Mmmm sexy...

Mmmm sexy...
The man is a gorgeous sexy BEAST!! I just want to eat him up!!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

My pretty ribbons...

Hi Stephen,

One thing I have always loved to see on women, are pretty ribbons.  When they are attached to the skin with stainless steel medical staples, well, that's even better.  So, I took a class this weekend about it, to find out more, and to learn whether or not I could do it with Diabetes.

As you can see, the answer was yes.  Pretty huh?!  My mom thinks I'm nuts. "I hope you have had your TETANUS SHOT," she said, and I laughed, "Ma, they are the same exact staples used in hospitals. They aren't rusty staples from an old stapler in a junk yard for cripes' sake!"

They are very safe, they are sterile, and they are really NOT painful at all.  In fact, they felt less sting than getting my ears pierced.  Sooooo, I will definitely be doing it again!!   In fact, I wore them for more than 24 hours (some people wear them for weeks), and we took them out Monday night, and so far the holes are just fine, all you can see are tiny dots where the staple marks are healing.

If you think I look cool with staples ribbons....

Check THIS out....

She's my friend, Drea, and she is Lew Ruben's girl.  She is absolutely gorgeous! When she had these ribbons done, I was so impressed!!  I don't know if I would go to such an extreme myself, (I mean, how would you SLEEP on those?!), but on HER, they look friggin' awesome.  

But hey, she's only in her mid-20's so everything looks awesome on her at this point.
I think the 2 single ribbons on her butt cheeks are so DANG CUTE!!

Some people get the corset ribbons all the way down their legs, but the closer the skin is to the muscle, the more pain you feel.  The back area isn't so bad, as long as you stay away from the spine area. Never do these above the chest area or anywhere near the neck. You CAN do them on your facial cheeks, but not many people do.  Never do them on the backs of your knees, or in the bend of your elbow area either, or anywhere that an artery might be. There are definite rules to doing this, so read up on it first, find out more about it BEFORE you go and staple somebody else, or even yourself.

This is a form of body art, that is temporary.  It's similar to tattoo's, and/or body piercing, but it's not a permanent thing.  It is just something different, and it's safer and less intrusive than tattoos or body piercings, so I see nothing wrong with it at all.  It's all the rage in the scene, actually.

Well anyway, just wanted to share these with ya, I am probably not like anyone else you've ever known, huh?  I know, I know, I'm a strange ranger, but then again, so are you Mr. Stephen Ray Perry. But that's what makes us both so gosh-darned LOVABLE!!!

Admit it, you like this stuff too.  I know you do.

Bye for now.

Love, Rebecca

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