Mmmm sexy...

Mmmm sexy...
The man is a gorgeous sexy BEAST!! I just want to eat him up!!

Monday, April 2, 2012

You know this is true...

Hi Stephen,

I think this pretty much sums up everything that George Carlin symbolized....not only did he think out of the box about everything, but he put it so succinctly, that it almost seemed like he was Jesus, giving out Golden Rule-Biblical-like words of wisdom but at the same time, disguising it as comedy...he was truly a brilliant person with an intelligence far beyond most men.

He's the kinda guy who would have gone to Camp, and he woulda loved it.

Yeah, my head space is full of campity-camp-camp-camp thoughts today.  My "Uncle Ed," keeps calling me with all these ideas for decorating, and it gets us both riled up and excited, like a couple of giggly school girls---in fact, he called me today all giddy that his Oriental Trading Company box of goodies had just been delivered! hehehehe

I made a mistake today by taking the moms out for lunch, (we do that every now and then), but then after lunch I took them to JoAnn Fabrics...big mistake...the two of them were just distracting me and arguing about the color TEAL the whole time.  I was looking for some teal fabric to make some pillow cases out of.  However, there is a MYRIAD of teal-colored fabric, all different hues really, and so I wasn't sure which one was the RIGHT one.  So this spurred an argument about "wedding teal," versus "ocean teal," versus "turquoise teal."  OH MY FUGGIN' GAWD, REALLY?!!


So anyway, I ended up taking the damned fabric BACK for a refund, I put the 2 mom's in the car and went back in to do that, BY MYSELF, and then I get the call from Ed who says, "That color was fine, any shade of teal is great, this is CAMP, nobody GIVES A CRAP!!"  And so, I'm going out tomorrow BY MYSELF to get more fabric without the mom's.

I wish I could show you camp, up close and personal.  I really do.  You would probably love it too.  I mean, I consider you SOMEWHAT intelligent...and you're also a fun person...(these things I am assuming of course) really that's all ya gotta bring to the table when you go to camp.  Oh, and an open mind too.  Yeah, I'm going to say that you have one of those too...I sincerely hope you do.

Picture's an actual summer camp, that all sorts of groups rent out for a week at a time, mostly kids groups.  However, when WE rent it out, suddenly it is transformed into HEDONISTIC HEAVEN. And that's what I'm helping with, the decorating, to transform the otherwise bland looking environment into an adult paradise of naughty fun.  I have told you before, I think, that I'm interested in interior design, right?  I'm registered at the Sheffield School of Interior Design school in New York, and I am doing the correspondence courses to get my Interior Designer License.

So, yeah, in case you were wondering (or even gave a crap at all), I actually do much more than just babysit 2 mom's and clean the house all day long.  I am the type of person that has to be learning something all the time.  In fact, I actually have finished half of a Graduate School Teaching Degree....I got halfway through the program when they told me I would have to do 3 months of student teaching, which you don't get paid for, and uh, well, how the HELL would I actually LIVE without a paycheck, doing 8 hour days at a job for three months??? It's really not intended for single women.  It's kinda set up so that you almost HAVE to be married, with a second income to live on.  So I ended up quitting and I've never finished it.  Besides, teachers get abused daily, and I guess I'm just not THAT masochistic.

Well, so I'm doing some decorating with Uncle Ed, and Pete is going to be doing the bartending, as well as working in the spa to give people massages---he's so GOOD at massages---and he enjoys doing them. So, we volunteer our time and energy into putting together a nice experience for everybody there.  That is part of what makes camp so cool.  Everybody pitches in, everybody helps each other out, there is no drama, there is no politics, there is no adversity or arguments about world issues, etc.  Everybody just GETS ALONG, because we all want to be there, we all want to CONTINUE going there, and we all want to make it an awesome experience for everybody.  I wish the rest of the world was like camp.

Ah well, I'm sure I'll talk more about that as it gets closer, but my brain is already there, ya know?  I am determined to lose at least 25 more pounds before camp, so I'm going to walk on that treadmill every damned day until I'm able to put that bikini on without cringing in the mirror.  I don't HAVE to wear ANY clothing, but dammit to hell, I've never been able to wear a bikini, and I'm going to DO IT this summer, even if I gotta starve myself.  I want to be the gorgeous diva that I know resides within me.

She's modest too.  :)  WINK

Well, I'm off to bed. Hope you had a nice weekend.

Love you more than chocolate Easter bunnies.....unless they're dark chocolate, then, well, I love ya just as much as chocolate Easter bunnies.  I actually look forward to the day AFTER Easter, and the day AFTER Valentines, just to get the chocolate 50% off in all the stores!!  (She confesses---AFTER saying she wants to lose weight by starving herself).   SIGHHHHHHH.  Sometimes, I really am a doofus.

Bye for now.

Love, Rebecca

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