Mmmm sexy...

Mmmm sexy...
The man is a gorgeous sexy BEAST!! I just want to eat him up!!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The official William Shatner photo....

Hi Steve,

Well, here it is, the official William Shatner photo with Pete and I. 

Yeah, maybe black lace was a bit too much for the old guy. hehehehe

Anyway, I am off to bed after an annoying day.  The plumber showed up late, but fixed everything that was leaking---though we'll have to replace some drywall down in my mother's apartment area---and he didn't finish until nearly 3:00 p.m. so the whole damned day was SHOT.  The only thing I was able to do other than housework and Christmas wrapping, and decorating, was get a new toaster and coffee see, Pete insists on having this 2 day weekend party Dec. 30-31, AND he offered to make everybody who attends BREAKFAST on New Years Day.  Nice of him, huh?!  Well, with a coffee maker that makes ONE CUP, and doesn't drain properly, and a toaster that burns everything no matter what the setting is, I figured it might be a good idea to replace them beforehand.

I'm kinda wishing we were going TO a party, instead of having one.  They are a lot of work.  And, unlike YOU, Mister Rich-man, I don't get to hire a catering service.  Sigh.  I have already baked 24 mini loaves of bread---12 pumpkin and 12 cranberry orange----to give to everyone.  I hope to HELL we don't have more than 24 people in this house all at one time, my head might explode.

We're planning to have a turkey, ribs, chicken wings, side dishes, (shrimp salad, etc)., some appetizers and we have about 5 different pies, I'll bake some cookies and brownies too.  I hope it'll be enough.

So that's what has been keeping me busy lately.  Gotta get this house spiffed's coming together slowly but surely...cleaned, decluttered, and decorated.

I am a bit concerned right now, so tomorrow I'm going to the hospital for some blood work.  Lately my heart has been fluttering, and I don't know why.  It has been happening since last Thursday, and Pete finally took me to a med-center (urgent care) place Saturday evening.  They did an EKG on me, but it was normal.  It has been fluttering all day long, every 15 minutes or so, but it hasn't done it yesterday or today, except for a couple times this evening.  I don't know what the hell is going on.  At first I thought maybe I was having a heart attack or something...that would suck so bad...but no, my blood pressure is normal, my EKG was normal, my sugar level isn't too bad, so I really don't know what is causing it.

In addition to the fluttering feeling in my heart, I've also been feeling dizziness when I sit up or lay down.  The doctor saw me on Monday and gave me a prescription for something to help with it (to take at night because it makes me tired), and I'm also feeling very fatigued, no energy.   Tomorrow I'm going to the hospital, to get my blood work done---I will ask them to check my insulin level too, because my doctor said it may be that my body now requires me to give myself insulin injections.  That would suck even worse than a heart attack.  I'm so sick of diabetes.  I really hate it.

So, something is falling apart inside of me, ain't life grand.  I'll keep you posted on what the test results are when I hear them.

Anyway, your new album DONE YET?!!  It is becoming quite a joke, actually, like some kind of unspoken, "never gonna happen" thing, but yet we still feel compelled to ask about it.  The chicks on the Facebook fan pages are nutballs, having soap opera cat fights, "he said she said" bullshit, and I just can't abide.  I just ignore the stupidity and avoid the pages for awhile.  I get enough crap from the political pages that I belong to.

Did you hear what Ted Nugent said recently?!  He is such a total NIMROD, I can't even believe it.  He is demanding, in his Washington Post article, that the government take away the rights to vote from anyone on welfare.  Unbelievable.  He's had one too many drugs in his lifetime, methinks.  He and Donald Trump and Karl Rove and Bill O'Reilly and Grover Norquist and John Boehner and Rush Limbaugh-----they ALL need to pack their shit and get the hell out of this country, in my humble but opinionated opinion.  They all need to go live as butt-buddies on some deserted island somewhere.

Well, I'm off to bed, it's pathetic I know, since it's only 8:45 p.m., but I am exhausted.

Love you lots.....WAYYYY more than Ted Nugent!!! (that's a total no-brainer).

You'd think by now he'd be in a hunting accident....the guy is just too flippin' stupid for his own good.

Bye for now.  Have a great week, and give me a call sometime, ya big lug.  I have a 1-900 voice don'tchanknow.  *WINK*

Love, Rebecca

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