Hey, I know you're not much of a computer fan, nor do you really give a crap about Facebook or any of those web sites...hell, you probably never read this blog either. But, I started having more conversations with Kevin Chalfant lately, via Facebook, and I'm learning that.....well, sometimes people are immersed in their specific vocations for a reason.
Here's a conversation I had with him today...(this first line was my comment/reaction to this story about Imus, calling Rush a pig...........) And then the hilarity ensued....
LOL.....hello pot, this is kettle, you're black. (Don't much like Imus either).
And here's something REALLY sad, that just burns my ass.....Ron Paul doesn't think tornado victims should get financial aid assistance...how can they pay their student loans when they have no HOUSE or ROOF, or INSURANCE to replace those things??? I just don't get it. So, I commented on it. And this is what ensued....Laurie is my best friend since the age of 15. Lisa is Pete's friend, who introduced us. If this country is not polarized with the "us" vs. "them" mentality, then tell me WHAT ELSE is going on??? 'Cause I'd really like to know.
I'm on my way to bed. Cyndy Poon wrote that she awakened to a 4.3 earthquake today....but "it was ONLY 4.3, so I'm going back to bed!" I laughed, and wrote, "Spoken like a true CA girl! I would have crapped my pants!" hehehehehe (Well, it's true, that earthquake thing scares the bejeezus outta me).
Have a good evening, and I will write again soon. Love you lots. -----Rebecca
ertarian does NOT mean you cannot also show some COMPASSION!! '
What if HIS house blew away in a tornado? You can BET he'd be asking for help.
I don't know if I like this guy or not.
Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, stood by his libertarian beliefs on Sunday, saying that victims of the violent storms and tornadoes that have battered a band of states in the South and Midwest in recent days should not be given emergency financial aid from the federal government.
PS. Laurie's sister, Sara, wrote about her poor cat, Spektor, who was having some physical ailment that she could not figure out what to do about. She took him to the vet, they had to do surgery, and now he's okay but she owes the vet $3500. She's a recent college grad, a MUSIC MAJOR by the way, who is a CONDUCTOR too, but finding a long-term job that has benefits has been very difficult in Michigan for many years. I just sent her a money order to help pay that debt a little bit. I love animals. She will be sacrificing a LOT for awhile, to pay it off, and I would do the same thing for my DOG if she ever got sick. Sara did not ASK ME to help her financially. She doesn't even know yet that I did it. But I would do it again, because she's my best friend's sister and I love them like they were family. It didn't hurt MY bank account to pitch in, I am one of the lucky ones. And I believe in sharing the "wealth" wherever I can help out, so long as it doesn't hurt MY situation or cause ME bankruptcy by doing it. It's not "selfish" and it's not "unselfish," it's just EMPATHY and COMPASSION, and DO UNTO OTHERS. That's all it is.