Mmmm sexy...

Mmmm sexy...
The man is a gorgeous sexy BEAST!! I just want to eat him up!!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Today's giggle brought to you by PHOTOSHOP!!

Hi Steve,

I'm back from Michigan, and it's nice to sleep in my own bed rather than on a couch.  Especially when the 19 year old nephew claims to have "insomnia" and stays up all night watching t.v., and putting his headphones on, while playing the "drums" with pencils on the coffee table nearby.  The kid doesn't even realize how annoying he is, nor does he seem to be aware of how inconsiderate he is.  I had to drink one of those foul-tasting 5 hour energy drinks, in order to drive back to Pittsburgh without falling asleep at the wheel.

But I'm back, and I have a lot to do in the next few days.  Pete and I are leaving for a 2 week vacation on Thursday, so I have stuff to get done around here, and packing too.  However, I wanted to say that I sincerely hope that the guy who got really hurt in yesterday's Oakland vs. Steelers football game is doing well, that crunch he took on the field really looked awful...and I hope those ref's will come back from being on strike soon because these morons who are helping out as substitute refs really made some rotten calls during the game.

Anyway, here's something that made me giggle, and my mom too...

It's a photoshopped picture of you and I goofy round face looks hilarious with such a long neck! And wow, I look awful with long hair...but ohhhhh how I wish I had that body!!

The chicks on the Facebook fan pages are having fun with this one, photoshopping faces on it.  I asked the lady who does it if she would do one of me, and this is what she came up with. hehehehe

Well, I'm off to get some stuff done around here. Hope you had a nice weekend.

Love you lots...bye for now.

---Rebecca  ps. Florence is home from the hospital, all tests negative.

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