Hi Stephen,
This is such a true statement, I couldn't resist posting it here. I have lots of these inspirational "meme's" as they're called, saved on my computer. I get a lot of them from friends and family on Facebook.
I actually thanked an ex-boyfriend of mine once who was in the Navy and chased every skirt he could, for making every FUTURE boyfriend of mine look like a total PRINCE. True story. He paved the way for me to have a much easier time picking out better men. Sometimes I wonder if that's how God works too.
God says, "Hey, lemme toss ya a total douche-bag jerk lunatic asshole to cause you as much grief as you can take, just so you can figure out what you can learn from it."
Not so sure I like God's way of doing things. But, whatchagonnado? This one makes ya think too....
I don't give a rat's ASS what anybody does in their bedroom, or with their private parts. It's nobody else's business, keep your nose out of my sex life, and don't try and tell me I cannot choose what to do with my own body, or I'll fight you to the death to keep that right as a woman.
I don't have a clue how YOU feel politically, but I'm gonna share MY thoughts........Santorum is getting on my last nerve with this contraception bullshit, and frankly if he gets elected, there's about a billion women out here in the real world who will shoot his face off with a bazooka if they ever get near him. I don't think he realizes just how much danger he is dancing with when he opens his stupid pie hole. He's alienating over half the population, all with only one or two sentences of stupidity that he spews. I cannot BELIEVE he came very close to winning the election in Michigan...that makes me ill. How can anybody sit there and applaud a man who says John F. Kennedy's speech was garbage, and Obama is "a snob" for wanting all young people to have a chance to go to college?! He's a friggin' idiot. I am ashamed that he's from PA, that really tells me a LOT about this damned state I live in, and frankly I'm ready to pack it up and move my ass to Canada.
I'm not crazy about Mitt Romney either. Both men have said NOTHING about what they would really like to see changed in our country except "jobs, better healthcare options, blah blah blah..." but they have said next to NOTHING about solving real problems like the deficit and the economy, or helping people who need it in this economy, or being strong in the face of adversity with the leader of Iran, etc. Nothing VITALLY IMPORTANT has come out of either one of their mouths since day one, and I am NOT impressed. Obama is the only smart one, sitting back and letting karma bite them both in the ass. He doesn't have to compete with them, he has risen above them both. Any educated human knows that.
I don't like Mitt trying to be all "regular normal guy" and shit, either, because everybody knows he's NOT a regular, normal guy. Why can't he just own up to that? What is he so afraid of? GW Bush bragged about being rich, all the time, and a lot of people thought he was great. (Yours truly, did NOT). Did you hear that quote of Mitt Romney's, about NASCAR?? He was in Florida, in Daytona, and someone asked him how much he liked NASCAR...he said, "Not as much as other ardent fans, I'm sure, however, I do have many friends who are...who own various NASCAR teams."
WTF IS THAT?!!! You have "friends" who are TEAM OWNERS. That is NOT normal, regular guy kinda stuff. He does NOT appeal to the blue collar worker one bit. All those men standing there on the job in a factory, working hard every day to put food on their family's table, think he's full of shit.
Now, I don't purport to have any answers about this upcoming election. Who the hell knows what'll happen. I just know that as I've grown older, and have learned more about it, and am paying more attention to it than I ever did before, I'm really sick of the whole stupid mess. It is the most dysfunctional clusterfuckery I have ever witnessed in my entire life. And it never seems to change much as the years progress. I'm sure it's always been like this, too, even before I was born. But some of the crap that comes out of these men's mouths really just makes me want to beat my head against a brick wall. Just listening to some of it is painful, it makes me cringe, it makes my stomach sick, it makes me angry.
My sister says she doesn't bother to vote because it's all "rigged" anyway. I yelled at her about that. I said, "Okay, stop and think about this a moment. THOUSANDS of women fought hard, were arrested, were harassed, put in jail, threatened, beaten, and many of those women actually DIED for the right for you and me to be able to go VOTE. For you to sit there and tell me you're NOT going to vote, in my opinion, is disrespecting and spitting on the graves of all those women who came before you and me, and frankly I just do not approve of that." She sat there a moment and thought about it, and said, "Yeah, I didn't think of that actually, but you're right." (My sister never went to college). She has a high school diploma, but never liked history. I am afraid, in our world, there a LOTS of people just like her, who don't stop to think about hasty decisions like that, without seeing the bigger picture.
And THAT, in my opinion, is why we're all in such a big fat mess in this country.
