Hi towandarox, We noticed you're looking for "steve perry". We can help! All you have to do is save your search and we'll do the rest. We'll run your search each day and email you when we find newly-listed matching items. Save your search for "steve perry" right now! |
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Actually, noooooo, I wasn't searching for Steve Perry....I know where he is....I write to him all the time.....it's cool....I am NOT a stalker. I don't need Ebay to search each day like that, either! I don't know why Ebay sent this to me, I haven't looked at anything Journey-related in quite a long while. Lately I've been looking at items for camp, like, well.....inflatable dolls....sooooooo, yeah that was bizarre to see in my email today. Could there be something "up" in the cosmos? Ya never know.
Yeah, lately I've been working on projects for camp....I'm already done with 15 pillow cases, (5 more to go), and I've created this presentation board to bring along to my blow job class....
"Saving the world, 1 BJ at a time" is the theme......yeah, I truly believe that if more men got more blow jobs in this world, there would be less war, violence, and crime. But hey, that's just my own personal theory. I could be wrong. But what FUN it would be to be proven RIGHT.
I drew the cartoon legs and schlong myself...with "Schwing" written under the balls, and a printed photo of the earth around it, and 2 pair of female lips and mouths open on either side of it...with 4 pockets on each corner, that hold various "candies" to play with during a BJ....have you ever tried pop rocks?? She puts them in each cheek while going down on you. Or, cinnamon hots, or peppermints, or Altoid mints, etc.....anything like that gives it an extra ZING.....kinda like a bonus. Just don't let the chick CHOKE on it....that takes LOTS of practice. *WINK* I added "Open Wide" and "Swallow" with "Gag Reflex" crossed out, and "Teeth" also crossed out....and lots of hearts, and funny blow job t-shirts, sayings, etc. that I found on the internet. A bit cluttered, maybe, but fun to look at just the same. :) I'm all about the visual.
Anyway, sooooo that's what I'll have at my class, set up on a table, encouraging people to come get a candy to try out, etc., and then we'll get busy with the class. So far, it's a big hit with the staff!!! hehehehe.....my 10 pages of notes.....yeah, might be overkill, I dunno....but I'm a damned overachiever, what can I say?? My 10 pages of notes have been looked at by several people and they all got a kick out of it....in fact, they laughed a lot at some of the things I wrote, "Them's nasty bits," if they're not clean first......stuff like that.....(insert Black Eyed Peas, "Keep It Stinky." That song cracks me up!!)
Ah well, I'm uber creative in a naughty way, I'm not ashamed of it either. It's better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick, or being a mindless drone idiot like 80% of the population, right?!
I'm also creating round pins to wear, that say "You can't have HAPPINESS without saying PENIS" on them.....I thought that was appropriate......hehehehehe Damn, I'm so wickedly fun.
Anyway, so I'm just keeping my brain in "camp mode" lately, to get me through the next 30 days. That's the only thing that is keeping me going actually, I rather feel like I need to run away for a few months and just breathe. But, ok, I'll hang on until the end of May, and then I'll just let it all loose and get it all out once and for all.
My best friend (?)......yeah, I write that with some confusion actually.....she asked me how many drag queens will be romping around my camp that she lovingly calls, "Planet Freak." I told her that we don't really get many drag queens, they tend to have their own world elsewhere, I guess, and she said, "Like your planet freak, only weirder?"
Now, I could have taken offense at this....but, she's really quite intrigued by it, maybe even a little bit jealous.....and I know this because she's been with me to the dungeon in DC before, AND she flogged my bare ass too. She liked it. Sooooooo, rather than SAY all that to her on a public forum on Facebook, to rub it in her face, I just said, "Heyyy, I kinda LIKE that...Planet FREAK....yeah, sounds like a cool nightclub...and really it's actually more of a paradise, especially compared to the real world, which is why I'm so looking forward to it!!" I just figure I'll kill her with kindness, and then later on when I tell her the STORIES of the things that WENT ON at camp, she'll be the one doing a FREAK about it. hehehehehehe
When your best friend since age 15 calls you a "freak" just because you like SEX, and all things SEXUAL, well, sure it kinda hurts my feelings a little bit, but I just gotta consider the source...she had a strict Catholic upbringing, and has never really had a good orgasm in her entire life. She's married to a loser, and her life is not so great. So, I just let it slide, and let her live vicariously through me instead....which she enjoys thoroughly. :)
The funny thing is, when we were in high school, SHE was the wild child, screwing around at age 16, and I was the prim and proper VIRGIN, goody-goody, designated driver, etc., so it's strangely funny that we've changed roles over the years. She got married young, had kids, and lost herself so long ago, she doesn't even know who the hell she is anymore. Me, on the other hand, I never got married (until I turned 42), never had kids, never LOST myself...though some days around HERE I feel like I have...and so I have gotten to KNOW myself, and EMBRACE my weirdnesses, and my "freakishness" about sexual stuff, and I have no qualms whatsoever to try new things. My mind is much more open than hers ever was.
Ah well.
In other news, my mother has bronchitis....and yet, like an IDIOT, she's still smoking. Does she really NOT CARE how horrible her slow and painful death is going to be on ME, or my sisters?? I just don't get it. She'll end up with cancer, in her lungs probably, (she already has COPD and uses a C-pap machine at night, and her oxygen level was at 92% at the doctor today, so she's really just killing herself slowly----and all I can do is sit by and watch her do it while she ignores everything the doctors tell her, and I tell her, and everybody else in the universe tells her. She needs to stop smoking, period, and she's done it many times before, but she always goes right back to it after awhile. It's like her security blanket or something.
So yeah, a 90 year old woman who's going more and more loopy by the day---I mean WEIRDLY LOOPY, worse than I've ever seen her before---and now my mom is sick too. Plus we have to go to NY this weekend to deal with Pete's SON, who is also mentally challenged at the moment, (he smoked marijuana a LOT, and then something called "Spice" which apparently has caused him to go blind for several months, and now he's a mental mess. He's just not right in the head. He reminds me of that guy in Pink Floyd who melted his brain with drugs. So far, Nathan has not come back to his normal self, at all, and may never be normal again. It's quite sad, he's only 26. What the hell is WRONG with people who are so self-destructive?? I should know the answer, because I too have had my moments of demons inside myself, causing me thoughts of suicide....but I don't have any answers at all.
Ah well, I used to say "I'm surrounded by idiots," all the time....or, "I'm speaking English in a gibberish-speaking world." But now, well, that has sort of taken on some REAL truth to it. I miss having normal conversations, intelligent discussions, with people who have BRAINS. I sit here most of the time, twiddling my thumbs, bored off my ASS, listening to Florence try to make sense out of the Little House on the Prairie that we just watched for the umpteenth time, or my mom talk about something disgusting that she saw on one of her gruesome crime t.v. shows, or Pete talk about things that I have no interest in, or no knowledge of, at all.
I feel trapped inside my own head most days.
So, I write to you, I focus on camp, I work on smutty silly sexy stuff just to pass the time, and all the while I'm wondering why the hell I'm even here.
That's my Monday in the nutshell.
Have a great week, and if you decide to have Ebay ever search for ME, save yourself the trouble and just come to Pittsburgh on the next plane. I'll pick you up at the airport. :)
Love, Rebecca
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