Mmmm sexy...

Mmmm sexy...
The man is a gorgeous sexy BEAST!! I just want to eat him up!!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

A new baby for me to love!!

Dear Steve,

These are photos of my best friend's daughter, Emily and her brand new baby boy! I am in Michigan right now,  I zoomed up here to be there for Emily, because she has always been my "pseudo" kid. 

I remember holding Emily's finger the day SHE was I had her son's finger too...they named him Layne (after the lead singer of Alice In Chains...who killed himself). 

I just wanted to add these before I go to bed. I havent had much time to write this week because of the unexpectedness of the timing of the baby's arrival. 

Anyway, I love holding babies.....makes me feel happy AND sad....because I wish I could have one myself...unfortunately that boat sailed a long time ago for me though. Makes me feel sad, a little, knowing I can never have one of my own.  Ya know?! 

Well anyway, I just wanted you to know I haven't forgotten you. I am here until Sunday. I'll have more time to write more details on Monday. 

Hope you have a great weekend.  Love you lots!! Xoxo


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