Mmmm sexy...

Mmmm sexy...
The man is a gorgeous sexy BEAST!! I just want to eat him up!!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Something I read today resonated...

Hi Steve,

"Compassion hurts.
When you feel connected to everything,
you also feel responsible for everything.
And you cannot turn away.
Your destiny is bound with the destinies of others.
You must either learn to carry the Universe or be crushed by it.
You must grow strong enough to love the world,
yet empty enough to sit down at the same table with its worst horrors."
 - Andrew Boyd

I read that today on Facebook.  It resonates with me very deeply, because that pretty much sums up my entire life on this planet.  I used to try to carry the Universe, but then it crushed me on 9/11.  I have sat down with some of its worst horrors too.  I consider myself strong despite that, but it's definitely true that I cannot turn away, even if I don't always love the world.

My friend Kim sent me this today.....I thought it was a hoot, so I hope you get a giggle or two out of it! Just click the link below and push the "play" button...(I've always loved jib jab, and I used to play around on it when it first came out and was FREE, but now you have to pay for it).

I created one of those same dancing videos with Peter, (my ex) and another ex, Allen, but I never thought to make one with YOU in it!!  Kinda funny.

Well anyway, I'm off to bed, just wanted to share those two things with ya tonight.

Love you lots...xoxo  ps. My mom watched a movie today on the Syfy channel where the characters were yelling "Steve! Perry! Steve! Perry!" and mentioned "maybe we should stop with the Journey jokes..." (I have no idea what movie it was, my mom can't remember).

You, dear Sir, are everywhere, and especially in my heart.


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