Hello Stephen,
I'm listening to the thunder and rain outside, it's so peaceful and cleansing. I love the rain. When you added the sound of rain into the song, "It's Just The Rain," I was absolutely ECSTATIC. I love that song.
I had this brilliant idea---which I thought was totally original, all mine---while sitting at the symphony tonight. My brain just would NOT stop coming up with this stuff, the whole night. It was almost as if the ghost of Steve Jobs was whispering in my ear the whole time, and I kept whispering this stuff to Pete too.
I was looking at the violinists trying to turn the page of music and lots of them missed a few notes because of it, and out of nowhere, I suddenly thought, "Hmmm....wouldn't it be cool if, instead of having a cumbersome music stand with sheets of music on it, with a light affixed to the top of it, there could be a BRAND NEW style of music stand----maybe like with an iPad on top----a computer SCREEN of sorts----that has all of your music on it (no more SHEETS to juggle around, just DIGITAL copies)---and all you have to do is touch the screen in the lower right corner to TURN THE PAGE AUTOMATICALLY, (or even have a FOOT PEDAL to tap, so you don't miss any notes as you play an instrument), and then, what if you could actually use a plastic "pen" in whatever color you wanted, to WRITE on that computer screen music, and SAVE those additional instructions?? You could download ANY piece of music, (as a small fee to the composer) too!! What if you're practicing the music at home, and you're stumped by one phrase or something, all you'd have to do is extend your fingers over those few measures of music, and touch it once, and it would be played FOR YOU by whatever instrument you'd like to hear, so that you knew how it was supposed to sound!! THEN, when you're DONE with the screen after you play the music, you can remove it from the "stand," and it'll FOLD DOWN into an iPhone-sized instrument that you can put in your POCKET!!!"
Holy CRAP. I felt like the world's next super genius, coming up with all that!!! I don't even know if all of those ideas are DO-able or not, but they seemed like something I should definitely pursue!!
Then we get home, and Pete looks up the APP Store, and TAH DAHHHH, most of everything I came up with already exists. SIGH. I'm always a day late and a dollar short. I don't think an iPad can shrink to an iPhone size, ("that's about 15 years away yet," Pete said), and I don't think you can actually write on the digital music and save it, and I'm not even sure if there IS a foot pedal to turn pages. But hey, until I see ZIPLOC BAGS with HANDLES ON THEM, I'm still gonna come up with more creative ideas, dammit. That one, however, was astounding me as I kept adding stuff to it the whole night.
Ah well, you probably HAVE all that stuff, all that massively cool top of the line technology in your own music studio, don'tcha?? I don't need to tell YOU how cool all that stuff would be, you already know. But hey, I really thought I had something there, that nobody else had thought of yet.
Boom Boom Boom......the thunder is harsh, my dog is cowering in the basement next to my mom (she freaks out whenever a storm comes), and I am just putzing around until I hit the hay.
One other thought I had earlier today was, "Hey, how can a Congressman or a Senator, or ANY politician, actually TRY TO dictate anything MEDICAL and/or gynecological about women's naughty bits, when they don't even have a LICENSE to practice any medical ANYTHING?!" I think that smells of some kind of lawsuit right there. "Fraudulent and unnecessary medical and/or gynecological, politically-based obstructions and hurdles to another human being's health concerns." Yeah, I think that sounds pretty legal-like, doesn't it??
Don't these guys see how their short-sightedness in all this BS is just going to CREATE more problems?? Men just keep on creating their own monsters, all the time, don't they. You'd THINK by now they might just stop and say, "Heyyyy, we tried this BS about 100 years ago, and it didn't work on women THEN, so why would we think it's going to work on women NOW??" Why the hell do we keep on making the SAME MISTAKES OVER AND OVER AND OVER WITHOUT LEARNING ANY LESSONS FROM THEM??? Without GROWING from those lessons? Without grasping the important concepts that are involved in those mistakes? What the hell is WRONG with these idiots???
