Mmmm sexy...

Mmmm sexy...
The man is a gorgeous sexy BEAST!! I just want to eat him up!!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Wow what a vacation so far!!

Dear Steve,

Have you burst a gasket like me, while watching the first Presidential debate last night?! It took all of my self control not to yell at the damned tv.  I swear to God above, Mitt Romney is the devil incarnate.

I really disagree with the idea that Romney "won" the debate. All he did was interrupt the other 2 men involved repeatedly, gave no specifics of his plans, acted snarky and rude, and smirked like a condescending asshole. He won nothing but my total disdain. His eyes were crazy, he seemed hepped up on drugs. Either that or too many Red Bulls and 5 hour energy drinks.

At one point, Mitt's facial expression was one of "sheeyah, right, whatever," when Obama said that Romney's plans were more geared toward the financial level of "himself and I."  He came across as a spoiled rotten brat and a bully.

As history has proven time and time again, a first debate has often been "won" by the incumbent, but the ELECTION was not. 

Obama was professional. He was patient, though visibly annoyed. He was concise, stoic, explanative of his accomplishments and his plans to continue with them. He knows his shit.  I think he is much more qualified to handle the Presidency than Mitt.

Soooo, that's my 2 cents, for what its worth. 

The whole Big Bird thing and Mitt saying he will cancel PBS, well, the 0.012% funding that PBS gets from the federal government won't make a DENT in fixing the deficit. He is an idiot.  He will flip flop on any issue to appeal to varying audiences, telling the people what he thinks they want to hear, rather than sticking to one belief or stance on any given issue. 

The glaringly obvious OMITTED subject was women and their reproductive rights. Neither of them even bothered to mention it. I was quite annoyed by that. 

Well I am writing from DC tonight, sitting in a huge suite, watching the show Chopped. I don't know why I like this show but I do. Probably because I am not a great cook, and I learn a lot. That is what I enjoy about tv is to learn something.

Pete and I spent last weekend in Virginia Beach and ended up buying a timeshare!  Great googa mooga. We went to the presentation with a big "NO" that we repeated several times, until they came out with a one-two punch and knocked us on our keisters.  For less than 1/3 of what a new construction timeshare, we got 10 years of bonus weeks anywhere in the US or overseas, in addition to our week in VA beach every year!!!  Holy bajeezus!!

Sooooo it was a fun-filled weekend, and then yesterday I spent the entire day at my Museum in DC. I got to visit with my peeps, including Survivors that I haven't seen in a long time. I love them so much. I got to see all of my former coworkers that still work there too, so I had a great time. I am tempted to apply for my old job again. A 4 hour one-way commute isn't so bad, right?!

I have lots of pictures to share with you as well but I will add those later. 

Oh! And while in VA Beach, Pete and I met and had lunch with 2 ladies who live there who are on the Facebook pages that are all about YOU!  We had fun talking and I brought stuff to show them that I have in my collection, etc.  i never had any female friends who were Journey fans or fans of you that I could hang out with during my youth, so it was fun to get together with them and giggle and be silly like that! 

Anyway, I am now attending the big BDSM event here in DC, all weekend, so I won't be able to write much until Monday or Tuesday. Have a great weekend, Stephen, and know that you are loved. Always.

Love, Rebecca

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