Steve Perry on Thanksgiving: "It Can Be Melancholy" - Music News - ABC News Radio
Hi Steve,
I just read that story (link above), and all I can say is: DANG IT MAN!!! You could have come HERE, and stayed with US, and had a more FUN Thanksgiving holiday, hanging out with all of us crazy people. Seriously...if I had known that you were feeling melancholy about it, I would have INVITED YOU...I just assumed you had lots of people to see and places to I wish I would have invited you.
I can picture you and I, sitting on our couch, and looking through your photo albums, telling us awesome and funny family stories about your mom and all your relatives, great memories that you have, etc., and made it a POSITIVE thing, rather than a sad and negative vibe all by yourself. That truly sucks, and I am so sorry that you feel bummed out right now.
So, rather than be a total socially inept human, I want to take a moment RIGHT NOW and extend this OFFICIAL INVITATION, for you to come and have a QUIET and peaceful and POSITIVE Christmas with me and Pete, and the 2 mom's. That's all we're going to be doing this time around, we aren't going anywhere, we aren't visiting anybody else, it's just us four, sitting around the house, having a nice dinner together, and opening a few presents.
And, if you did take me up on the invitation, I PROMISE YOU, I would tell NOBODY. I would make Pete and the 2 mom's all swear to secrecy as well.
We have a HUGE guest bedroom, it's quiet, it's peaceful, and it's all yours. This house is rather large, and spacious, so nobody would bother you and you would have all the privacy you'd want. I was also trained in security in Washington DC, you know, so I would protect you. I have a lot of ability to thwart anyone who might become a nuisance, and Pete is a big guy, so he could beat some ass if necessary. You would be SAFE, you would be SECLUDED, and best of all, you'd be hanging out with US, and we would do everything to make it a FUN and POSITIVE Christmas for you.
You have spent too many holidays alone, Stephen. Too many holidays feeling blue, lonely, and bummed. Time to have some interesting days in Pittsburgh, with a family who all enjoys your music, (and they tolerate ME with my love towards you), so we would all be COOL about it. Don't even TRY to autograph anything for any of us, or I'll bite your face off. Don't bring a camera, and we'll put ours away. WE WANT NOTHING FROM YOU---not a photo, not a present, nothing. Just you. We won't even MENTION anything about Journey. I promise I won't ask about your new solo album either. We will all just talk about neutral stuff, regular people stuff, nothing else. Don't even open that gob of yours to sing a Christmas carol either, because I'd melt into a puddle and it would be a huge mess and shit.
So, pack a bag, bring a Steelers jersey (seriously, it's a law here), and COME OVER FOR XMAS!!!!!
Dinner would be great too! We have a huge ham----but, I know you prefer vegetarian stuff, so bring a couple recipe's along, and I'll TRY MY BEST to make something that you love to eat---Pete's a better cook than I am though, so he could help too, if I screw something up. (I make no promises)!!
The mom's would actually get a kick out of some total stranger showing up to hang out with us. Hell, they wouldn't even know who you are---well, Florence wouldn't, that's for sure. My mom would, but she is the same age as you, and isn't as "awed" by anybody anymore...not even her favorite singer, Wayne Newton, tickles her funny bone anymore. So she would be cool about it.
Me???? Well, I'd have an alcoholic beverage, and maybe a Valium, just to be chillin' when you get here. I will NOT jump on you when you walk in the door. I didn't do that when I met you in person, remember? I actually stood back, watched other women do that stupid shit, and then I ASKED YOU if I could give you a hug. I respected you. I gave you the power to say NO. (Thank you for saying yes). But I SWEAR to you, Stephen, that I would be as cool about it as I possibly can, and that's a promise. You're just a guy, you put your pants on one leg at a time, you fart, you burp, and you swear like everybody else, and you're not perfect. That would be my mantra.
I know that Pete would definitely enjoy having you around, too, just to tease ME, watch ME around you, and make fun of ME, while you're here. And of course, with my submissive self kicking into high gear, you will be pampered and spoiled rotten the whole time you're here.
So, it would be a very interesting time for you, it would get your mind off the melancholy stuff, and you would definitely be entertained----yes, WE would entertain YOU for a change----and hell, we'd even break out the Wii games (I've never played the Wii, so we could have fun learning it together), and we could take you all around Pittsburgh if you want to. We could take you to the Warhol Museum, or the Heinz ketchup museum (I haven't been there at all yet), and there are LOTS of other places we could take you besides those places, if you wanted to escape our weirdness at home and get away from the mom's for awhile.
It's an open invitation, it's something we would definitely enjoy, and we'd make sure YOU would enjoy it too----and NEXT YEAR, I want to see you here with us for Thanksgiving too.
I am being 100% serious with this, because all I ever want is for you to be happy.
I love ya, Stephen.
Bye for now.
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