Mmmm sexy...

Mmmm sexy...
The man is a gorgeous sexy BEAST!! I just want to eat him up!!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Weekend Update...

Hi Steve,

I hope you've had a good week.  If I haven't said it before, I'll say it now:  I'm DYIN' to hear those new songs of yours.  Are they DONE YET?!  Gadzooks man, you're killin' me.  Takin' your sweet-ass time and everything, REALLY?!!  A decade wasn't LONG ENOUGH?!  I mean, come on, you're not getting any younger!!  And neither am I.  Let's get this party started my friend!!

Ah well, I love ya no matter what, or when, you sing again.

Here's an update for ya, regarding my crazy life...

Florence, my 91 year old mother in law, is still in the hospital but may be released today.  They gave her a stress test yesterday (no, not the treadmill kind), but we haven't heard the test results yet, so Pete should be receiving a call this morning about it from the doctor.  If it comes back positive, then she will need some kind of heart medication.  If it comes back negative, then she just fainted and nobody knows why...could it be that she wasn't getting enough attention?  I wouldn't put it past her.

I'm heading up to Michigan again today, to get my mom, who has been staying all week visiting my sister for a mini-vacation.  This time I'm leaving my dog here in Pittsburgh with Pete, though.  She's just getting too old to travel long distance like that anymore, it takes a lot out of her.  I'll be leaving later this afternoon, probably coming back Sunday.  Hope you won't miss me too much!

Have a great weekend, you sexy beast, and stay outta trouble.  Okay, well, if you MUST find some kinda trouble, at least make sure you've got somebody on hand to bail you outta jail.  *WINK*  Or better yet, why not just GET BUSY WITH THAT NEW ALBUM instead?!! Hmmmm?!!  (GRIN)

Oh wait, lemme add one more photo from my scrapbook at least....

I was in Burdick's restaurant at the Radisson Hotel with you and Rome and a bunch of other people. In fact, those 2 idiot chickies who jumped up on stage in Kalamazoo MI and ran towards you were also there, which pissed me off actually, (and I could tell that YOU were upset by it also), so I TOLD THEM off, too, and you didn't talk with them at all, the whole night!!

You were wearing a pink sweater, jeans and you ordered french fries and a Coke.  
Then, when Rome came over and told me I could come talk to you now, that's when you handed me the ticket on the right, and signed it for me, as I talked to you about what Steve Smith wanted me to tell you...and I gave you a photo of him too. (That's when you took a step backwards from me, and made me cry all the way home because I thought I had freaked you out). Ya bum!! (Yeah, I forgive ya).

There's also a guitar pick from Todd, and one from Lincoln too.  Yeah, I'm silly, I kept the napkin from else was I gonna prove I was there?!  Nobody was with me, my friends were all busy, AND they thought I was making it all up, so I figured nobody would believe me unless I had something to show for it!!

Love you more than blueberry pancakes, sausage gravy, biscuits and a dozen pieces of bacon....mmmm I'm hungry....!!  Breakfast time for me...(and no, I know it sounds good, but it's a bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios for me).  Lame, I know.  But, hey, I'm diabetic, I can't eat that much carbo-licious stuff even if I wanted sugar would go through the roof.  Sigh.  Sux2bme.

Love, Rebecca    ps. I have been working on some Halloween costumes...a mermaid and a peacock! Will show you some pictures when they are all finished...still in progress!!  I love Halloween!!

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