Mmmm sexy...

Mmmm sexy...
The man is a gorgeous sexy BEAST!! I just want to eat him up!!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

My blog idea for Huffington Post.

Hello and good morning, Stephen,

Happy Tuesday to you.  I am determined to make today a MUCH better day than yesterday.  I cried last night because when I checked my sugar level, it was 412!!!!! I've NEVER been that high before, and it is SCARY, when you're Type 2 Diabetic.  The reason it is so high, however, is because of the steroids that the doctor gave me yesterday to get rid of this bronchitis.  I cried because I felt scared, since that is really a stroke-stage now I am resigned to the fact that I cannot have any carbohydrates for the next few days until this steroid medication is gone.  Sigh.

I woke up at 6 a.m., couldn't sleep because my brain suddenly turns itself on, and my mind goes a million miles an hour.  So, instead, I got up and sat at the computer, deciding once and for all to pitch an idea to the Huffington Post about a blog I would like to write on their web site.  Here is my pitch:

I would like to be a blunt & loud voice of women's issues. Ideas include:  

1. Grassroots campaign defending war on women: A BAN on male masturbation. It WASTES LIFE-GIVING SPERM, punishable by castration, headed by Lorena Bobbitt. (Somewhat tongue-in-cheek)!

2. Saving the world, 1 blow job at a time, with "how to's" & advice from a class I have taught. Presented in a feminist slant re: having more control in relationships.

3. Lessons from the Holocaust; Anne Frank; my friend Miep Gies;  Survivor & other stories of my experiences at the US Holocaust Memorial Museum in DC. 

4. Bullying. Kids learn by EXAMPLE. Until that example is set by adults, the whole bullying theme is an ineffective farce.

5. The difficulty of being a caretaker for someone who has Alzheimer Disease.  My 90-year-old mother-in-law also has Bipolar. I want to help others who are in the same situation.


Graduated Western Michigan University. Published writer. Former employee of the US Holocaust Memorial Museum. Created Currently write a blog for fun. Married at 40. Hubby works at Apple. We live in Pittsburgh surrounded by crazy sports fan, and politicians! Huge fan of HuffPo, old movies, my dog and John Stewart.


You would THINK that this would be an easy thing to submit on their web site, but it isn't. Every time you update the pitch (top part), it copies itself to the BIO section!!  How ANNOYING. And they don't tell you that you only have 1,000 CHARACTERS that you can write on the pitch, and only 500 characters on the bio, until AFTER you click SUBMIT. 

Then you have to go BACK and delete and edit to shorten it (I had to do this 8 times because I'm such a verbose idiot!), and THEN you have to type a couple of screwy looking words to prove that you are a human, which you cannot always read.  I finally had to type it all onto a word document, edit it THERE, and copy and paste it. Sheesh.  Took me over an hour.

I just figured I should at least TRY to pitch the idea to them, to see what might happen.  I just have a lot of very different ideas that I want to write about. They might see that as "scatter brained," I don't know, but writing about one thing, day after day, seems too monotonous.

Well, anyway, I'm off to shower and start the day.  I hope you have a good one.

Love you lots...xoxox ----Rebecca

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