Mmmm sexy...

Mmmm sexy...
The man is a gorgeous sexy BEAST!! I just want to eat him up!!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

In a Christmas mood....with WILLIAM SHATNER!

Hi Steve, this is the image I think Pete and I are going to print out into photos and include with our holiday cards this year.  It was taken in October down in Virginia Beach, during a sand castle exhibition.  I love sand castles!  Never had this much talent making them, though.

For the past 6 or 8 years I have decorated my Christmas tree with beach-themed stuff, like star fish and seashells, sand dollars, mermaids, fish, Santa's on sailboats, palm trees with Xmas lights on them, etc., but this year I've done a tree all in turned out really cool.  I have orange butterflies and tropical flowers, with some ribbon and bulbs, and other holiday picks that have bling on them.  I didn't hook anything to the tree, just stuck the items in it, and I used our orange Halloween lights too.  I'll take a picture of it and show it to ya next time.

I made a tree last night for my mom.  I had asked her if she was going to put one up in her living space but she said "Nah, I don't have the room, and I don't have anything to decorate it with anyway."  So I went out and got her a 4 foot artificial tree, then I bought some white birds, some birds nests with white glittery eggs in them, some pinecones with white "snow" on the edges, some white and silvery ribbon, a bright red, large cardinal as the topper, and some tiny white birds too.  I'll take a picture of it and put it here for ya next time.  She really loved it, and since she loves to feed the birds all the time, I figured it was something she would enjoy looking at.

Today I've been in a Christmas mood.  I've been keeping busy with wrapping presents, getting stuff ready to ship to England, planning a trip to Michigan to bring gifts to everyone, getting our holiday newsletter ready, and now getting some photos made for our cards.

Tonight, however, Pete has tickets for us to go see WILLIAM SHATNER perform, and we're front row, center, PLUS we get to MEET AND GREET him afterwards!  I hope I can get my photo taken with him, he's so awesome.  If I do, I'll be sure to share it with ya later.

Anyway, so I'd better get myself ready. Talk to you later....

Love, Rebecca

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