Mmmm sexy...

Mmmm sexy...
The man is a gorgeous sexy BEAST!! I just want to eat him up!!

Monday, November 12, 2012

A very busy but fun weekend...

Hi Steve,

Yesss it is now Monday, the dreaded first day of the week.  But, for some people, it is also a federal holiday and they get to have the day off.  So I guess it's not all bad.

I hope you had a nice weekend?  Did you do anything fun? Wild? Wickedly cool?  Or did you just have a nice, boring time at home doing nothing?  Sometimes that is awesome too. Well, whatever you did, or didn't do, I hope you enjoyed yourself....and/or anyone you did or didn't do it WITH.  *WINK*

Ya know, it occurred to me last night (and several  other times in the past actually) that I don't often add videos to this blog of my favorite songs that you sing.  So, here is OPEN ARMS...and YOU, wearing that godawful yellow shirt...hehehehe....somehow, though, you rocked that shirt.  Nobody else could.!

Anyway, so last night Pete takes me to see The Who in was way better than I expected it would be.  I honestly never followed them or anything, so I don't know much about their music except about 6 or 8 songs that I like when they play them on classic rock radio or something.  But they performed the entire album of Quadrophenia last night in its entirety, which I had never really heard before all at one time like that.  Roger Daltry is one sexy beast though, I'll tell ya that much.

I have video of some of the songs, I'll add them later.  During one song, they played the bass guitar solo part NOT by having someone else do it, but by actually putting video AND audio from the past of John Entwhistle playing it, up on the screen overhead.  Apparently nobody else could ever come close to his performance, so they decided to feature him doing it---and it was very very cool.  Pete and I both agreed that the future of rock and roll concerts will have this very thing going on---presenting video and audio of the dead rockers doing their thing, while other unknown people perform the music along with it.  Obviously it won't be the same, but it'll be the essence of that person, and how he (or she) contributed to the music and the band.  Kinda like a history lesson mixed in.

I mean, imagine "The Steve Perry EXPERIENCE," ya know?  You'll be worm food in reality, sure, but the video and audio of your voice and your sexy dance moves, etc., will live on and you will be featured on a huge screen over the stage, doing your thing, with various musicians playing the music in tandem.  They could do that right now with Otis Redding or Marvin Gaye, or anyone who has passed on and is still considered massively awesome, like Janice Joplin. I really don't know why they haven't yet, but that seems to be the only option of the future, for people like me who were too young to experience it at the time it was happening, ya know?  Wouldn't that be cool?  Or would that freak you out?  Well, whatever----if you like it, put it in your will, if you don't like it, put it in your will.

Just don't be surprised if the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Museum starts doing this stuff at some point.

Well, anyway, I'll write more later, but I just wanted you to know we had a fun time, and I'll tell you all the sexy details after I have some breakfast and get my day started.

Love you lots....xoxo ---Rebecca

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