Mmmm sexy...

Mmmm sexy...
The man is a gorgeous sexy BEAST!! I just want to eat him up!!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Dreams I had last night...

Hi Steve....
I am still in Michigan, today is my last day, I'll be driving back with my dog tomorrow to Pittsburgh. I hope to see the baby again today, he is just a doll. Last night my mom and sister and I took off to see Lake Michigan, (I miss it), and then we stopped at a local bar that no e of us had ever been to before, and we ordered an appetizer and a drink. The bartender didn't have pre-made Sangria, so he made one himself for me out of triple sec, red wine, sprite, vodka, and fruit. It was very good, but STRONG!  I had my mom and sister laughing their heads off. My sister said, "Ma, we need to buy her drinks more often!" but lemme tell ya, my sugar level skyrocketed and I slept like a ROCK most of the night. Can't do that very often.

The best part of an alcohol-induced sleep, in my opinion, are the cool DREAMS that I have!! Have you ever had such awesome dreams that you wake up to write them down so you won't forget them?  Well, I did just that....this morning!

Here they are...hope you enjoy your weekend. Love you lots and lots...xoxo


Had a dream

Steve Perry announced that he was the opening act for Journey. The whole world celebrated!  He gave me several kisses before the show, thanking me for coming up with the idea on my blog that he secretly read every day, because now they were all friends again.  Then my coworkers from the USHMM (my museum) all surprised me by showing up! They had heard that the concert was my idea and decided to take the day off to be there with me to celebrate.  Steve sang his heart out and looked at me snd smiled the whole time. I was on top of the world, happier than I've ever been in my whole life.

Another dream: journey (without Steve) were setting up outside my bedroom window to perform a concert in the street---on Rich Road--at my childhood home in Michigan---Pete was helping to set things up. He came to me and said, "Now's your chance to live out your fantasy..." and suggested that I approach Ross with an offer for a BJ...when I walked over to him, he was fiddling around with his bass guitar, people were walking around setting up equipment, but in the midst of everything goong on around us, I managed to get his attention....and eyes lit up, he grinned, grabbed my nipple and gave it a pinch and said in a low, sexy voice..."I might allow that...but first, what do YOU need?" and I took a few steps back, and stunned, I just blinked. I stood there and said nothing. He said, "Well?" and I said, "um, you don't seem to understand. I need to service YOU, I don't kniw how to process the idea of you servicing see, I'm submissive."  At that, he grabbed my hair and planted a huge kiss on me---"You, my dear, are very rare indeed," he said. Then I whispered, "I always wanted to be in an orgy with all of Journey." His eyes got really wide and he said, "Neal will go for that, but Jon probably won't, he is a prude. Don't know about Arnel...but Deen, oh yeah, he would." Pete nodded his approval at me and I grinned,  and Ross said, "Then let's get this party started." 

Then I woke up.

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