Mmmm sexy...

Mmmm sexy...
The man is a gorgeous sexy BEAST!! I just want to eat him up!!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Is it true?? God I hope not.

Hi Steve,

I prayed for you last night, worried about the earthquakes that hit San Diego yesterday. I hope you're okay.  Some people might not think it was a big deal, but I've never experienced an earthquake so it freaks me the hell out.

Ya know what ELSE freaks me the hell out?  The rumor that I've been told about, from a friend of mine, that Journey is planning to play at the GOP convention.  Is that true?  I have looked on the official Journey web site, but there is nothing there about it.

I would not be surprised at all if Neal got greedy and decided to sell out to the highest bidder.  But seriously, with all the Journey songs that you helped write about how to treat a woman with respect and love and all that smarmy romantic crap, it doesn't quite fit in with the Republican agenda's war on women, does it?  So unless they intend on performing "Walks Like A Lady" over and over, (quite a sexist song really), I don't know how they plan on fitting in.

I do hope that they will accept my absence, however.  If the rumor is true, they have lost every last ounce of my respect and support, and I will never EVER go see them in concert again as long as I live.

And if they get swallowed by a hurricane while they're down there, perhaps that is divine intervention.

Ya know, if Neal puts his greed ahead of the safety of his band mates, well, that's a serious problem.  And he seems also to nevermind if those IN the band do not support the GOP politically, though I have no clue if they do or not.  If it went against everything I felt strongly about politically, I would drop out. But, I know that none of them will do that, because they all have that greed going for them.  Ross might, actually, because he seems to have half a conscience at least.  Arnel, maybe, but he may be one of those gullible types, who is so grateful for the chance to be there, he'll probably go along with just about anything.  If they are all Republican supporters, however, I guess that's where they want to be.

But I cannot, in good conscience, support that decision.  A rock and roll band, first of all, should NOT get involved in politics--Fleetwood Mac did with Clinton, sure, but that's the first time it really became an issue that caught people off least, that's the first time I remember.  But this, well, IF IT IS TRUE, really is a blatant obvious grasp at greed, which only perpetuates the greed of the GOP, because they know they are manipulating all the fans of the band by inviting them to be there.  So I guess they are in good company with the GOP, IF the rumor is true.

Ya know, the Republicans keep saying that it's "big government's fault" that the economy tanked, but guess what? They were the ones IN CHARGE of the government when that I guess they would be right.  It's their OWN stupid fault, and trying to FIX a problem THEY CREATED by doing the SAME SHIT AS BEFORE, is NOT going to WORK.  Trying to turn the tables to blame the other side for it, however, is not going to work either.  Not when the facts say otherwise.

Anyway, I don't know how you lean politically, but I think it is a safe assumption to say that if YOU were still in the band, you would NOT approve of doing this.  Would you?  If I am wrong, then my friend, you would totally disappoint millions of people, including me.  I would still love you, of course, but I would definitely bite your face off for being a poop-faced moron.  But I'm an opinionated chick.

They might have gotten paid a bazillion bucks from the Koch brothers, and Rupert Murdoch for this, but it's the devil's money financing more hatred towards women, the elderly, and the poor, and with a hurricane on the way, no one should be at all surprised if karma bites them all in the ass for it.

Bye for now.

Love, Rebecca

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