They can't solve the economy because, well, Obama's got it covered. As a matter of fact, today, Apple stock soared into the $600 mark for the first time EVER, and Wall Street was UP by 1400 or more points. The economy is GETTING BETTER, so these idiot Republican assholes have nothing to bitch about anymore, do they?? NAME THE GAME THAT THEY PLAY, AND THEY CAN NO LONGER PLAY IT. I learned that when I was in my late teens, for Christ's sake.
And Obama didn't have to SAY or NAME anything. He just remains silent, smiles, and gets the job done while they all sit and spin on the same old rhetoric and BS that they dredge up from a hundred years ago, just for something to do to occupy their time and energy.
They can't solve the creation of jobs, because, well, Obama's got THAT covered too. And the whole thing about Syria---none of these idiots have really been paying any attention to what's going on there lately, have they? Nope. They've been too busy trying to tell me what I can and cannot do with my own body. So, once again, Obama's got it covered. He's on the ball, he's got things in the works, he's loyal to Israel, and he's going to make damned sure that another war doesn't happen. Let's hope, anyway.
I mean, I was 12 years old when I first read Nostradamus' predictions. So, according to what he wrote, we'll definitely have a World War 3, at some point, with a crazy 3rd world leader (I'm guessing Iran), and nuclear war will ensue, putting an end to the entire universe as we know it. Twelve years old. I was putting milk-jugs filled with water inside our huge freezer in our garage, because Nostradamus said we would all run out of drinkable water due to all the pollution and oil spills, etc. I told my mom we would have the most water that we could sell to other people....this was BEFORE the days of "bottled water," mind you. I HAD THAT DAMNED IDEA FIRST!!! GRRRRR!!! But, I was only 12.
No, I am NOT an Apple store "genius," nor am I a genius when it comes to inventing things. But, I do think I have at least HALF a brain, and I hope to GOD some of these jerks in politics will someday remove their heads from their asses, and actually accomplish something POSITIVE and PROGRESSIVE rather than launch us back in time to some dark aged-out-dated-lame-ass-SHIT that has absolutely NOTHING to do with becoming a President, absolutely NOTHING to do with being a MAN, and absolutely NOTHING to do with winning FEMALE VOTES during an election year.
Sometimes I really wonder if they are just doing this smoke and mirror crap on PURPOSE, as a decoy, to distract everyone from the important issues, and to literally throw the election, to pretend to "lose it," so that Obama will keep doing all the REAL HARD WORK that he's BEEN doing all along, for another 4 years. Stranger things have happened. Ya just never know.
Well, the rain is really hammering us now, I'd better scoot and get off the computer.
Hey, by the way, I had a dream about you last night....dude, you GOTTA stop invading my dreams so much, it's starting to get embarrassing. I mean seriously, arriving in my back yard in a HELICOPTER? What the hell were you thinking? You very nearly hit our BARN back there!! (shaking my head). Stop invading my dreams, dammit, unless you're really going to make it happen in reality. You told me that you owned your own helicopter and loved to fly it yourself, all over the country, because it made you feel free and closer to God somehow. I said, "Just don't land on my dog. This backyard isn't big enough for that stuff, you really should have called me first."
Then I woke up, and thought, "Wow, I really need a hobby."
But, alas.......right now, you're it.
Good night Stephen. Sleep well. I love ya.
Love, Rebecca
Ever wanted to talk to your favorite famous person, even if he or she is unavailable/unapproachable in real life, or dead and gone, or just not even possible to have a real conversation with? Who doesn't?! Well, so do I. So, I am going to chit-chat with the Main Man, my favorite singer in the entire world, Steve Perry, on this blog, just for the hell of it!! I'm a writer after all, so that's the kind of thing I like doing. Keeps me outta jail. *WINK*
Mmmm sexy...

The man is a gorgeous sexy BEAST!! I just want to eat him up!!
PS. Mark my words, the next big thing coming in this insanity of politics will be PROHIBITION!!!!! You watch!!! I'm placing bets!!!