Mmmm sexy...

Mmmm sexy...
The man is a gorgeous sexy BEAST!! I just want to eat him up!!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Goodnight you sexy man.

Hi Steve,

I'm on my way to bed, but I wanted to write a bit before I lay my head down for the night.

First of all, I've been running around like a chicken with my head cut off all week long (a visual image from a farm girl ya know), trying to get ready for our upcoming trip.  I hope you won't miss me too much, but I will be gone Saturday for 9 days, traveling the east coast with Pete, visiting friends and going to 2 events.  First we're going to DC, then to Baltimore, then to New York, and then to NJ.  Thanksgiving will be rather crazy, needless to say.  Won't be having the traditional stay-at-home-family thing.

Now, because I am SO devoted to you, Mr. Perry-rowr-rowr-rowr, (that is your new nickname by the way), I will definitely TRY to write while I'm traveling.  Pete usually brings his laptop along, and I have my iPhone that I can type to you using NOTES, and then copy and paste it here in the blog. The only bummer is, I cannot upload photos onto the blog from my phone.  I can only do that on a computer....I think blogger needs to update its technical stuff so I can do that.

Oh, and when I logged in tonight, I noticed that 12,232 people have read this blog-o-mine.  WOW...I mean, they definitely don't read it because I am the one writing it....they read it because it has YOUR NAME in the title.  It's YOU they love, my sweet troubadour-dujoir-rowr-rowr-rowr, and if THAT doesn't convince you to GET BUSY WORKIN' ON THAT NEW ALBUM of yours, I don't know what else to tell ya.

Sooooooo, the news today was interesting...apparently Arnel Pineda is now HOSPITALIZED for his throat problems, and more Journey shows are being postponed or cancelled....but then the very next day after announcing this, the Journey web site also announced its 2013 tour schedule, starting in JANUARY....well, hey, nice of Neal to give this poor kid a MONTH to get better, huh?  That's longer than he gave YOU when you had YOUR hip issue going on, so maybe he's evolving a little bit. Maybe.  I wouldn't place money on that bet, but let's just give him the benefit of the doubt.

A whole month, geez what a guy.  I think Journey's days are numbered, sadly, because now that Arnel has made it as the best new lead singer out of all they have had since you left, NOBODY and I do mean NOBODY out there will EVER accept anybody else to replace him.  So, if his throat is roached to the point where he can no longer BE the energizer bunny-touring-slave that Neal wants him to be, I think perhaps Neal will have to apply for Social Security and official retire from the whole Journey thing...let it go, give it up...

And ya know, a thought occurred to me the other day.......this thing, between you and Journey.....well, not only is it like divorced parents with all the fans as the kids taking sides and bickering amongst themselves all the time, but it's also becoming kinda like this contest, sorta....maybe THAT is what you're waiting for, with this "new album" you keep harping about...(all talk, no action-rowr-rowr-rowr)....maybe you're waiting for Journey to take the official retirement dirt sleep and THEN you'll come back with a mutha-fuggin' VENGEANCE, and put them all to shame as you rise to the top of the charts once again, while they quietly pass into oblivion, where you've been living for the past 15 years....two ships passing in the night, and all that crap....maybe THAT is why you're waiting, biding your time, until the ship sinks in the moonlight, so that you can loot the floating bounty of treasure that will always be there for YOU, no matter what THEY do.

I kinda like that scenario my friend.  My sexy rowr-rowr-buddy, you are brilliant.

Tonight Pete took me to see the homage band to the Beatles, but they were rather sloppy and the sound mixer sucked, and they even skipped an entire verse of "Ono sideboard, spinal cracker," in the song Come Together, which totally annoyed me.  But before the show started, a Music Director from WYEP was there, with audio footage of rare rehearsals of the Beatles as they put together the song "Let it Be," and other interesting tidbits...I learned a lot of neat things about the back story.  I always thought that the song was more of a religious thing---kinda out of place in most of the Beatles songs, really.  I mean, it sounds almost hymnal, especially with the organ solo at one point.  And the lyrics about "Mother Mary" just seemed to fit into that least in my opinion...but the song was actually about a DREAM that Paul McCartney had about his mother, named Mary-----same as your mom----who came to him in the dream during a difficult time when the tension between the Beatles was getting worse, (early 70's), and in the dream she said to him, "Everything will work out, just let it be, you'll be fine."  So he wrote the song as a special expression of love for his mom who died when he was only 14 years old.

Other things I learned:  Did you know, for instance, that the orchestra that they hired to come in and do this cacophony of increased octaves in the song "A Day in the Life," actually had to wear clown noses, mustache glasses and other silly costume things on their heads and faces, in order for the performers to get the feel for the crazy sound that they were going for?  It's true.  John Lennon especially wanted the song to be INSANE, and CHAOTIC, while describing a "normal" 'Day in the Life' of regular people who CLAIM to be "normal," but really aren't.  I love that man and everything he stood for, and believed about people.  He was my 2nd love after Elvis don'tchaknow.  You, my dear singer-man-rowr-rowr-rowr, are lucky number THREE....which is supposed to be a CHARM, in case you didn't get the memo.  Ahem.  Sniff.

Anyway, the orchestra members were told to play the lowest possible note they could, no matter what instrument they were playing, and then do a 24 bar upward glissando to the very highest note they could play, with whatever rhythm and sequence they wanted, as an improvisation.  What I noticed, while listening to the rehearsal of this, is that the string section seemed to play in 4/4 time, while the wind instruments seemed to be playing at 3/4 time....all at once.  It seemed like it was planned that way, because it sounded awesome----but when I asked the Music Director from WYEP about it, he said, "They didn't have the technology that they have nowadays to actually layer that in such a way that the 4/4 and 3/4 time would work together---they literally had to play one tape over another at the same time, so I really doubt that it was done on purpose or planned that way, it just came out SOUNDING that way.  Next time I listen to it, though, I'll have to see if I can catch it because your observation is very interesting!"

Well, I'm off to bed, I hope you'll have a great weekend, and don't miss me too much.  Bye for now, Mister Rowr-Rowr.

Love, Rebecca

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