My best friend Laurie also never went to college. She said to me the other day, "I can't STAND that Stephen Colbert guy, what a total jerk, he is really off the deep end...I'd never vote for him." I chuckled and said, "Wait a minute. You DO get the whole concept of his show, right? He's actually very LIBERAL MINDED, but he PRETENDS to be a conservative, to show just how ABSURD some of this bullshit really IS....he's not like John Stewart, who just tells it in a liberal view like it is, he actually twists it into PRETENDING he's so right-wing crazy that you really HAVE to agree that it is absurd."
She sat there, didn't say anything for a moment, and said, "Oh. No, I didn't know that. I just thought what he was saying was what he believed to be the truth."
Lots of people out there in this world are just like her, too, and don't really "GET IT."
The common denominator, I'm afraid, is lack of education. Lack of seeing things in a bigger picture sort of way, in a long-term thinking sort of way. Not many people have this ability much anymore for some reason, and I wish I knew WHY that is. I think if you traced back every major problem this country is facing, you'd find at least 2 dozen people (decision makers) who are just like that---not very educated, not very ambitious, very short-sighted, maybe even a right-wing-nut-ball, who only wants to improve things for HIMSELF, but nobody else.
I am NOT a conservative, if you haven't figured that out yet. I am more liberal minded than anything. But I do lean towards LIBERTARIAN moreso than Democrat....because the definition of Democrat isn't what it used to be....in fact, I read somewhere that Democrats have taken on more Republican ilk, and the Republicans have taken on more Democrat ilk....almost like they've switched gears a bit and melded into ONE. I voted for John Kerry. I voted for that woman who once ran for president too....the name is on the tip of my tongue and I can see her face in my head but I cannot remember her name...dammit...but you know who I mean I hope. I voted for the other guy who ran against the SENIOR Bush too. Those are the only elections I have been legally able to vote for so far in my life. Of course, I voted for Obama, and I most definitely will again this time around.
What I like about Obama the most is, he is an ADULT. Not a child, not a brat, flipping off the cameraman after an interview, like that infamous video that showed GW doing it....(that made me so angry). He rises ABOVE all that crap, he doesn't PLAY with ya, either. He's a straight-forward, in your face, brutally honest type of guy...(sure he lies too, I'm not THAT naiive)...but he has a way about him that no other president has really exemplified, and that is confidence and integrity above all else. What I think is a shame, however, is that so many people are so RACIST about him, it clouds their entire understanding of what he's done so far. All this crap about "show us your birth certificate," which was a total MOOT POINT because it had already been proven that he was born in the US. He rose above THAT and slapped Donald Trump with that birth certificate, right across that fake hair of his so hard, it almost fell off his fat head.
Obama, unfortunately, has had to FIGHT his way into the White House, and has had to FIGHT to stay there and stay focused and do what he needs to do, every day since then. His hair has turned very grey in the past couple of years, have you noticed that?? Poor guy. I feel for him. He's done so many awesome things, like stopping a war that was stupid in the first place, and killing Osama bin Laden, and creating jobs, etc., (if you read the actual FACTS), but nobody is giving him a break about any of it. They just DEMAND to "see the photo of a dead bin Laden," and call him a liar about it. Unbelievable.
Sure, he hasn't done much about Gitmo. I know that. But his priority list is different from everybody else's, and he'll get to it. Just give him more time. Nobody on this planet could fix everything in less than 4 years until he cleans up after the idiot who fucked up our country for 8 years BEFORE he came along. He's just been the acting janitor of our country for awhile, out of necessity, and that's exactly how he's been treated by the white racist cronies around him.
Speaking of that......this "meme" cracks me up...I think I may start posting these every time I get to a gas station too....(the first sticky note says that gas was $1.79 when GW took over as President). That's because his DADDY didn't mess with it, and the economy hadn't tanked yet due to a huge deficit.
Somebody else answered that sticky note with another one, that has more accurate, valid and factual information.....
Ah well, if you're educated, you KNOW that the President---NONE of them---have any control over the price of gas, EVER. Hey, the whole thing is the LEADER OF IRAN being a total dick about it. I hate that guy, he's an antisemitic America-hating jerk that needs to be killed ASAP if you ask me.
Oh yeah, and that Andrew Breitbart guy----he died. He was only 43. I am well aware that nobody likes that guy...he spread lies and rumours, and didn't have factual evidence to support any of it, he just stirred the turds in the cesspool that were already there....but though I've never read his conservative stuff, I did admire his fiery passion and fighting spirit, even if he was wrong about a lot of it.
Well, I had better get off my soap box and get busy doing other stuff for the day.
Have a nice evening.
Love, Rebecca
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