Mmmm sexy...

Mmmm sexy...
The man is a gorgeous sexy BEAST!! I just want to eat him up!!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Christmas shopping for your buddies....

Hey there Stevie baby, how's it shakin'?!  Ohhhh so sexily I'm sure, you gorgeous man you.

Anywhoooooo.....I spent the day with my mom and our friend Simon in Rogers Ohio today. There is a HUGE, and I mean absolutely friggin' HUGE flea market there, and usually we go on Black Friday but since Pete and I will be in NJ for a weekend event that weekend, I decided that we should go today. The only bummer is, you have to get up EARLY to get there, otherwise parking is a pain in the patoot.
You also have to use cash mostly, since very few people have a debit machine thing on their iPhone.  Plus there are a lot of Amish people there who CAN'T use those electronic thingy's ya know.

Sooooo, here are a couple of suggestions I found on the internet for YOUR buddies...or former buddies, whichever they might be this week....just to bury the hatchet....or, just to stir the turd.

Hey, either way you wanna go with it, these ideas just might work, ya never know.....

For Jonathan about this.....a see-through piano? How awesome is THAT?!  Sure beats the hell out of that tired old red "whale" of his.  And hey, you could give it to him as a really NICE gift, if you like him......OR, there's a nice little "dig" in it too....because he's so TRANSPARENT and INVISIBLE as a FRIEND to you, don'tchaknow.  Ahem.  (See, it would work as a great gift if you like him, and it would also work if you don't, with sarcasm).  The best of both worlds!!

That's just how I roll. Why limit yourself to just one emotion?!  It's a gift that keeps on giving, in either direction!!  Ya gotta admit, it's friggin' cool.  I just saw the photo on the internet, but I'll bet if you go to the KAWAI piano web site, you could find one.  Might cost ya a few bucks though.  'Sup to you if you think he's worth it or not.

And for your dear sweet buddy, Neal Schon.....the ultimate in awesomeness....AND double meaning!

YESSS!!! YES IT IS!!!! It's a GUITAR PEE GAME in a TOILET!!! ERMAHGERD how awesome is that?!  I mean seriously, since he loves throwin' his penis around all over the place with women, WHY NOT play a tune while he's takin' a WIZZ?!  

The sarcasm is astounding!!  The meaning behind it can be nice and fun, joking around, like the "brothers" you once were, which, in all honesty, would be pretty friggin' cool if that ever happened-----OR, if you loathe him like most people THINK you do-----then you could say, "Because your definition of "friendship" is shit," or "because you treated ME like shit," here's a TOILET idea for ya, Mr. Guitar-man. Go play with your wiener in private for once in your life!"

Ahhhhhhhh the possibilities are endless, aren't they?!  I just love Christmas!!

Well, anyway, I'm off to see a play with Pete.  It's a low-key, do-nothing but home-stuff weekend for ONCE, and I'm gonna sleep like I haven't slept in weeks.....because really, I haven't!!

Bye for now.  Hope I gave you a couple of chuckles.  That would make me so INSANELY happy to see you smile while you read this silly blog-o-mine.  I see it in my imagination, and already I'm giddy!

Ooops, a little tiny puddle of ooze just happened in my naughty place.  God Bless you for that, Sir.

Love, Rebecca

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