It's not too late! Turner Classic Movies and XFINITY present ELMER GANTRY at the Gusman Center for the Performing Arts TOMORROW at 7:30 p.m. in Miami. Hosted by TCM's own Ben Mankiewicz and special guest Academy Award winner Shirley Jones. Get your FREE tickets at www.tcm.com/roadtohollywood.
Hi Steve, this was mentioned on my Facebook page this morning, and since you can just hop on a plane anytime to go anywhere, I thought it might be fun for you to go see. I don't know if you like this movie or not, but I think it's awesome. In fact, when I met Shirley Jones, I told her that this movie was awesome and I loved her role in it. She thanked me and I had my picture taken with her. She was really very nice.
Anyway, Stephen Ray Perry, what am I going to do with you? You have once again invaded my dreams.
I somehow drove through a strange place, didn't know where I was, it was kinda dark outside already because the sun was going down. I decided to stop and take a look at my GPS on my iPhone for a bit, to figure out where the heck I was going. Then I looked up, and I saw a mailbox. It had YOUR NAME on it. I did a double-take. "No way," I thought. "That CAN'T be his house." I didn't really give it much thought and kept trying to find Pittsburgh on my GPS, but it kept telling me I was in San Diego. "How the HELL did THAT happen?! That's IMPOSSIBLE!" I yelled at my phone. "This stupid thing is messed up." I tossed it back into the car, and walked over to the mailbox. It DID have your name on it.
"Oh sure, there are bazillion Steve Perry's in this world," I thought, "but what the heck, I'm here, I might as well knock on the door and see if it's really him or not." So, I walked up the long driveway, knocked on the door, and you were standing there. "Yes?" you said, and my eyes bulged out of my head. "Um. Hi...I am...well...um...I'm kind of lost, and I was wondering if you could help me." You gave me this skeptical look of annoyance and said, "I'll try...where ya headed?" I said, "Well....the last thing I remember, I was in Pittsburgh, and suddenly I am here, something weird is going on." You took another strange look at me, and said, "Do I know you?" And I said, "Well, no, not really, but I am friends with Lora Beard, if that's any consolation." You smiled, and said, "Yeah, Lora's a good friend of mine. Come on in, we'll figure this out."
And suddenly, there I was, in your house. But before I could freak out, I looked across the room.
And your lady in red was lounging on the couch drinking some wine.
I stepped back towards the door...."Oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt or bother you...I can just go now and figure this out on my own." You said, "Hey, don't worry about it, we're just relaxing, and we were thinking about going out on the boat, it's a nice night. Would you like to come along?" I looked out the window and saw the moon reflecting on the water in your backyard....the ocean. I think my jaw dropped, and I was flustered. "You...you want ME to come ride on your BOAT?!" You smiled and said, "Not if you're going to get seasick, but sure if you want to, that's what we were planning to do." So, I went along, and felt like a total schmuck, a third wheel, and the whole time on the boat, I felt like the lady in red was glaring at me, quite annoyed that I had shown up out of the blue like that, a total stranger, and you were being so nice to me. I decided then that I had made a huge mistake, that I didn't belong there, that your life is so far beyond mine, totally different worlds...and I should leave.
But then as you docked the boat, and as I said thank you, instead of letting me take off like I wanted to, you said, "Why don't you stick around and see the circus in the morning, it's really going to blow your mind." I said, "I'm not much into circuses really...I should go." But you laughed and said, "No, I don't mean a circus LITERALLY, I mean FIGURATIVELY, this place is insane and you'll see what I mean." The lady in red gave me a nasty look. You handed me a blanket and pillow and said I could crash on the couch. "Um...ok...but only if it's okay with your lady friend." She smiled and said, (in a sarcastic voice), "Noooo, I don't mind, why would I mind?" And you were totally oblivious to it, but I knew she was NOT happy.
The next morning, I woke up to hear all sorts of people's voices all around your house. There was a line, a super LONG line, all around, waiting to get a glimpse of you. It was like being at an amusement park, with those twisted metal barriers that you wind people around to wait in line for a ride. You showed me out the window, "Isn't this world messed up?" you asked, and I said, "All this is just to take a look at where you live? Really? That is so bizarre....how can you stand it?" And you looked right into my eyes and said, "I hate it."
Then I woke up. I really can't blame you for hating something as crazy as that. A weird dream, but it felt very vivid, especially the water and the nice warm breeze while riding on the boat. The lady in red, however, really did NOT like me one bit. SIGH.
Okay, well, I have to go.
Love you lots......bye for now.
Love, Rebecca
Ever wanted to talk to your favorite famous person, even if he or she is unavailable/unapproachable in real life, or dead and gone, or just not even possible to have a real conversation with? Who doesn't?! Well, so do I. So, I am going to chit-chat with the Main Man, my favorite singer in the entire world, Steve Perry, on this blog, just for the hell of it!! I'm a writer after all, so that's the kind of thing I like doing. Keeps me outta jail. *WINK*
Mmmm sexy...

The man is a gorgeous sexy BEAST!! I just want to eat him up!!
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