Mmmm sexy...

Mmmm sexy...
The man is a gorgeous sexy BEAST!! I just want to eat him up!!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Hi Steve,

Well I woke up to this story (below) today, on Facebook....and wow, talk about leading by example----this "man" named Neal Schon is doing the same exact thing Mitt Romney did, he's telling his fans---the people who made him famous and attend concerts and help him pay his alimony---to "get a job and get a life."  

Nice, huh?  As IF Neal Schon has ever held a REAL JOB himself. 

He just cannot deal with the fact that he's a putz, and everybody knows it.  He wants the world to think he's a great guy, and anyone who criticizes him, his relationship mistakes, or his music, just "isn't worth his time."  

Then he wonders why nobody buys his solo stuff.  

He seems, sadly, to be a lot like Romney, acting all "shellshocked" that people would criticize his love life----oh the horror---just like Romney reacted after the majority of human beings with brains in their head (including BIG BIRD no less), kicked his sorry stupid ASS for alienating every group of people he possibly could every time he opened his mouth.  

Ya know, Steve, (as a side note), I don't know about YOU, but I really do suspect that there were some major high-stakes BS game players involved in this election, the type you see all over DC, playing the game of "we'll pretend we like Romney, we'll become his advisors, and we'll feed him all kinds of crap that will offend all kinds of people, and we'll pay other conservatives connected to Romney to chime in to say MORE offensive stuff especially about women and RAPE, just to sabotage his run for President."

Hey, seriously, don't be surprised if this kind of scandal story comes out at some point, because that shit happens in DC ALL THE TIME, man.  I've seen it up close!  If you think Hollywood is full of great actors, my friend, you've never seen a day in the life of a DC politician's world.  If they were to give awards for best bullshit artist in a real-life drama--dude, those guys would win every time.

So Neal plays for Romney's campaign, gets $500,000 bucks for it, (who knows if or how he split it with the other guys), and learns from Romney's example to tell people off who have padded his friggin' wallet for 40+ years. 

What a colossal douche-bag extraordinaire.  Is he REALLY that impressionable??

Then, ANOTHER blurb appeared later in the day from Ultimate Classic Rock's page, regarding Neal's new solo album...yeah, a "solo" album, that he created WITH STEVE SMITH, which---the last time I checked definitions, that actually means a DUET......right?!  So Smitty is a nice guy, he gets sucked in, he plays some kick ass drums for Neal, and then gets slammed in an interview all about NEAL'S SOLO ALBUM, with a few mentions of him.  That's pretty shitty if you ask me.  But, hey, I'm sure Smitty knew what he was getting himself into.  Hope it paid well.

The entire article is here:

but THIS is the blurb from that interview that really gets me....
It’s been nearly 15 years since you made the ‘Trial By Fire’ album with Steve Perry. That had to be a frustrating period, because you made a great album and weren’t really able to capitalize on it with touring. I think the “would you ever reunite with Steve” question has been put out there quite a bit and you get it all of the time…
Well yeah, like you said, I get it all of the time and I always answer it the same way and then everybody writes it like it’s the first time I ever said it. You know, it’s like, I’ve been saying it forever that we’ve always left the door open, you know? We didn’t kick Steve out – he walked. And he went on to pursue his solo stuff and went out there playing our material before we did. He was out doing a solo tour and he was playing Journey songs and so at that point, I went “there’s no harm in Jon [Jonathan Cain] and I trying to reform this band,” because we [were very involved too].
Sometimes, I wrote half of the song with Perry [and] a lot of the time after Jonathan came into the band, it was a third, a third, a third between Perry, myself and Jon. So I’m looking at two-thirds of the songwriting which is Jon and I and I go, “We have every right to go out and do this material too.” It turns out that it’s karma, because we wrote the songs and we’re out there and we’re doing really well right now, with Arnel [Pineda].
Me finding him was like a grace from heaven, there’s nothing that this kid can’t sing. He’s a monster vocalist and he’s a tremendous human being and he’s also very quick to say that Steve Perry is one of his favorite vocalists and that if Steve ever wanted to come in and sit in or do a tour, he’s open-minded. Everybody’s open-minded. And you know, we can’t say – I don’t see that there’s any end to this band right now, we’re so strong. Everybody’s getting older, but we still have so much energy and we’re doing great out here. And I think at the point, like I’ve said before, if we were to ever do a farewell tour, I’d want to have not only Steve Perry, but as many guys that were ever involved in Journey. [Gregg] Rolie, Aynsley Dunbar, Robert Fleischman – whomever was in [the band] through the years, you know?
That makes sense. So, what I was going to ask was if creatively, is there any reason in your mind that you’d ever want to make another album with Steve? Is there any uncovered ground there?
I think as Journey, I don’t see that happening. I think that we’ve all moved on and Journey is what it is now. If he were to come into what we’re doing now, it would be a different thing. I wish him well, you know? I hope that someday, that we can get to the point to where I can pick up the telephone and I can talk to him without talking through management and attorneys. I still don’t quite realize why we can’t just talk one on one, for whatever reason, just to say hello – not to pressure anybody to do anything or anything like that – it wouldn’t be like that. [It would be] just in a friendly manner. So we’ll see what happens man. We’re doing just fine where we’re at though.

