Mmmm sexy...

Mmmm sexy...
The man is a gorgeous sexy BEAST!! I just want to eat him up!!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Home again, yayyyyy....

Hi Stephen,

How are you today, my favorite sexy beast?  I hope you're doing well.  I also hope you didn't miss me too much!!  But now I'm back and I have LOTS of juicy good naughty things to tell you about.  I know that you love to live vicariously through me, like so many other people do......(HA!).....

Anyway, it was quite a vacation, to say the least.  I have been convinced to write down things that would make the "50 Shades of Grey" books look like "Dick and Jane."  And sooooo, I may just begin a new adventure in 2013 doing such things.

Event drop, however, is a bummer.  You may have also experienced something similar along your journey in life, perhaps after a huge tour or something. You feel super drained, emotionally and physically, and you somewhat sad that it's over, and now it's "back to the real world."  That's what event drop is.  We also refer to it as "camp drop" after summer camp is ended.  But, other than that, I'm doing pretty well overall.

Returned to Pittsburgh, with snow in the air...luckily so far, none has stuck to the ground at this point.  I still have some Christmas presents to wrap, and get sent to England to my sister....gotta do that today....and I have other presents to wrap as well as getting this house cleaned from top to bottom (especially my bedroom), so that we can have a kinky party weekend for New Years Eve.

By the way, you are cordially invited to our party, and yes you may bring a guest----casual attire, fake names are fine, nobody else will even recognize you....unless they look at all the photos of you that I have on my wall....but I'll keep them all distracted so they won't notice, I promise.  I mean, I've been to dungeons in DC where Senators and Congresspeople have attended on several occasions, and nobody says a word, nobody will "out" them, and they are safe to be kinky around everyone.  Sooooo, I can definitely be discreet.  "Nah, this isn't the REAL Steve Perry, it's just a friend of mine who sometimes impersonates him." They would all believe me, because, well, I'm just so damned believable.

Yeah, I had some fun, but nothing too crazy...sorry to report...however, I did get to ride OUT IN PUBLIC on an adult-sized tricycle, racing down the boardwalk, a block away from the Stone Pony where Bruce Springsteen first got his start, in Asbury New Jersey!  Yes, we all ventured outside and the ponies (human ponies that is), were giving rides in their carriages to anyone who wanted one, so of course I had a ride....then I raced a couple people AND played chicken with another person, on the tricycles....even Pete got on one, and had a blast.  They are SO MUCH FUN!!  I want one.  I told Pete it would be hilarious if, on Christmas morning, we all gather at the tree and see an adult tricycle with a big red bow on it, like some kind of freakish Norman Rockwell painting.  We had a good laugh.

Anyway, I will write more later, and add a few photos.  Just know that I missed ya, and that you are one lucky SOB to be loved as much as you are every day of your life, by so many total strangers like me.

Love you lots...bye for now.  Plan on coming to my party for New Years Eve, okay?! Seriously.


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