Mmmm sexy...

Mmmm sexy...
The man is a gorgeous sexy BEAST!! I just want to eat him up!!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

A personal message to Neal Schon, re: your latest press release...


Before I list the points below, I first want to say to Neal that, we all know you're not the smartest guy in the world, you've got less than a high school education, and you really didn't have much of a chance to grow up because of that guitar of yours and being 15 when you started in the music business.  

However, you're much older now, and therefore you SHOULD be more mature, and you SHOULD know how to deal with people better than this.  Come on Neal, you have to admit, this very public and pathetic attempt at wanting to be friends again with Steve may be the only way you can think of, or know how to do it, but frankly Neal, it's just NOT GOOD ENOUGH.  Here's why I say that......

1. Giving Steve an ultimatum---to go on tour with a hip injury or be replaced---was the same thing as being "kicked out" of the band.  He "walked" because he had a personal physical INJURY that needed medical attention that YOU were too impatient and GREEDY to RESPECT, and wait for.  A little patience and compassion goes a very long way, but that's a life lesson you haven't seemed to learn yet.

2. Asking a person for forgiveness and/or a renewed friendship IN A PRESS RELEASE has absolutely NO SINCERITY WHATSOEVER.  This is the second time you've pulled this crap. Get a clue: People love Steve Perry because he has an integrity and a sincerity about him that YOU will never understand or be able to even REMOTELY get close to having yourself. He tried to lead you by example, but you weren't paying attention to this life lesson either.

3. MAN UP, Neal, and stop with the lame ass press release crap, written ONLY to make YOU sound like a nice guy and to give YOURSELF free publicity.  You hurt people without even seeming to CARE, and you do it all the time, to so many, ESPECIALLY to women you've married (or not).  So in case you didn't realize it, you have hurt a wonderful guy by kicking him while he was down, hurting him deeply by wielding as a weapon the one thing he loved MOST in the world---being the lead singer of Journey.  You took that away from him, and that is simply unforgivable.  He was almost like a brother to you for years.  You are a chronic destroyer of relationships, Neal, and you desperately need therapy.

4. YOU, Neal Schon, are the jerk who burned a very personal bridge in your life with someone who could have been there for you all this time, as your friend, but frankly this continued HARASSMENT via press release makes you come across as being a loser, a lost puppy, a wimpy whiney-asshole, and a nit-picking, condescending BRAT.

Knock it the fuck off already.

5. If Steve Perry wants to forgive you, and/or renew a friendship with you, it'll be on HIS terms, in HIS way, and in PRIVATE. Not for public eyes to read about on a press release to keep your name "out there" as you tour.  It's nothing but a slap in the face.  You and everybody else on the planet KNOWS goddamned well that Steve has always BEEN a private person, so you need to BACK OFF and RESPECT THAT ONE THING ABOUT HIM FIRST AND FOREMOST, or you'll get NOWHERE and achieve NOTHING but burning the bridge even worse than you already have.

6. You just can't stand it, can you Neal, that it's all up to HIM, not YOU, HE is the one in control of the situation---and that's why you just can't seem to leave it alone, get over it, and move on.  You are nothing but a control freak ATTENTION WHORE.  Stop stalking Steve in public.  It's embarrassing.  Just go away on your little tour, pay off all the alimony you owe, and LEAVE STEVE ALONE.

7.  Perhaps a legal GAG RULE and a RESTRAINING ORDER from Steve Perry would finally get you to shut the fuck up about it once and for all.  It's really quite sad that you are acting like a high school soap opera. Grow up.  Get therapy.  Send a private invitation to Steve, a SINCERE invitation to renew your friendship, and then bust your ASS to WORK AT IT. Because it won't be easy, and it won't be pretty. You are an egomaniac who needs to learn some life lessons before you can be redeemed as any kind of "friend" to anyone.

Ask yourself you DESERVE to have him in your life again?  

Personally, I really don't think you do.

So, if you can't deal with these things I've just told you, then go ahead and just keep being a douchebag, since that seems to be all you know how to be.  

You have a choice:  Rise to the challenge.  Evolve into being a better person.  Respect Steve and his privacy.  Or, as Steve sings on his solo album, you can simply...."Go Away."


Rebecca H., creator of this blog,



Frontiers Records
Nearly 15 years after Journey made ‘Trial By Fire,’ the 1996 studio album which came as a result of a short-lived reunion with original lead singer Steve Perry, it’s still a frequent question – will Perry ever come back?
Guitarist Neal Schon tells Ultimate Classic Rock that when he gets that question, “I always answer it the same way and then everybody writes it like it’s the first time I ever said it.” Schon explains, “you know, it’s like, I’ve been saying it forever that we’ve always left the door open, you know? We didn’t kick Steve out — he walked.”
The touring that Perry did as a solo artist in the ‘90s would later lend important influence towards Journey’s decision to continue with a new lead vocalist at the helm. “He went on to pursue his solo stuff and went out there playing our material before we did. He was out doing a solo tour and he was playing Journey songs and so at that point, I went ‘there’s no harm in Jon [Jonathan Cain] and I trying to reform this band,’ because we [were very involved too].”
Schon does wish that he could have open communication with his former band mate. “I hope that someday, that we can get to the point to where I can pick up the telephone and I can talk to him without talking through management and attorneys. I still don’t quite realize why we can’t just talk one on one, for whatever reason, just to say hello — not to pressure anybody to do anything or anything like that — it wouldn’t be like that, just in a friendly manner.”
Checking in from the road, where Journey is once again in the midst of a lengthy summer tour, this time with Pat Benatar and Loverboy, Schon says “I don’t see that there’s any end to this band right now, we’re so strong. Everybody’s getting older, but we still have so much energy and we’re doing great out here.”
The veteran guitarist will release ‘The Calling’ on October 23, a brand new solo album which finds Schon reunitingwith former Journey drummer Steve Smith, who plays on the bulk of the album.
Stay tuned for more of our conversation with Neal about that album and other subjects, very soon!

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