Mmmm sexy...

Mmmm sexy...
The man is a gorgeous sexy BEAST!! I just want to eat him up!!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The baby is coming! The baby is coming!

Hi Steve,

I am heading up to Michigan with my mom and my dog, because my best friend's daughter Emily is now in labor, ready to have her baby!  I'm so excited! YAYYY!!!

The strange thing is, this baby is going to be born on the same day as Pete's mom, Florence, who will be 91 years old tomorrow.  Circle of life and all that jazz.  We were going to take her out for dinner, but Pete will have to go alone now. There's no way I'd miss the birth of this kid.

I remember the day Emily was born.....she's 21 now....that little girl squeezed my finger, (I have a photo of it that I love), and from that moment on, she was MY KID.  It just grabbed me by the guts, and I've been like a second mom to her all of her life.  So now, my baby girl is having a baby boy!!

I feel soooooooo freakin' old.

Anyway, just wanted you to know that I may not have time to write until later this weekend.  I'll be leaving Pittsburgh in the morning, driving to Michigan, and staying until Friday morning.  Then I get to drive back to Pittsburgh with just my dog, as my mom is going to stay to visit with my sister for a couple weeks. (I will go get her and see the baby again then too)!!

And THEN Friday evening Pete and I are driving to Cleveland for a party (with the dog), and then from there, we are going to Rochester NY for the weekend...with the dog.  But, hey, at least the hotels are pet-friendly, and I won't worry about her.  My poor dog will be so sick of being in the car by then. Hell, so will I.  But, this is the busiest weekend until the end of September.  We have a good 2.5 weeks where NOTHING is planned.  I'll just drive back to Michigan to pick up my mom at some point.

That last weekend, however, Pete and I will be on vacation for 12 days!! We'll be going to VA Beach, and then to DC.  Should be a very fun time, I'm looking forward to it.

Well, I hope you have a great week, and I'll try to write if I can.  I will DEFINITELY take lots of pictures of that baby!!!

Love, Rebecca

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