Mmmm sexy...

Mmmm sexy...
The man is a gorgeous sexy BEAST!! I just want to eat him up!!

Friday, November 30, 2012

William Shatner is awesome...

Hi Steve,

I don't think I added this photo before, but it's a sand castle in Virginia Beach that has the word "Love" as sign language.  I really thought it was cool, so I wanted to tell you that you are LOVED, and if you're hard of hearing, well, there ya go.  My hair is pulled back in this photo, it was windy & warm outside that day---in October no less!

Here's me with my hair down though.  It's growing longer, thankfully.  It takes forever to grow!  But I'm liking it so far. 

Well last night, we saw William Shatner, and we got to meet him after the show.  This was the view from our front row, center, seats....I joked that if I didn't get some sweat flung on me, the seats were a waste of money!! (My mom thinks I'm gross).  But, alas, there was no sweat flung on anyone.

He just did a stand up routine, going through his book with the same title, talking about bizarre and funny things that have happened in his life so far.  We laughed a lot!

And there he is, waiting for us to come see can tell he's excited...and ya know what?!  He kept saying how life is full of risks, and we should take as many as we can---so, Pete and I took a risk when we met him.  Pete asked him, "Have you ever been to a REAL HUMAN PONY competition?" And he slipped him a Camp Crucible postcard...Bill says, "Nooo, really?! Nooo, I haven' that you?" (referring to the pretty girl hanging in rope from the ledge on the postcard).  I said, "Nope, not me...but we want to invite you to camp...and I have a present for you too...." (I touched his leg)...and as he said, "Oh you do huh?" I said, "Yessss I do..." and I slipped him 2 blow job coupons.  One for him, and one for James Spader!!! (He is a sexy beast).

We even have a photo of him, looking at the coupons...!!

Yessssss, yes I did, I gave him a blow job coupon.  I did see his wife in the corner though.  HA!!!

Here we are, together with William Shatner. The official photo was taken by his photographer, but Pete gave his camera to the chick behind us, and she snapped a few for this is a side view.  We have no idea if the Camp Crucible postcard and coupons went directly into a dumpster or not.  But, at least we can say we tried!!

This was when we were talking to him briefly, and I was touching his leg with my other hand as I slipped the coupons to him. hehehehehehehe

Well anyway, my phone number is on the coupon, so if my phone rings and it's him....well, I guess I'll have to redeem the damned thing.  *WINK*

Anyway, we had fun!!  Have you ever met him?  He's a hoot!!  If you go to You Tube, you can search for his version of "Mr. Tambourine Man," which is hysterical, and "I'm Real," which is very cool.  We also love "Common People" and "You're Gonna Die."

Yep, he's a very cool dude.  Well, I have to go.  Have a great day!!!  Love you!!  Bye for now.

Love, Rebecca

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