Mmmm sexy...

Mmmm sexy...
The man is a gorgeous sexy BEAST!! I just want to eat him up!!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Well, the rumor is true. Respect level is null & void.

Hi Stephen,

The rumor is true.  Here is the link.

Let's re-cap my shitty Monday, shall we?

1. Cat tipped over my cup of water all over me to wake me up this morning.
2. Found cat puke AND a hairball in two different rooms on the carpeting.
3. Kitchen sink pipe decided to leak all down into my mom's basement area AGAIN, and I had a mess to clean up underneath my sink first thing this morning.
4. Had to go pay ANOTHER $20 co-pay at the stupid doctor for the SAME ILLNESS that I've been dealing with now for THREE WEEKS.
5. Found out that Journey has SOLD OUT for $500,000 to play at the GOP convention.  I don't know about you, Stephen, but a half a million bucks is NOT WORTH RISKING MY LIFE DURING A HURRICANE.  Now, I know you will reap some benefit from that cash, too, even though you won't be there---I sincerely HOPE you won't be there, because a can of whoop ass would have to be opened.
6. THEN I read that Rush Limbaugh has blamed President Obama for the hurricane-----apparently he's a meteorologist on the side.  That fat tub of lard needs to retire once and for all.
7. THEN I read that ANOTHER Pennsylvania Republican politician has said that "consensual sex and having a baby out of wedlock is SIMILAR to RAPE."

This has been my Monday so far.  My blood pressure is sky high, I'm sure, because I am furious about the stupidity of men.  Absolutely furious.  Outraged.  Ready to cause a massive huge ruckus.

I told Pete that I'm going to the dollar store, I'm buying 100 cans of whatever-the-hell, (probably air freshner to combat the STINK OF MEN'S STUPIDITY, slapping a label on each can that says in big letters WHOOP ASS, handing them out to women everywhere, and telling them to MEET ME AT THE LOCAL T.V. STATION FOR A PROTEST.

Pete chuckled and said, "Why don't you join a protest that's already in the works?"  I yelled, "Because women are STUPID BITCHES and are FAR too busy getting their nails done, and buying their precious snowflakes new SCHOOL CLOTHES, and furthermore, THERE ARE NO PROTESTS HAPPENING ANYWHERE OUT THERE!!!"

Have YOU heard of any??  I certainly haven't.  So, why not START ONE?!  The time has come for women everywhere to get pissed off and start fighting back.  If I start the process, so be it, I'll be happy to throw myself under the bus, my life is already pretty much under the bus already, so I have nothing really to lose.  I'm feeling rather RECKLESS at the moment.


Pete also said that our friend, Shoe Sub, (a man who is submissive and likes me to walk on him in high heels), would probably ENJOY saying that "rape is not a bad thing really," to my face....and I said, "Well see, now you've just screwed me over completely, my dear husband, with PREMEDITATED MURDER as my plea, when homicide really wasn't in my plans...but I double-dog DARE YOU to get him to say that to me, and watch how he dies a slow and painful death."  He did say he would bail me out though.  I told Pete that, unlike Lorena Bobbitt, I wouldn't WASTE the cut off penises of politicians by tossing them out a car window into a field---oh no----I would put them all in a HAMBURGER GRINDER AND MAKE THEM EAT THE FUCKING THINGS WITH KETCHUP.

Cause that's just how pissed off I feel right now.

Yeah, I know I should calm down.  Deep breath.  Here's another one...

I'm sick, I still have bronchitis, so the doctor has given me steroids and an inhaler.  I'm irritable because I keep coughing all the damned time, this is the third WEEK IN A ROW that I've been sick, and now the world around me is turning into a CESSPOOL OF IGNORANCE on a daily basis, mostly with MEN SAYING STUPID FUCKING SHIT ABOUT WOMEN, and if I don't start this revolution of women soon, I'm going to implode upon myself.

I hope your Monday has been a much better, and more peaceful one, than mine has been.

Love you lots....


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