"I still don't quite realize why we can't just talk one on one, for whatever reason, just to say hello -- not to pressure anybody to do wouldn't be like that, it would be just in a friendly manner."

REALLY???  He says this AFTER accusing you in the previous paragraph, that "he was out there playing OUR MATERIAL BEFORE WE DID...?!"  "OUR MATERIAL?"  So now he's claiming everything Journey did before you left as HIS, apparently, or at least "two thirds of the songwriting which is Jon and I..."  He completely fucking DISSES YOU in one sentence, then wonders WHY you don't LIKE HIM anymore?!!

Does he NOT GET that some people---namely YOU, Steve, actually have CLASS and do not WANT to be his "FRIEND" anymore because he treats people like crap all the time?  He doesn't even realize he's doing it.  It just boggles the mind.  Is he on drugs or something? I mean maybe his Viagra is killing brain cells or something.  He should just let his dick dry up, it certainly would save him more trips to the altar, not to mention the inevitable divorce court.

GAWD I want to smack this guy upside the head about 200,000 times.  Don't you?!  Ah well, violence never solved anything.....and I know that KARMA is the coolest thing on earth, so all ya really gotta do is stand back and wait a little while, and it'll come a-callin', and it'll rip Neal a brand new one in the blink of an eye.  

Poor whiney, whimpery Neal, he misses his buddy and doesn't know why he can't renew a severed friendship that hurt a lot, EVEN WHILE STILL SAYING HURTFUL COMMENTS!!!  I mean, wow, is he still in high school or what?  This is the most pathetic thing YET that has come out of his stupid pie hole.  

I tell ya Stevie baby, my blood pressure skyrocketed after reading this.  In fact, I was about to open a huge Sam's Club bulk super-sized can of whoop ass on him---and maybe I will yet---if he keeps this stupid bullshit up.  

In all seriousness, you really should consider getting some kind of gag order to tell him to STFU about you in any interview he ever gives from this point on.  He's poking at you, like a bully on a playground, repeatedly, and it's starting to ROYALLY piss me off.

He doesn't seem to realize that everybody KNOWS that he just wants you for a "farewell tour," so he can USE YOU to pocket more chump change to pay his alimony lawyers.  Shhhh, nobody is supposed to KNOW that!!   It is glaringly obvious that he doesn't want to do it for sincere sentimental friendship reasons.  The transparency of this guy is phenomenal, yet his blindness to his own mistakes is absolutely magnanimous.

How does this guy function on a daily basis?!  I hope the gold digging bimbo hag he's now ENGAGED TO will help him when his old man, guitar-playing fingers no longer work.  I don't think she will be though.  I think she's in it for what she can get OUT of it.  And that's sad.  It's sad that Neal doesn't realize it, or if he does, SHE might get kicked to the curb when he finds the newest "shiny thing" female to go after.

When I was in high school, I had this strange knack for predicting stuff.  I don't know HOW I knew things, but somehow I just did.  My friend Annette was astounded, and always asked me every year before Christmas what my New Year's predictions were going to be.  I had a list of 3 or 4 things that I just KNEW were going to happen, and during the next year, most of them DID.  I think perhaps my reading Nostradamus had a little something to do with it.  He fascinated me.  I just sat back, analyzed something or someone, figured the situation or the person out, named his or her game, and predicted something that eventually came true.  Annette was flabbergasted every time it happened.  I just chalked it up to common sense, and a gut instinct of some kind.

So, this "predictive talent" of mine says that Neal is really headed for something bad, ya know?  Some kind of horrible health issue is on the horizon.  Not too far out of the realm of possibility, with his age and hard living history.  When a psychological issue inside of someone is never dealt with, acknowledged, resolved, etc., (and I think it's safe to say, he's got a few),  those psychological issues can often manifest as a PHYSICAL ailment.  

Karma may just deal him a nasty health issue, and soon.  That is my psychic prediction regarding Neal, for what it's worth.  

I also predict that YOU will be the one attending HIS funeral.  It won't be the other way around.  (And would he attend yours, if it were)?  I sincerely doubt it.

