Mmmm sexy...

Mmmm sexy...
The man is a gorgeous sexy BEAST!! I just want to eat him up!!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Virginia Beach....what a blast!!

Hello Stephen,

How are you? I hope you've survived a weekend without me, you poor man.  I know it must have been difficult! But, here I am, taking pity on your poor soul....throwing you a you some love...

Okay so tomorrow we leave Virginia Beach, and I gotta say I'm gonna truly miss that ocean out there.  I love hearing it. I love seeing it.  I love wading in it. (A bit too cold to swim). I love everything about it.  I collected a few small seashells too, which is an added bonus.  But, today was an extra day that we hadn't planned on staying, so it was great.

Gotta go now, but in the nutshell, we bought a timeshare here.  So we'll be coming back....a lot....!!  Pete and I were going in to hear this presentation about it, stoically decided to say NO, but they cut us a deal that we couldn't refuse....we paid less than 1/3 of what a brand new one would cost.  Unbelievable.  It's gonna be so awesome.

Well, I will add photos and stuff later on, but I just wanted you to know that I met with 2 women who love you just as much, or more, than I do, while we were here.  We all had lunch, and I brought a bunch of stuff to show them, and we laughed and had a great time.  Kathryn and Kimberly, are two new friends and we plan on getting together again soon!

I love how you bring people together, even when you don't realize it.

Bye for now.  I love you more than the ocean......or, wait....maybe...ok, it's a close 2nd....hehehehe

--Love, Rebecca

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