Mmmm sexy...

Mmmm sexy...
The man is a gorgeous sexy BEAST!! I just want to eat him up!!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Ooooohhhh those eyes.....

Hi Steve,

You have changed a lot since this photo was taken, compared to the one I added here yesterday. I can tell you've lost some weight, and LOOK, you even have some GREY hair around the face here, but you don't have any in the other one....mmmm hmmm....silly man.  *smirk*  Yeah, I notice stuff like that.
I kinda like the chubbier you, actually, with the grey hair.  But, okay, if I HAVE TO, I guess I can live with the way you look now too. hehehehehehe  *wink*

Ain't that the truth??  I saw this on Facebook and it cracked me up.  It really IS their fault.  I think Disney has been responsible for probably millions of divorces....and the porn industry, well, they've been responsible for BILLIONS of divorces I'm sure.  So, it kinda makes you wonder how men and women would be, without either of those things clogging up their brain cells, giving them unrealistic expectations.  I mean, think back to your own life, and see if there is a pattern going on, that involves one or both of these things.  I would venture to BET that you've seen at least 3 or 4 relationships go bad in your lifetime because of one or the other of these things.

Now THIS is realistic!!! hehehehehehe  

This one had me giggling all evening.  I love this stuff!!! Anything that makes fun of Disney stuff cracks me up.  That man was a hot mess.  I would be interested in doing a research study on the affects his animated movies have had on men and women, over a 30 year period, compared to the affects of porn.  I would expect to see more women messed up by Disney, and more men messed up by porn...but I wouldn't be surprised if there were lots of men messed up by Disney and lots of women messed up by porn too.  Hard to say really, which one is worse.  Can porn be related to anorexia??  Boob jobs??  Botox??  I mean, that seems like a given to me, but really, can it be proven?

I wonder why there aren't many movies about how men should be gentlemen, polite, kind, caring, open and honest....I wonder how our world would be if there were more of those kinds of influences on boys? 
Would the divorce rate go down? Would there be less war? Would women be happier with their relationships with men? Would there even BE a need for marriage counseling?

Ah well, my brain works in strange ways sometimes.  It just fascinates me that one tiny, almost trivial thing like a child's cartoon might actually be the cause of so many huge problems in our world.

Anyway....I don't know what kind of weather you're having in San Diego, but here on the east coast it has been GORGEOUS and WARM, I think spring has been forgotten.  It went from winter to summer, with next-to-nothing in between.  The birds are all out and singing, the robins have returned, the trees are budding, there are daffodils already out blooming everywhere...even the cherry blossoms have bloomed already in DC!!! This is REALLY early for cherry blossoms.  Usually it doesn't happen until mid-April.

Have you ever been to see the cherry blossoms in DC?  Oh man, I hope you have, it's really quite beautiful and worth seeing at least once in your life.  There are hundreds of those trees all around the Tidal Basin, and thousands of people travel there just to walk around in a huge circle underneath them all, with cameras, feeling the soft pink petals fall on them like snow.  It's peaceful, it's zen-like, it smells so good, and everything looks so amazing, I can't really describe it very well, but it's something I highly recommend seeing if you never have.  Put it on your "bucket list."  And if you need a tour guide of DC, just let me know.  :)

Well, I don't have much to say today, I'm a bit tired, my monthly "friend" has arrived and I'm so damned sick of it.  I'm starting to pray to the menopause gods, asking for relief from this arch-nemesis of my life.
I know it'll happen soon enough, but 43 is that awkward age that women have to endure I guess. 

We were watching "The Saint" on t.v. the other night (Pete's favorite old show, starring Roger Moore), and I remarked how interesting it was that on several shows, his character has needed a doctor to make a house call.  I said, "When did doctors stop doing house calls anyway?"  Pete thought a moment and said, "I think I was about 12 or so..."  I said, "Well that explains it.  I would have been TWO YEARS OLD, so I have NEVER known a doctor to make a house call in my whole entire LIFE."

And then I thought, "Steve Perry would have been TWENTY-TWO!!!"  Gadzooks man, that blew me away. You probably HAD doctors come to your house as a kid!!  Amazing when you think about it.

You're not THAT old, how come there is a strange paradigm in the works, when it comes to age?  I was only 2 when you were 22......that is just bizarre and seems to amazingly HUGE as a difference, but when you're 43 (like me now), and you're 63....well, that's really NOTHING MUCH!! I mean, sure 20 years is 20 years, but "May-September" romances are COOL.  I've always loved older men, who are smarter than me, Dominant, guiding me to think more, you know, kind of like a daddy-ish sex-symbol figure---with a sorta badass-rebel-attitude type of guy.

Well, whatever, my brain is just on "rambling" mode today.  Nothing of much consequence though.

Usually I have more to say, but today is just one of those blah days I guess.

Time for a nap.  YAWNNNNN!!!!

Bye for now!!

Love you dearly, my sweet velvety sage-eyed troubadour....


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