So Stephen,
Have you bought the new book about Steve Jobs yet? I just got it today for Pete. So, we talk about Steve Jobs almost daily, (before and after his death), then I buy his book today, only ONE DAY after this.....which is very strange, but then again, so was his entire life...yesterday, Pete comes home from work to ask what I thought about possibly working at Apple part- time!! I nearly fell over from shock. I said, "Uhhh, doing what...exactly?" He says, "Admin." I'm freaking the hell out at this point, because THAT would be the ULTIMATE COOL of the whole entire UNIVERSE on my resume. I mean, I've worked at some damned prestigious places, you know, in Washington DC. (US Holocaust Memorial Museum, The College of William and Mary, the place that created the GMAT test, and ESRI (which the military uses a LOT). But to add Apple to that list....holy CRAP...of course, I told him YESSSSS. So, we'll see what happens with that. I'll keep you posted as I learn more about it.
Of course, the most ULTIMATE AWESOME JOB IN THE WHOLE GALAXY would be to get hired as YOUR personal assistant!! (Do you even HAVE one? A man of your calibre and in your celebrity position SHOULD, dammit). So hire me, and I will take care of your every need, urge, and whim. Guaranteed. Then I can die happy. I mean, I've worked at places that require high security clearance, that demand complete and total confidentiality, and I've been trained in security---including fire extinguisher training, blood borne pathogen training, CPR, first aid, stair-chair evacuations (getting people in wheelchairs down the stairs in an emergency), and of course, daily Museum evacuations (because the Museum is a terrorist target every day of the week you know). We had a bomb-sniffing dog, even, and bomb threats all the time. So, I would not only cater to your every whim, urge and need, but I would also PROTECT THE HELL OUT OF YOU, as a bodyguard-type personal assistant. I don't play, either, I will kick ass and take names if anybody even TRIES to come near you in a bad way.
Ah well, it's a dream, but it's one that I will cling to until I am too senile to remember it.
Hey, I don't even NEED THE MONEY!!! So don't worry about paying me much!! Just cover the cost of living, provide me with a room, and feed me now and then. Yeah yeah yeah, I'll have to have postage stamps too, so that I can send Pete postcards now and then. But other than THAT...(I keed, I keed)!
Did I mention that I type 125 words a minute and I can do transcription? If you dictate a letter, for example, I can type it out at the same time you speak it, and keep up with you at a normal rate of conversation. Yep. I trained myself by listening to the radio, trying to keep up with the lyrics or type them faster than they are being sung. Not an easy thing to do, but I practiced all the time at that. So, these blog entries I send to you nearly every day, which may SEEM like friggin' BOOKS, are actually only about a half hour (or less), of my day. So, while I love you dearly, I also have other things to do.
Anyway, just a thought. I am a planter of seeds, my friend. Consider that one planted into your brain for future reference. Now, let's stand back and watch it GROW into FRUITION!!!
Gotta scoot, I'm tired, long day, all that jazz. Hope you had a nice Tuesday. (I read that someone met you in New York while you were walking down the street with Miss Red Dress in September...that is a very cool thing you did, by the way, to have your picture taken with the fan and met her family and stuff. You're a good man, Stephen Ray Perry. You really are).
Love, Rebecca
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