Mmmm sexy...

Mmmm sexy...
The man is a gorgeous sexy BEAST!! I just want to eat him up!!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

DRAT!! False baby yet....

Hi again,

I just got a call from Michigan, apparently Emily's being sent home by the doctors.  She hasn't broken her water yet, the contractions have stopped and she is no longer dilated.  The baby just isn't ready yet to come out and greet the world....he'll probably wait until I am unavailable this coming weekend to come out, the stubborn little stinker.  I've always had rotten timing in everything, all my life.

But hey, the car is packed, filled with gas, and ready whenever he decides to show up.  So, it kicked me into high gear anyway, and now I can sleep without worry tonight.  I haven't cancelled the hotel reservations yet, though, in case I get a call in the morning saying, "He's definitely on the way now." But if he decides to stay put, I'll just cancel the hotel and take my mom up there next week (or when he decides to be born), instead.  I don't THINK he'll make us wait another week, but we'll see.

That is so horribly NERVE WRACKING!!!  I'm like this worried mom, ya know?!  Emily is not really my kid, but she might as well be, I helped her grow up.  I was there, watching her blossom.  So now I'm sitting by the phone, frantically biting my fingernails, worrying about Emily, wondering what's going on, hoping she'll be okay, and hoping the baby will be healthy and happy too.  GAAAAAA, the little TWERP just wasn't ready to do it, I guess.  I told my best friend Laurie that I'll have to bite his little face off for this when I meet him!

Sooooo that takes off some of the pressure of worrying about the dog....the cats, meh, they'll be fine for a few days if I leave them a lot of food and 2 kitty litter boxes.  But the dog...well, she's 10 years old, and can't hold her bladder as well as she used to, so every few hours she has to go out.  That doesn't work well if Pete is at work all day and nobody is home to let her out.  So bringing her with me was the only option, and I always stay at the same hotel that allows pets whenever I go to Michigan.  I've brought her several times, and she enjoys the car ride.  I just have to stop along the way more often to let her out and feed her.

Well, so I'm just in limbo now, waiting and waiting and waiting for that baby to finish "cooking" and finally get out here so we can give him lots of love.

Bye for now.  Babies are awesome....until they start talking....LOL

Love, Rebecca

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