You took the time to stop riding the crazy train of the music business, you saved yourself from a breakdown, you de-stressed, you got to know yourself better, you went out and did things you never had time to do, things you enjoy, you have made time to have FUN, to go to Giants games and museums, you took the time to get to know your daughter, and to TRAVEL and ENJOY LIFE----you also did some much-needed and overdue soul searching homework-----all of those things Neal has NEVER really done for himself, at least, not enough to really change him much.  

You have also faced, acknowledged, accepted and overcome some of your own demons----alcoholism and drug use, (at least, that's the rumor from a million years ago, from Allen Craft's wonderful harassing computer messages he sent to me)----but Neal still seems to have demons ruling his life every day.  He's constantly on tour, he never seems able to relax, he seems very OCD and ADHD...he's addicted to the "rock star" image and egomania that he has fallen in love with inside himself, and sadly, like a lot of other people in history, that kinda non-stop "Life in the Fast Lane" lifestyle seems all too commonly the cause---at least, it COULD be the ultimate cause of his inevitable physical demise.

I know he's a product of his environment, but these things all add up over time, and can seriously cause some major physical damage.  Just something to think about.  You guys aren't getting any younger.  If you truly NEVER want anything to do with him again, just grab ahold of your cahones with both fists and TELL HIM THAT, just tell him to shut up and go away, and MAYBE he'll finally figure it out and leave you alone.  

If you're more sadistic than that, however.......and lemme tell ya, the whole Dominant thing with a little sadistic edge really turns me on.....ahem.....(wink)....then just let him stew in his own juices from now on, never acknowledge him, never answer him, never let him bait you, never reunite with him as a friend OR in a "farewell tour" of Journey....just never allow him to enter your life or your thoughts again.  

Some people you can "kill with kindness."  Not Neal though.  Neal doesn't understand that. IGNORING HIM will be the thing that gets him.  It will gnaw at him, it'll grow like a cancer inside him.  He's really quite simple to figure out that way.  

If that is your plan, well, more power to ya, and nobody can ever say he doesn't deserve it.

.............I was going to put some photos of my newly decorated living room here for you tonight, but this seemed more important.  The election is over, the world is now turning in the right direction again, the FUBAR aspect--at least for now--is null and void. 

Neal needs to give up, go home, take care of HIMSELF, do the soul-searching that he's never known how to do, otherwise he's headed for some major nasty problems that won't ever go away.  I wish I could tell him these things, to warn him.  But, when a person makes his own bed, that person then has to learn to lay in it, and sometimes they even die in it.

On that note, I'm going to bid you a fond adieu for the evening.  I love you. You are blessed in this life, Stephen, never forget that.  You are adored, you are cherished, and you are awesome.  You're also OLD, and that NEW ALBUM OF YOURS ISN'T HAPPENING YET. 

(Did you REALLY think I was going to say goodnight without razzing you again)?!!!  HA!!!  Not a chance.  No way.  I gotta give you some shit sometimes, ya know?  You love it too. I know you do.  GRIN!!  Now GET BUSY AND GET THAT STUPID THING DONE FOR CRIPES SAKE, don't MAKE me come over there and give you a noogy...cuz I would add a wet willy too.  And you REALLY don't WANT one of those.

Love, Rebecca


Neal Schon
Robert Knight

 Neal Schon has earned a number of accolades during his long career in Journey, but in a new interview the guitarist says he’s not that interested in resting on his laurels, preferring to look to the future.
“I seldomly look back,” Schon tells Vince Tornado of News Talk 610 WTVN (quote via Blabbermouth). “I’m always looking forward. It’s great to have accomplished whatever we’ve accomplished . . . it’s really gratifying, but really honestly, I look forward. I’m always looking forward and trying to conquer new things within the band, and just keep us active and keep us playing well.”
Outside of Journey, Schon is keeping active with the release of a new solo album titled ‘The Calling,’ which he recorded directly on the heels of ‘Eclipse,’ Journey’s most recent studio effort. “I had such a good time in the studio, I decided to stay in there,” the guitarist reveals. “It was really just a fun, fast experience. It really was one of those type of albums — I haven’t done a lot of them — that were just kind of off-the-cuff, and you just kinda walk in and make things up.”
Schon recently became engaged to reality TV star Michaele Salahi, with whom he has conducted a very public affair that has drawn widespread criticism. He says he doesn’t care about anybody who attacks their relationship online. “I don’t pay attention to it anymore,” he states, adding, “We’re great. We’re moving on, and I think everyone else should, too, and get a life. Get a job and get a life.”

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