going to go blind." I said, "Dad, I'm over here."

Then he joked about the first time he ever had sex in a car..."I don't even KNOW how all 3 of us fit in that thing."

Jon Anderson was so befuddled and discombobulated by Rick Wakeman, while he was trying so hard to be serious about the music, it was a friggin' laugh riot!!  Pete said afterwards that sometimes performers have a script of banter that they just stick with every night, but this time it seemed like they just winged it completely.  It was a very enjoyable show, and we bought a DVD of them perfoming together as well.  I wish I could give you a photo or a sample of their music, but we weren't allowed to take pictures or record video or anything. (And since we were in the 2nd row, well, I couldn't even SNEAK it).

Amen to that, my friend.

Well, I gotta scoot. I just wanted to write a quickie and tell you that I love ya.

I hope you had a nice Monday.  I spent my day re-organizing and decorating my small living room. I'll take some photos of it tomorrow when it's done.  I really love to decorate for the holidays.

Bye for now, you sweet sexy man.

Love, Rebecca  ps. I haven't checked the Ebay phone call bid lately...but I'm sure it's grown!

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