Mmmm sexy...

Mmmm sexy...
The man is a gorgeous sexy BEAST!! I just want to eat him up!!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Stephen, be warned....

Hi there, it's me again...

Hey, I just want to issue a friendly warning from one cool chick (that would be ME), to one awesome dude (that would be YOU)----if you EVER, and I mean EVER, do that stupid damned GANGNAM DANCE anywhere, Stephen---whether it's on a stage, in private, or even in your own shower----I will be the very first FAN of yours to totally DISOWN YOU.  Just keep that consequence in mind whenever the urge strikes you, ok?

Just wanted to get that off my chest.

And here I am, in our hotel room last weekend, wearing my black and red corset and red boots. The hat has a silver skull over red with black lace, and a feather on huh?  I love this outfit.  I love corsets!!!  I have a pink and black one also, but so far only 3 in my closet.  I think one corset per year is pretty do-able, though, so I plan on getting a new one soon.

Anyway, on our way back from vacation, Pete took Route 30 instead.  We were both wracking our brains to figure out where the heck we've heard of Shanksville PA, before, when we saw the signs.  Then it hit us, Flight 93 on September 11th crashed there.  Now, they have a memorial built there, and it will be added to as well, it's not done yet.  So we stopped to see it.  

I can't really talk about it right now.  I had to fight my way through it without crying.  I was emotionally ruined afterwards, and hit the wall before we got home.

Here are some photos...

Ok, well, I have more pictures of visiting my friends and Survivors at my museum, and all kinds of beach photos and sand castles, etc, but I will add those tomorrow.  I'm tired now.  Hope you have a great week.  I'm trying to catch up on my sleep and get over "event drop."  I'm sure you've had to deal with that too, after performing. You get kinda sluggish and sad, knowing that it's over, and you feel empty inside a little bit.  At least, that's how I feel after an event like that.

Hey, ya know what? Pete and I talked about how you and I have a lot in common over the weekend, and one thing he mentioned when we talked about the skit we put on---it was hilarious---was that the energy from the audience laughing really jazzed ME up too, at the same time, and we came up with this theory.....performing is a form of Dominance kinda, because we were in control of what made them laugh.  I'm not a Dominant person, but I got the thrill of SERVING them and making them HAPPY.  You, on the stage, are kind of like the Dom too, in control of the audience's responses and emotions, and enjoyment of your music.  Or, perhaps you are more like me, in that you enjoy making people happy, rather than being in control.

Either way, it's friggin' awesome, ain't it?!

Bye for now. 

Love, Rebecca

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