Mmmm sexy...

Mmmm sexy...
The man is a gorgeous sexy BEAST!! I just want to eat him up!!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Hello from New York City....

Hi Steve,

How are you?  I hope you're having a good week....and a nice Thanksgiving with your family and friends too.

Pete and I are sitting in an apartment on 12th street in Manhattan, listening to CDs with our friend Kathy. She lives here, and is a writer.  We are SO MUCH ALIKE it's almost scary!!  She has this statue in the corner of a pretty woman, (with a red FEZ on her head) and I'm lookin' at it going, "I know that face..." and suddenly I say to Kathy, "WHO IS THAT FAMOUS OLD MOVIE STAR?!"  And Kathy goes, "OH MY GOD, I never realized it, but that's CAROLE LOMBARD!"  Friggin' wild man.  She never realized it before....but it looks JUST LIKE HER.  Don't believe me?!! I took a picture!!

Well anyway, why would I lie to you about something as silly as that?!! Silly man.  I don't lie to you about anything.  This is me, in the raw, telling it like it is.  That's just how I roll.

So we spent time in Baltimore with my friend Barbara and then drove here today.  I never spent time in NYC before, it's rather scary to me.  I mean, I've been here once, many years ago, to visit the Anne Frank Center....which is rather lame....but, I was nearly KILLED riding in a cab, they drive like maniacs, and I freaked out because we stood on the top of the Empire Building---I'm afraid of heights---and after that, I said, "Ya know, I'm ready to go home."  So, it was rather uneventful.

Tonight we didn't do much, just walked around the block to a restaurant to have dinner, and then back again. Not sure what we're doing tomorrow, but I have never been to the Statue of Liberty at all, so that might be cool.  Pete also mentioned Ground Zero, but I'm not so sure I can deal with that.  Pete drove around the block to get to a parking lot here, and nearly ran over 5 people walking across the street out of nowhere, AND he turned down a road the WRONG WAY, that was a ONE WAY.  So yeah, it was a freaky ride getting here.

Anyway, we are off to stay tomorrow night with another friend in New York City, and then off to Asbury New Jersey on Thursday for a weekend of naughty fun.

Well I'm off to bed, I've had 2 glasses of wine and I'm feelin' a bit dizzy.....but hey, whatevah!  I can honestly say this apartment is much larger than I expected...but $3,000 bucks a MONTH?!! That's just INSANE!!

Ah well, Kathy is really cool.  She's an author that has written several books and some funny calendars.   Pete went to high school with her. She's fun as hell and drinks like a fish!!  But we've been listening to tunes and dancing around like morons all evening...wondering if the neighbors are listening through the paper-thin walls....hehehehe....screw 'em. We're having FUN dammit!!!

Love you more than cheese and rice crackers with wine.

Bye for now!!!

Love, Rebecca

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