Hey Stephen,
So you've been busy chit-chattin' with the Ultimate Classic Rock people for an article coming soon, eh? That is cool. I like that you're keeping busy, and gearing up for some new music. It'll be refreshing for ya, I'm sure, to do what you love again, and make it perfect like you always do. You're a good egg, ya know that?? I'm glad to know ya. I really am. (Well, let's just pretend I know ya anyway). I'm just GLAD TO PRETEND that I know ya, how's that?!
Anyway, I forgot to mention one tiny little blurb from camp, that you might find interesting. It was a birthday cocktail party for Lew Rubens, (Google him if you don't know who he is). He's awesome, and sexy as hell. I lust after that man. So, we got him a card, and inside it, I put a "Blow Job Coupon" that we made and his eyes bugged so wide, he grinned from ear to ear, and said, "Well now...THAT is something I have never got on my birthday before!"
Insert my OWN grin here.
Sooooo, then of course, I had to butter up his girlfriend, (because she's really cool and I like her a lot), so I gave her a pair of earrings. I actually gave 8 women who make camp awesome a pair of the same earrings, so they were all very happy about it. (These were leftover earring gifts for my bridesmaids during my wedding, I think I just bought too many, and I just found them the week before camp). So, on the last day of camp, when everyone is hugging and saying goodbye at brunch, Lew comes over to me with his girl, and he says, "Hey, I just wanted you to know that I haven't forgotten that coupon of yours, can I still use it next year at camp? Or does it expire?!" I laughed and said, "YESSSS you can use it next year, or anytime! No expiration date for birthday boys, you know." He laughed and hugged me, and then kissed me on the cheek. I felt all gooey from my head to my toes....GAWD that man is sexy. His chicky then hugged me and said, "I love the earrings, that was so sweet! Thank you so much!"
Ahhhh, yes indeed, I love camp. Where else on this EARTH can you actually hand a guy a blow job coupon when his girlfriend is with him, and doesn't object or beat my ass for it, AT ALL?! I mean COME ON that's friggin' awesome. If I were to walk up to YOU, for example, (ha!! You knew this was comin' didn't cha?), and your lady in red was standing with you, hell, holding your HAND even, and I handed you a blow job coupon---she would probably kick my ass, and you'd probably freak. AmIright?!
Now, of course, I never expect him to actually REDEEM the coupon, but he was very nice about it, and who knows, maybe he will. Good Lord I hope he will. Makes me drool just thinkin' about it.
Well anyway, so if you ever find a woman who would actually say, "Wow that's a great birthday gift," and LET ME REDEEM IT, you let me know and I'll be sure to send you one Fed Ex overnight. MM-K?!
In other news....on Thursday I'll be on my way to Michigan for the weekend with my mom, and my dog. Yes, Pete is apparently not capable of taking care of my dog for 4 days, and it frankly annoys me a lot. But, I'd rather know she's okay and with me (and the hotel we're staying is allows pets, so that's cool) and safe, than to be neglected while he's gone all day at work and all weekend at rehearsals. I won't be seeing much of Pete this summer, because he will be performing in two plays back-to-back. He will be in "Bye Bye Birdy," and then the musical of "Gilligan's Island." (Don't cringe, I didn't know it was a musical either)!!! But he's playing the Skipper, so that'll be fun for him. It just means long days for him at his job and then evening rehearsals a lot. I guess I'll survive, but it'll be lonely.
You'll just have to keep me company, you silly singin' man you. WINK
Bye for now, you gorgeous and sexiest-beast-of-my-life....(I'd definitely tap YOUR sexy bod first, then Lew second)!! And hell, maybe his girlfriend third!!! hehehehe
Love, Rebecca ps. Because I have known you MUCH longer, that's why. Well, I've PRETENDED to know you much longer, dammit. hehehehehe
Ever wanted to talk to your favorite famous person, even if he or she is unavailable/unapproachable in real life, or dead and gone, or just not even possible to have a real conversation with? Who doesn't?! Well, so do I. So, I am going to chit-chat with the Main Man, my favorite singer in the entire world, Steve Perry, on this blog, just for the hell of it!! I'm a writer after all, so that's the kind of thing I like doing. Keeps me outta jail. *WINK*
Mmmm sexy...

The man is a gorgeous sexy BEAST!! I just want to eat him up!!
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