Mmmm sexy...

Mmmm sexy...
The man is a gorgeous sexy BEAST!! I just want to eat him up!!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Long live GRUMPY CAT!!

Hi Steve,

I don't know if you follow this character or not, but he's the most awesome cat EVER.  Even more awesome than Morris on those old 1970's cat commercials...

It's GRUMPY CAT!!! His real name is Tardar Sauce.  I don't know why they would name a cat such a silly thing, especially spelled wrong, but maybe that's why he's so grumpy.  

A friend of mine sent this to me today....

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!  Cracked me up!!  Ya gotta love a cat like that.  I mean look at that FACE!!  How can you NOT love a cat like that?!  I've always loved the curmudgeon!!

You can see more at if you like him.

Or, if you are on Facebook, here's the official page....

Well anyway, I'm off to battle yet another day of domestic drudgery.  I hate it.  I hate vacuuming, and dusting, I hate cleaning, I hate doing dishes, I hate laundry, I hate it all.  I think perhaps a job is on the 2013 horizon.  Last night Pete yelled at me, "Why are you so UPTIGHT about this party? We have WEEKS! WEEKS! WEEKS!"

The thing he doesn't understand is, we have this weekend shot to hell with his daughter and son-in-law visiting, (they'll just mess up the house even more), then next weekend I am gone to Michigan with my mom, leaving Pete and Simon here to mess up the house then too, and then the following weekend his step-daughter and son are visiting us, and his son is the worst at messing up everything all the time, and then the following weekend IS THE PARTY.  

So, noooooo, you idiot man, we actually DON'T have WEEKS left to plan for this little soiree!!!!

I may just go stay at a hotel for both days, and let him have his damned parties without me.

Have a great day, and I'll write again soon.

Love you lots...xoxox


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