Mmmm sexy...

Mmmm sexy...
The man is a gorgeous sexy BEAST!! I just want to eat him up!!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Questions that have plagued me all my life...


Why izzit, we all seem to forget completely the fact that each one of us could have been born black, gay, Latino, Asian, Indian, etc., in any part of the world, in any circumstance? 

Why do we take for granted that NONE of us had any CHOICE in how, where or to whom or to what religion we were born? 

God must have wanted us to be the people we are, whether we are born into Christianity, Judaism, Muslim, Buddhists, Catholicism or otherwise---but WE ALL, could have just as easily been born differently. NONE OF US had any CONTROL over being born. 

If so many white people claim that Christianity is the only "real" religion, and if they do indeed believe that God is the ONLY real decider of all things, then WHY ISN'T THAT ENOUGH INCENTIVE TO DO WHAT GOD SAID FOR US ALL TO DO, AND RESPECT EVERY HUMAN BEING THAT GOD HAS CREATED, no matter what race, creed, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, or nationality? 

No matter if that person is handicapped, transgendered, vulnerable, elderly, a child, a woman, an LGBT, etc.....why is that SIMPLE FACT something that so many people FORGET??

No church I've ever attended could answer that question for me. I would like to propose that question to the religious right, and to all politicians who perpetuate hatred towards women, the elderly, the poor, the children, and LGBT communities, as a political platform.



Can anyone tell me, in good conscience, why we have allowed so much veiled racism to continue plaguing our world?  Today, Reince Preibus was torn a new one by Chris Matthews.  If you haven't seen it yet, here is the link:

It is indeed veiled racism, whether Preibus wants to admit it or not.  And as you can see in the video clip, he had NO REAL ANSWER to that question, either---which I first have to say, is not only about TIME somebody asked it, but is also very valid and vital to this country, and to the rest of the world.  It is a question nobody wants to answer, because it means looking at (and within themselves) close-up into a mirror of lies.

And no one can seem capable of doing that anymore.  Soul-searching, thinking about things in depth, and admitting that you're wrong about something seems to be a lost art in our society.  Why is that? 

Anyone who considers themselves a "birther" and cracks a joke like Mitt Romney just did this week about there being "no question" about where he was born and raised, knows full well that the entire issue he just addressed and "in secret code to like-minded voters,"  is absolute veiled racism.  It is a transparent ruse.  They hide behind politics, smoke screens and mirrors, but the issue deep down is actually 100% pure and total racism.

These are grown men who, mostly, lived through the Civil Rights Movement.  They saw up close and personally, just how hostile that environment was.  Yet they continue perpetrating the same hatred.  I don't understand why they would do that.  Didn't they learn ANYTHING?  

If that's the case, folks, then nobody learned anything at all from history---nothing---and that has been the bane of my existence since before 9/11, which taught me that nobody was listening to my SIX YEARS WORTH of hard work and lectures about the Holocaust either.  

If they were listening, and if they learned anything from it, 9/11 would never have happened.  But it did, and in fact and hindsight, we know now that it was allowed to happen by men in our government who knew about it ahead of time, but did NOTHING to prevent it.  Everyone in this world (except themselves), even the voters these political men try to seduce, seems to be expendable, whether it's women, children, the poor, elderly, handicapped, LGBT, etc....

Racism and hatred led to the Holocaust.  Perpetuating racism and hatred will only lead to eventual violence, war, and genocide.  This is a lesson proven by history time and time again.  Why is no one listening to those lessons of the past?  Genocide is happening right here, right now, in our world.  Why is nobody trying to learn from this?  Why do they seem hell-bent on repeating those same mistakes now?  And why, oh why, do WE THE PEOPLE, sit back all complacent and self-rightious, and ALLOW IT???

By doing nothing, by sitting back in complacency and making NO real decision, no CHOICE about it, my friends, you are indeed making a very real, and very disappointing, choice.


Believe me, Stephen, like most people, I have lots more questions to ask the universe.  But I am tired now.  I've been on a raging rampage all evening.  Thanks for letting me vent.  I just wish I knew who could answer these questions, and when. We need those answers now, more than ever.  If tossing those questions out into the cosmos will help them get answered, so be it, my work here is done.

Love, Rebecca

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