Mmmm sexy...

Mmmm sexy...
The man is a gorgeous sexy BEAST!! I just want to eat him up!!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Obama, another 4 years, whew.

Hi Steve,

Well, the people of our country have spoken loud and clear, Obama is still President, and THANKFULLY my faith in humanity has been restored.  I was sick to my stomach all day yesterday, wondering if people would disappoint me worse than ever before by electing Mitt Romney.  I think most everybody could see that he was very wrong for the leader of our country.  I mean, the latest gaffe was that he couldn't even accurately state FOR SURE that New Jersey was the state most hard hit by Hurricane Sandy at a fundraiser.  Come on.  There is just no excuse for that.  "I think it was New Jersey, right?" Good Lord.  He lives in a bubble of luxury and privilege, and has no connection whatsoever to the real world that everybody ELSE lives in.  I find him to be a very sad excuse for a human.  I'm very very glad that he lost.

Having said that, what do you wanna bet he'll try again in 2016?  Do you think people's attitudes will change for the worst by then?  Do you think women's rights will definitely be eroded to the point of no return by then?  What is in store for all of us for the next four years?  Nobody knows.  But I am HOPING that it'll be good for everyone, especially now that more Democrats are in the Senate.  I think perhaps Obama will get a LOT more done now, knowing that he'll have more cooperation from them than he ever did from the Republicans in the House that he has to work with.

All I know is, it feels to me like we ONLY have 4 more years of hope and promise ahead, but after that point, the world may fall into the abyss.  But, hey, if the Mayans were right, we won't have to worry about it at all after next month.

I have been working very hard today to change furniture from one room to another, and lemme tell ya, we have ONE stubborn doorway that simply won't BUDGE when you try to shove a 7 foot couch through it.  We actually had to sort of BEND a wooden framed couch and mash it through the door frame (dinging it quite badly), in order to get the damned thing in the room.  It took us 2 hours.  I was so peeved, I said, "Just BREAK the stupid thing, I don't care, it's 20 years old, maybe THEN I can get a new one!"  So we stuffed it and twisted it, and shoved it and just beat it into submission.

The weird thing?  The furniture in the smaller living room now looks BRAND NEW and much nicer in the bigger living room, and the black futon and chaise lounge look really NICE in the smaller living room too!  They still are a bit wrong for the decor, (earth tones and nature), but ok, I can live with it.  I told Pete that I would compromise, and wait awhile to replace those, IF I could buy sofa covers to put over them in the meantime.  He was cool with that.

Heyyyyy today I got an item I ordered from some chick in Michigan who makes these really cool purses out of vinyl LP of course, I had to have CAPTURED as my new purse.  I already have Frontiers and a 45 version of Open Arms as a purse, so this one just had to be in my collection too.  I'm a sucker for purses.  I'm also a sucker for Journey junk.  Even now.  Sigh.  You'd THINK by now, I would have outgrown this stuff.  Sometimes all I can do is facepalm myself.

Well, I'm off to bed.  It's been a long day, but the decorating is nearly done.  I will take some more pictures when it's all finished, and share them here with you.  This weekend Pete and I are off to Washington DC again, for the LF&P event, (Leather, Fetish and Play).  We're staying overnight.  He is going to invite some of our friends there to a party that he wants to have HERE at our house the weekend of New Years Eve (which is also his birthday weekend).  Soooo, I am trying to get this house in shape and beautified before then.  I really need to get my bedroom figured out, though, and organized. I have clothes everywhere.  (Not enough closet space).

I hope you have breathed a sigh of relief at the election results, and even though the stock market wavered (it always does after an election), I think we are all in for a much brighter 4 years ahead.

Bye for now.  I love ya, silly Stevie, the "new album" procrastinator extraordinaire...  *WINK*

SOMEBODY'S gotta razz ya about that, might as well be me.

Love, Rebecca

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